How to woo a Pisces woman?
I desperately need to know how to woo a Pisces girl. Need yall help!
this is the craziest thing! For some reason, it like I'm magneticly(sp) drawn to her. It doesn't matter where she located at work, at the end of the day, we meet up and talk a hole in each others head. She is the ultra-feminine women: big attentive eyes, slim body, long legs, great smile,etc. The best part about her is the she is very submissive. Not submissive like doing what everyone tells her(that part of it), but submissive like accepting whats around her without asking or wanting much change.
I'm just to chicken to ask her out(according to the Capricorn forum, I'm not the only Capricorn man with this problem). My dad always said that you can tell your chances with a women by looking at her past boyfriends(and she has plenty!!). According to that logic, I have no chance in hell. Her boyfriend have all been light-skinned, tall playboys who are the riffraffs (no pun attended) of the world. They are either jobless, have one too many kids, alcoholics, weed-heads, or worse, abusive. For the life of me, how can a women so caring, so spiritual-like, and so cool end up with these low-lives? *sigh* I just I will have to just Let it Burn like Usher say.
I kinda know but then again it could be overexaggerated. Like she always go out of her way to get me to say hi to her. Example: She would walk by my area numerous of time taking quick glances at me. And if I don't speak, she say something like "boy, people sure do have an attitude today", "whats the matter with you today", or something similiar. But it is so hard for me not to even speak
Also when she talks to me, she can't hear nothing or nobody else. Our boss had to call her 6 times before she snapped out of it.
And the biggest thing is how submissive-like she is towards me. Like a couple of times during break when I asked her did she want me to get her a bite to eat, she'll say "no sir" or "yes sir". Or if I ask her to do something related to work, she will do it. No questions asked.
I don't if she likes me, or is that the way she is with all guys, or she that her nature. Because she had plenty of ex-boyfriends, so it could be game.
Do yall think that a sign that she likes me, or is that the way of the Pisces?
her birthday is March 7. she always brag about it like her sign is the best. I'm not too sure on how much into zodiac sign she is, but she is very proud of being a Pisces.
The biggest problem with taking her to lunch is 1. my demanding schedule(have 2 jobs and a full-time student) 2. her super-jealous boyfriend want even her out the house.
"would you really want a woman who establish a relationship with you by practicing infedility?"
I might. Especially if the boyfriend is a loser. Rumor has it that he had two kids before he met her. Besides, its not like I'm trying to marry her. Its just I have strong feelings for her and thinks she a really cool chick. Besides like I said earlier, she had one too many boyfriends(thats what she call them anyway) for me. Thats why for here on out, I'm dating only chicks 18 to 24 years old.
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
I hate this speculation game.
Thats what I'm thinking, that it might be infatuation. But if it is real, I do want to find out, and not wonder. I can't imagine holding back my feelings(whatever they may be) from another women because of her sorry-@ss unemployed boyfriend. Did it too many times before.
Its true that I think of her almost all the time, but I've did this before plenty of times. All it takes is for a chick to show her true colors, and all the infatuation and daydreaming about the girl will go away. Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
You have stand up for a very difficult task and I honestly think you are not gonna make it. Even I have very hard time reading a Pisces woman when things turn into cat and mouse game. Your best shot would be draw a thik line between your responsibilities to her and to yoursel when the right time will come. And keep in mind that Pisces people tae things very slowly.
I hope it will worth your time.
First of all, I would like to say thanks for the advice. Its been very refreshing to be able to express myself openly without worrying that my secret crush would be exposed.
Its either she chick is the real thing(spiritual, beautiful, caring, kind, calm, cool, submissive, ultra-feminine, and understanding) or this is the best head-game ever been played on me. Its been 5 months since I known her(she went to my high school when I was younger, but we never even talk to each other), and I see no sign of it being game.
And technically, its not infidelity if she doesn't have sex. Despite there's rumors that she did have sex with 2 other guys that worked with me, she denies having sex with anyone other than her boyfriend.
But the guy is so sorry. He doesn't allow her to go nowhere. When she does, he flips on her like he's her daddy. He also sometimes leave the house and leave her to look after the kids(1 is hers and 2 isn't) by herself. Its rumored that he hits her now and then. And worse of all, this punk doesn't even have a job. He sell drug, but for so reason, he never have money. She always asking me to borrow some money to get her something to eat.
Now, if you had feelings for a chick and heard all these bad things going on, would you stand idlely by and do nothing?
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
That's something she should want to change Riffaff.
I believe that she want change, but is scared to make it. I believe that she needs someone strong(pointing to myself) to help her make that decision. I believe she is scare of the punk. I'm not. I never seen the man before, but I doubt that he that super. Do you feel me?
But still, I need to know how to woo this girl. Yall may think she not worth wooing, but I believe otherwise. I believe that she could make anybody like her, even you braun!
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
Then as I said, take it slow. Eventually she will open up. I think it will be better if you act only if she verbally ask for your help. They are not fools Riffaff, they know where they stand. If she didn't made anything so far about him, then she has very good reason for it.
I do live in reality branh(sorry for misspelling your name). I don't know if the "I live in reality" comment was a shot at me, but I'ma take it like it wasn't. And reality is that I don't know if this girl is the real thing, I don't know if she even likes me, but what I do know is that I am feeling her. Her sensitivity and submissiveness is exactly what I need in my life right now. Whether she can give it to me or not, I don't know. But I do know that so far, so good. And I don't want to let her slip pass just because of a sorry-@ss man. I don't know if he(the boyfriend) really loves her or not. But if its real, he's going to have to handle competition. So, no matter how much you try to keep a chick in the house or scare her not to talk to other guys, men are still going to try to go after her.
I agree with Brahn. If she likes you, you'll know. As a pisces female I tend to abuse the attention I get from guys who like me, even if I dont like them. However, I let them know in SOME way that I'm not interested so that if they keep showering me with attention its on them.
"However, I let them know in SOME way that I'm not interested so that if they keep showering me with attention its on them."
Thats the problem. She haven't shown me any clue that she doesn't like me that way, but she also really shown no ACTUAL sign that she do. She flirts, plays, hit me(jokely), but thats it. She even ask me what I'm doing after work. I'll always tell her nothing and ask her why. She just shrug her shoulders or even say "just asking".
But she never took the bigger step(just like me). She never ask for my number or gave me her number, she never talked to me sexually, she never used the "seductive" voice on me, or no other definite sign that she likes me.
And the worse part about it is even if I do end up getting the nerve to ask her out and she says "no", i don't think my feelings for her would change. I don't just stop liking somebody just because they don't feel the same for me. I think that is so lame.
But anyway, back to my orginal question "HOW DO I WOO THIS GIRL?"
Signed Up:
Sep 24, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1169 · Topics: 38
hey riffraff
first of all, LISTEN TO BRANH. second, i just wanna say your never gonna get her and its too late to think of yourself as her knight in shining armour. i go through this situation 3-4 times a day. the best advice is to move on and find another woman. preferabbly a pisces woman who acts like her (there are plenty, trust me) without the baggage.
"But anyway, back to my orginal question "HOW DO I WOO THIS GIRL?"
since you asked i will tell you a way to get her but my best advice is to purchase a sniper rifle and kill her bf first. preferabble a McMillian Tactical .50 calibre sniper rifle.
ok heres the other option.(counting her stupid bf doesnt muck things up)
-act semi-sarcastic dont offend her with your sarcasm but use it lightly. if she says something dumb or sexual make a light joke on it.(this worked on this pisces girl i once knew)
"She even ask me what I'm doing after work. I'll always tell her nothing and ask her why. She just shrug her shoulders or even say "just asking"."
-dont say nothing. keep the sh*t flowing. say you got something to do. dont say what it is, just say something. keep the mystery. and show her you got something to do. if you say nothing then it shows your boring.
sometimes ask her why she wants to know what your up to.
thats the advice i can offer now i will tell you more, when you tell me more about what you two have been doing that particular day.
and finally i hate to lecture your a** but your walking aimlesslyinto a relationship that wont work. unless it was hollywood you have no chance in hell of getting her.NO CHANCE.
she LIKES you.(infatuation)
you LOVE her. (no matter what you tell yourself)
look the girl is bored with her current bf. BUT SHE WONT LEAVE HIM. BECAUSE if she was STUPID enough to like this character in the first place. SHE WILL ONLY LIKE GUYS LIKE HIM.
My advice pull out before her drug dealing BF shoots your a**
hers a better piece of advice. see that big black guy roaming these forums hecall himself branh. TAKE HIS ADVICE.
Signed Up:
Sep 24, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1169 · Topics: 38
allright bran
im saying your advice was correct. sadly i went to psychic and she said i have a libra ascendant but that still doesnt explain why i act like a scorpio. anyway im opt to take both sides of the situtation. its only because i was in riff's situtation a year ago.
"The world would be a better place if everyone shut up and listened to me. Febpisces, get at me baby, I want to see you use that cartwheel trick."
cocky branh?
what happened to impartial branh?
Signed Up:
Sep 24, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1169 · Topics: 38
their not so special
i either meet the:
aqua cusps who are always neurotic
the boring one word ones
the "only ambition is to be popular"
the dominatrix
the hitler B*tch
Signed Up:
Sep 24, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1169 · Topics: 38
i save myself from dating these girls prolly why ive been single for 3 years
oh well being an only child with a venus in aqua it doesnt matter much.
can i ask you something
do you think leo guys and gemini guys have low self esteem?
Signed Up:
Sep 24, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1169 · Topics: 38
"Gemini men can't stop whoring long enough to worry about silly things like self esteem. If they don't have a self esteem, they'll borrow it from someone else. Leo guys do have a low self esteem, but they'll never admit it. Leo guys are always short, so they are ripe for the Napoleon syndrome"
with the leo ive gotten into a fight with this august leo
his best friend is a july leo who tells me hes probably jealous at me becasue were frinds ive gotten into a fight with the august clown.
but that august leo around his friends can say the meanest sh*t to me. (not tat i care becasue hes so shy and scared around women it makes up for the fact he is a bragger.) but july leo said if he saw me alone and he was alone then he would say anything to me and bury his head.
Oh My...Brahn is a Brother! Anyhoo. I think you should just leave her alone....she's playing you for attention she isnt getting from her man. Plus I cant stand a flighty pisces female, they tend to give us a bad name. Thank goodness I'm highly evolved. You just got caught under her happens, but now you have to cut the net and free yourself MAN! Have you no PRIDE LOL!
Signed Up:
Mar 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
Riffraff i wish u da best.. but hey be careful.. i mean from all thats been said so far itz seemz shes playin wid ya hun.. so u betta watch out....u wont believe how manipulative people can be .. they can ACT for yearzzzzz and yearzzzzz wat they are NOT in reality.. so be careful...
Yes i admit pisces women are sweet ... i mean i have loadz of pisces friendz ..(they kindda get on gr8 wid us aquaz) but they are neva sure about wat they really want and as sum1 mentioned before that she might b testin' the waterz... and might leave u for sum 1 cooler... but i wish u all da luck in da world and hope u make da right decision....
well, there's no need to woo this girl anymore. she's been fired!! Apparently, her sorry-@ss boyfriend came to her job flipping because he wanted to go somewhere, but couldn't because he couldn't find a babysitter to watch the kids. So, he wanted her to leave work. Our boss told her that she couldn't leave because she left work early too many times this month alone. She left anyway. And the rest is history!
When I heard the news, I acted like I didn't care and she deserved it. But deep inside, I'm numb. I know there is a good chance I'll see her again, but I doubt it. My schedule and her situation isn't going to allow. A part of me is saying this is a good thing because I might have ended doing something stupid or something I regret. Another part of me is kicking myself in the @ss. *sigh*
Maybe this is a learning experience. Or maybe its a curse of mine to fall in love with women that I have no chance of getting because of their situation, or mine, or just because. Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
She had a boyfriend. She's not available. Period.
Signed Up:
Apr 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 238 · Topics: 27
mate-persue it at all costs
1.follow her home ( be discreet )
2.find out where she lives.( this shows commitment ) outside at night to show you love her, do not let her know yet though
3.wait for her to go to work ( now you are ready )
4.leave pornography at her door ( sign it with alias - romantic )
5.repeat this ( this will slowly get her in the mood as she will be reading it ) start calling her number and dont speak( u got the address and name )
7.repeat this for 7 nights
8.she is ready for you by now she is hot!!! i mean really hot, you put in the groundwork and the girl is yours...
9.shes ready for you .... knock at the door after shes read the latest mag you left her.
Ha...Ha...funny qee-kron. But on the real hang in there Riffraff. You seem to be a good man & deep down us Pisces ladies really desire that, but we do tend to gravitate towards losers much too often. If you ever cross paths with her again (& u probably will) cater to her romantic side. Nothing to extravagant, a simple rose or flower & perhaps something inspirational like a card or book would get her attention. We do love strong men, someone who will put us in our place from time to time but not all the time. We have to have our way sometimes. If you need anymore advice let me know. Good luck.
Listen riffraff.
My zodiac sign is pisces, my ascendant is pisces, heck... My chinese year is a rabbit, which is correspondend to the western sign, guess what? PISCES!
Since this is also the most feminine sign of all signs, i feel comfortable enough to advise you, to get AWAY from this woman. I mean, don't expect 'love'.
Trust me i've played these games she plays to get whatever i would need from men who i sense like me, for years, with all kinds of different men.
And you know what? --> It is as if we have a special radar for people's feelings. So we will KNOW in a split second if you have a crush on us. Asking you money to buy lunch, was just the last sign to me, that this woman might be using her ultra-feminine side combined with knowing what you feel, to get stuff like this. But note, that number 1 reason is always because she likes the feeling you are giving her...> wanted.
She likes the fact, another guy (no matter what number you are) likes her.
I'll bet ya she is a nice person inside, and knows what she is doing is wrong. But the excuse she's probably making for herself is that it is your fault you fall for it. Not using 'the seductive' voice is exactly what she uses to 'fool' herself, ?nd give you no reason to accuse her of seducting.
Cos she's subtile enough not to make a difference between being Unusually Extremly Friendly, and 'maybe it's just her nature'. FOr aLL, she very well might like you as a friend, but simply not in that way.
If you really want to 'woo' her. Do it for these reasons:
-just to play her game
-to test if she is being Extremly Nice or really wants you to 'save' her from her boyfriend
-and to save your pride
And do it this way:
SuRpriZz her by not responding to her when she says stuff like 'someone is moody today' or whatever she says to get your FULL attention.
YOU HAVE TO DO THIS AS SUBTILE AS POSSIBLE!!!! Don't go from being very kind and interested one day, to: 'why are you still here, can't you see i am working?' the next.
She has to get the idea you are slowly losing interest in her. That she is getting boring... It. WiLL. KiLL. HeR. and it's the best Test you can get to know if she really likes you in that way.
Remember, be as subtile as possible. And watch her lose it.
Marilyn Monroe (pisces) Ain't symbol for feminity for no reason.
If they are good-looking, BE WARE. can't say it enough.
I also agree with the other pisces women, We like real men. (yet also extremly attracted to losers who need our attention, pretteh weird :S)
Oh and i couldn't post it (250 characters max blabla).
I wanted to say, that this is also merely a pisces girl opinion. Strongly hope you are NOT of the guys she is driving crazy with these womanly abilities.
It's just that you sound exacltly like those men, i worked up. And the stuff you say about her seem to be the same way i worked them up.
Nevertheless, she has a boyfriend, so you should leave her alone only for that reason.
(man am i nosy or what)
oh god, she's been fired and you'll never see her again, Gosh. i feel rather stupid right now, exposin some piscean girls for no reason. man...
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
Signed Up:
May 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
Alright once again guys, if you are hevaily into astrology as I should know, you can't make a gerneal comment on all women, u can only dothat according to their zodiac sign
...From you have 1st hand knowldge like myself, with the helo of websites of course, that tell you EXACTLY what attracts each female zodiac sign ,you are set for life....If your a pisces of course 
P.S Pisces women are the easiest woman to get...for the main fact that pisces women LIKE saggis, don't really have a SET type, basing your chacnes off of their history of boyfriends is THE stupidest thing to is a KNOWN fact, that female pisces is more concerned with a guy's persoanlity than his looks Signed Up:
Apr 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2425 · Topics: 193
Eeehh - ummm - Nah - you must be hot or meza no go there - soz