I(pisces) and my boyfriend(taurus) have been together for almost 4 months now and our relationship has been great so far. He used to be my best guy friend up until he confessed to me. I helped him through a lot the past year, I was always there when he wanted a shoulder to lean on and I loved him silently, while he kept loving his ex. When he got over her, as he told me he reallized ge loved me all along and that he was just stuck in the memory of his last relationship. Now he tells me that what he felt for his ex was nothing but childish feelings and that I was the one who thaught him what love trully means and that he has never felt something so strong for any of his exes. Anyway he texted me an hour or so ago and told me that he is going out for the night and that he will text me once he returns to his house. I asked him if he was going to hang out with his buddies and said no, someone else, and that he will tell me later. I believe he is going to meet his ex as he was acting kind of weird since the afternoon. His cousin, who comes to our town every weekend or so is best friends with his ex and she sometimes comes too, that's why I think he is going to meet her. I can't stop crying, thinking that he might reallize he still has feelings for her and that I was just someone he tried to forget her with. I don't know what to do. We are 18 by the way. plz give me some advice...
Signed Up:
Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
My advice is firstly to tell him straight up how you feel. Bulls are so jealous....If you did that to me? Told me you were going to meet a mystery person, after all that drama we've been through with one of your ex's? I would flip out. I would demand every detail. I would tell you that if you ever did that again, we are completely done. In fact, you would never get out the door of your own place (as my girlfriend or someone who claims to be in love with me) without telling me up front where you were going, who you were seeing, and for how long. Bulls demand respect and full disclosure when it comes to how our partners interact with the opposite sex, so he should completely understand that with you.
You have to have really strong boundaries with Taurus. You train us how to treat you. If you are passive and you let us get away with stuff like that, we will continue to do it because we assume you are pretty much not bothered by it. We are indulgent and will take our cake and eat it too if you allow it. You have to let him know where the line is, and that if he crosses it, there are going to be serious problems. And you have to be truly willing to put the relationship on the line to maintain some of those more crucial boundaries.
Signed Up:
Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
You don't have to feel bad for whoever I'm dating, because all of them have always demanded the same consideration from me. I don't think its every controlling or crazy to ask someone where they are going/what they are doing. I think its basic communication between any two people in a committed relationship, and there should be no more reason to be secretive about such a question than there is to be about "what are you eating for dinner?". Its also good to know in case anything goes wrong. We live in a world where bad shit happens every day. Its good to know where your loved ones are when you're the person closest to them. All of my relationships have been long-term - the majority of which are 4 yrs +. I have never been with any woman who wouldn't want to know who I was hanging with, or where I was going if I was going to be out all night. Maybe that's extreme with a 4 month dating scenario but these two have obviously been through a lot.
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
it's too cold to go for a walk. watch some videos, meditation, drink some hot chai tea or something.
put some cinnamon incense around the house,or vanilla, nice scents, clean your room ect, clean the bathroom - that's the tough job and when you start, you can't stop and you feel better that it's all squeaky clean, do things to keep you occupied. knit, sew, draw, color, make some christmas cards with some creativity. paint them, paste some stuff you drew, or sew. you can do lots of stuff, make astrology videos too if you want.
Signed Up:
Aug 22, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 407 · Topics: 16
Just gonna say this and let it be. You BOTH need to see a relationship counselor because nobody here can advise you. I say that because only heads has been presented when there is another side to this issue(s) that hasn't been mentioned. That said, how could you possibly be advised right now? Seek a different medium.
You knew this guy before you got into a relationship with him. Im sure you observed his behaviors. Was he faithful to other women he was involved with? Do you trust him?
It's okay to have a panic moment but don't over think it or freak yourself out. Don't get ahead of yourself. You however do deserve to know who he was with, as his current gf, and I would suggest asking him and suggest that next time he tells you before hand, instead of after the fact.
I personally have stayed in contact with my ex's over the years. I however would never go back to any of them. They're my ex's for a reason.
Signed Up:
Apr 26, 2013Comments: 4942 · Posts: 19297 · Topics: 148
text him that you're on to something and he'd better behave or the fires of hell will rain on his ass.
Don't be too verbose, he'll fill up the blanks.
First of all thanks to everyone for the advice. I trully appreciated it. I am calmer now, no tears no anger, just... I don't know. I talked to him last night. He texted me a little before midnight. I asked him with who he had decided to hang out with and he hesitated to answer and then game me a simple "I was out with my parents" answer. He then changed the sunject immediately.
Signed Up:
Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
If something doesn't add up or make sense or if something sets my insecurity off, I turn into the 20 questions chick. I just pop out one question after another. Lol just waiting for a slip up with their story.
>>>HHahahaha...hell yes. Rapid fire interrogation, generously sprinkled with sarcasm.