i bite my nails

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by LilMermaid on Wednesday, April 18, 2007 and has 19 replies.
i bite my nails, and shake my leg all the time, even bite my cuticles when im nervous... is that something pisces or is that just me turning into a psychopath?
oh gosh, im headed for the nuthouse. i always knew that i was loonier than a tune.
i bite my nails everytime they grow... and i dont think twice about it. everytime i have grown my nails out, ive hurt myself somehow with them. i usually end up scratching my face or they break and bleed. i dont have time for any of that. just bite the suckers off and be done with it!
yes it's a nervous things. i shake my foot when my legs are crossed and my leg goes up and down when they are not crossed. and i drum my fingers too... or even my spoon if i have one in my hand. i twirl my hair around my finger sometimes and dare i say it, i chew my tongue... am i lost cause?
you guys dont think im crazy right? lol
oh im ALWAYS doing something physical... *wink wink wink* lol... okay let me stop...
you know what, that's odd because i hear everything when i am asleep too. i hear people's conversations and hear them walking. i hear everything... but when people are talking to me and im awake and they are talking low, i always say "HUH?"
yeah ive chewed my tongue since i was a kid. im full of bad habits. twirling the hair, chewing the tongue, biting the nails, shaking the foot, i eat and spit sunflower seeds. Yes! I admit it! I spit sunflower seed shells out and put them on a napkin til i have a big pile of them. im gross i know. all of this is part of my SSB... Secret Single Behavior.
okay okay, what if i wash my hands before i bite them? then could i still bite them? ive got dial antibacterial soap... the milk and honey kind...
At least you're not biting your toenails .. are you?
i used to bite my toenails when i was a kid... there, i said it! feel free to call the insane asylum now...im too far gone for help.
LMAO at LM - I use to bite my toe nails too as a child - I still can, I just chose not to now. I've also been a chronic nail biter and ALWAYS chew gum, in fact, making sure I have a packet of gum on me is nearly a phobia. Funny enough, my legs are shakin' right now as I'm at the computer; and I can never sit still, so LM if you are on the way to the asylum, make sure you swing around and pick me up on the way.
I'm catching up on all that has been posted and brining it all up again ...
I used to bite my nails heavily ... and found that it's when I'm nervous, anxious and worried that I do it. I have stopped, for now, I hope for a long time.
Ok, I know this may sound weird or whatever but I was watching an interview with Eva Mendes, a Pisces, she said that she bites her nails also.
An Aquarius I know used to bite his nails, has stopped. He said once: "Only intelligent people bite their nails" It did make me feel better, lol, but I'm sure that's why he said it.
An Aquarius I know used to bite his nails, has stopped. He said once: "Only intelligent people bite their nails" It did make me feel better, lol, but I'm sure that's why he said it.

he said to cover up,obviously.haahaa
I definately do get addicted to all the unhealthy habits ... the personality traits are true ... this is crazy and weird!! Lately I've taken control. Wheatgrass shots! Tongue
"...passive, needy and sensetive to rejection ." Ouch! Reality check! Check!
I LOVE sunflower seeds, and I am not sure when you say that you shew them and spit out the shells ... that is the only way to eat them ... to separate the shell which you discard and proceed on to chew the seed ... So there's nothing wrong with you there, or anywhere!
Yeah, I guess you're right ... well and the logic behind it and Freud. I definately knew it wasn't normal smile It's all behind me now smile I don't like perfection and being perfect/trying to be perfect ... I don't like that. Where's the fun in perfection?!
Freud's theory is flawed ... woooooooooooh!!!
Since when?
I have my moments but ... where have I been?
Well, good I'm glad that Freud's theory is flawed ... talking about all that stuff above making us all feel and look bad ... puh-leeeeeeeeeze Winking
(joking moment)
I rub my ankles together.
Anyone else do this?
I think I'm about to turn into a mermaid.
Actually, it's a superstitious thing. I rub them together for good luck. lmao
i do it too...lol its a nervous habit...