I just wanted to get a few opinions. I met up with this Pisces man twice and at first he was so into getting to know me and wanting to connect and then all of a sudden no call, no text, no response to my text no nothing. There was no sex or anything of the sort... So I guess I just need to move on right? I really liked his conversation so I'm a little bummed but I just want to know if he has just lost interest
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
Yes move on and listen, don't make this personal, men (some of them/a lot of them) are just curious about a woman and it's not even about you on a personal level.
A lot of men are just dating because it's fun and they enjoy dating a variety of women and a lot of men don't really have a plan nor a strategy as to what they want and with whom they want it with.
It's really not about being into you or not being into you, he's just having fun so don't take it as rejection or as something lacking in you that would cause him to disappear, they disappear because a lot of men (especially the immature ones) don't take meeting women, dating women serious.
Some men are going through life meeting a variety of women and moving on quickly to avoid settling down because the goal isn't to meet someone and settle down with her, the goal can sometimes be more about the experience of having fun and having options.
Thanks for the input you guys
Signed Up:
Oct 02, 2008Comments: 252 · Posts: 2563 · Topics: 68
There is no excuse for treating women like shit.
I'm going through something similar. The only thing is I have a little hope because I heard that Piscex men don't like to initiate contact. There's a trick to pursuing them. You have to be nonchalant and soft without coming off as too aggressive. So I've been told. _???
But you still want to know that they're interested, too, just like me. But how?
These men are so complicated and I as a Pisces woman don't even understand it. Lol
Well, I have just been dating a Pisces and whenever we are together things seems to be idyllic. Last time he took me for a coffee then we ended up in his apartment, made lunch for me, later on we got to the thermal bath and in the afternoon we went for a walk in a botanic garden... but because he had to attend a meeting at 5, we said goodbye and I wrote him at the night that it was a nice day... no answer since then... although it happened 3 days ago...
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May 01, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 2977 · Topics: 102
and lol @ the replies of all the scorned & bitter chicks
he could've nailed her and THEN stop talking to her, because judging from her post, she seems capable of being gullible & and naive enough to fall for it..
so she should be happy he lost interest..more then likely it was her fault anyway
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
I totally agree that there is no excuse for treating women like shit but that doesn't change how some men behave.
The reality is men spend much less time than women thinking about their attractions, connections and intentions with women--their inner world--love, feelings, attraction, and connections with women is not a huge part of their development and if he's not entirely CONNECTED to his own inner world surely he won't be connected to the idea that he may be hurting someone on an emotional level nor would he have a huge investment in the attraction he feels for women, instead he's enjoying moment and when that moment is over he's moving on to the next moment with the next person.
Just because a woman's idea of "connecting" means a long evening of deep conversation and sharing of feelings, or being in constant contact it doesn't mean it's his idea way of connecting which is why so many men are ignoring women when women need to connect, it can literally be exhausting for a man to give that much of his time to what she needs in order to feel reassured and secure.
A lot of women don't understand male psychology thus we vilify them. A lot of us don't even understand how men are biologically programmed to behave in society so we get our feelings hurt and become bitter over something that was not intentional and was not meant to hurt us.
90 percent of mens goal could be summed up as "stay single until I find some reason to settle down." But most men don't have any earthly idea of what makes a good reason to settle down. They just know how they feel when they're around a woman....and if they want more of that or not.
Men don't intentionally go around hurting women. They don't wake up and say I'm going to hurt so and so today. They just do what they want to do and they do what feels right for them. What they do may hurt/can hurt a woman but a man isn't going to fix her feelings just because she's hurt by doing what he wants to do.
Men are not interested in fixing a womans hurt feelings, he's not interested in being connected with her when she wants to be connected, it's not his job to fix/change her feelings especially if he's not emotionally, mentally, physically invested in her. He is not obligated to connect in the way she need to connect so he won't connect and instead he'll ignore her.
His absent behavior is his words. His hot and cold behavior is his words. His connecting and then dropping the connection by ignoring her/not respo
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
What the fuck is the matter with you people?
This is a situation where a woman has met a guy TWO fucking times.
2 !!!!
And it is said in the OP that he seemed interested in getting to know her .. that means, he doesn't know her, she doesn't know him .. there just appeared to be an interest in maybe getting to know her.
He hasn't done a goddam thing to her except decide whether or not he has interest in someone. Which is his fucking right as human being. He didn't use her, he abuse her ..... he didn't do anything
And all you bitches in here talking trash about him and his character .... really?
wtf ????
parasite? and then bitches agreeing with that?
he didn't fucking do anything. There's nothing to move on from. You all act like she's being unfairly ditched by this guy who barely said "hello" for christs sake.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
treating like shit?
You say "hello" to a guy twice, and make eyes, have cup ... and now you bitches put expectations on him, and if he doesn't adhere to her emotional insecurities then he's a parasite, and treating her like shit.
Do you read what you write? Do you fully acknowledge what you say?
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
he didn't abuse her
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
To answer your question:
No, he's just not into you. There's no moving there, because there was never a "here" to move from. He's not any of the things these women are projecting onto you. He's a dude who checked you out and decided to pass on you.
No reflection on you, nor him. shfcs
Why are you asking? Are you looking for someone to tell you how to convince him in giving you some bones, so that you'll feel pity loved?
Are you that starved for attention? .... or is this thread in place for you get people to attack his character so that you can use that as a cover, so you don't have to face the truth that you were passed on?
What the hell is the matter with people? Are you THAT emotionally insecure?
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
His absent behavior is his words. His hot and cold behavior is his words. His connecting and then dropping the connection by ignoring her/not responding to her is his words but women don't listen, they see these guys being half ass, half way in and out of their lives and they still stick around for more of the same crappy behavior.
We women can't fix a mans issues so he'll open up and show his emotional side (the emotions are hidden for a reason and knowing that reason makes a ll the difference in succeeding with a man or failing with a man), nor can we change them by loving the so called bad boy devil out of them, we can't convince them to change by doing nice girlfiend behavior, we can't convince them to change by subjugating ourselves, we can't convince them to love us and be with us by displaying all of our wonderful attributes in hopes that he'll see the light and stop resisting nor can we change them by constantly trying to communicate our feelings.
And just because a woman feels chemistry and attraction for a man does not mean it's reciprocal. Some men do get excited over the new woman and he may initially appear attracted to a woman but that does not automatically mean he's going to take it somewhere to another level and continue on with her. Some men don't know what the next level is. Some men are not interested in the next level.
If a man has half ass one foot in and one foot out shitty behavior then put you and your feelings first by acknowledging you're still showing up for the same crap. Start by being totally honest yourself about yourself by proclaiming to yourself what you're settling for or waiting for or hoping for. The reality check can give a woman the confidence perspective to leave or stay.
Men can only get away with what we allow them to get away with. If a woman remains in contact with a man that has displayed poor behavior and she's still interested in him then she's partly the problem too because her displaying interest in a guy who doesn't have his shit together is ENCOURAGING and ENABLING the behavior to continue.
There are toxic, unavailable, emotionally disconnected men that choose to be bad, they do exist but most men are good men that hope they'll meet that one cool girl that "gets it."
Disclaimer: I am not speaking for all men nor am I speaking for all women.