We have been dating 6 months liked each other for a year. Everything was great until I asked him about why he lied about a woman that brought him a gift. The lie was silly and as a follow up I asked him if there was something he needed to sort out I would take a step back and I would wait and I also asked if he slept with her. He didn't answer (she came to the house). Anyway I thought that was the end of it. He then accuses me of searching through his ipad. I denied it. Which was the truth. Apparently the ipad page was open on some messages from the girl which confirms what I knew. Plus I had access to the ipad as I was taking care.of his son who was playing with it. I explained to him that I didn't need.to.search that the lies he told.me highlighted all of the inconsistency. A week later he broke up with me saying he couldn't look at me not knowing if he could trust me. I highlighted that ive never shown any insecurities never searched through his things. He said he would live to try again but can't. He also let me know that he very much loves me and.so does.his children.
I was heart broken and I mean real pain. How does he find it so easy to walk away I was in the process of.moving to his state to start our life together. I moved my pet from my state to his.
He ignores my txts and.calls and acts.as though I dont.matter. Some of my clothes are still in his home he said I can leave them there as they aren't in his way and he will look after my pet until I sort myself out.
I'm so emotional right now I can't think straight can you guys tell me what happened.