I really like this one

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by pisces on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 and has 23 replies.
he Twelfth House
ign of Pisces Ruling Planet Neptune
The twelfth house is the key to everything that has gone before. It is the accumulated (subconscious, which abstracts meaning from the past and builds a foundation into the future. It is the residuum of ultimate values. The twelfth house is the end of the road where we find ourselves after having passed through all the other phases of living. As the end of everything (prior to suggesting a new beginning in another cycle) it holds the secrets of life and the hidden or subconscious motivations of any life that may follow. It also holds the secrets of past lives that may have preceded this one. Obviously, it is the least-understood area of the horoscope and, understandably, the area most frightening to ordinary mortals.
PISCES, the symbol of universal understanding, is the natural sign of the twelfth house. Its element is EMOTIONAL, and its position is MUTABLE and forgiving. Its character gathers from the past and blends with the future. The quality is spiritual and immaterial. The form is vague and extended. The strength of Pisces is based on spiritual faith, while the Sagittarian faith is more of an emotional conviction. Pisces resists rational applications as such. Pisceans are often able to carry on in spite of all material obstacles. They always see beyond, behind and underneath what others are pointing at.
NEPTUNE is the natural ruler of Pisces and the twelfth house. Because Neptune is completely immaterial, its presence or effect can be deceiving. This leaves open the opportunity for people to attribute to Neptune what they want to see. There is no guarantee who is right and who is wrong. The effect of Neptune is to suggest and then fade away. It is up to the one who has received the "revelation" to fit the pieces together and supply his own interpretation.
I have Jupiter in Pisces inside my 12th House. Since the 12th is the house of sorrows, secrets and self-undoing, Jupiter is supposed to be very beneficial there.
No, Shaka, sorry, but you are definately wrong. Actually it's the (exact) opposite. Jupiter is the planet of luck and optimism, thus wherever it touches is definately beneficial.
Here's a transcript of an astrological portrait i had done professionally many years ago.
"Jupiter, the expansive, was found influencing the twelfth house at the time of birth. You are a rather lucky and fortuante person. Most of the sorrows and disappointments that other people suffer will not touch you. Your expansiveness seems to break through the limitations on orthodox behaviour without offending those who hold to convention. Your inner life is rich and healthy, with vast psychological resources. You are inclined to be affable and kind, as well charitable."
I have read too that Jupiter in Pisces is like having an angel constantly by your side. It can almost be likened as a "live-saver." People with this placement are actually lucky to be around. (so if you're in a car accident, pray you are with a Jupiter Piscean..lol) Jupiter in Pisces brings out all the (best) qualities in Pisces. ..as it would for any sign.
"restrained expansion" = vast psychological resources. What's better than having a rich 'inner' life. Come to think of it, i've also heard Jupiter in Pisces is the placement of the true 'mystic' or much interest and expansiveness with occult or spiritual matters.
"diminished optimism" ..i don't believe that for a New York minute, at least not for me..lol This fish has never been depressed, one day...lol I am the exact opposite.
Hey, thanks for that bijou.. *however, the second version fits me much much better. Thus for me, is true. s*
Sooo, once again .. You are not right, Shaka! Winking ..ha ha! I'll take professional advice over a generic website anytime.. smile
hmmm, i think you're stretching it somewhat, Shaka.. i only write what i truly "feel." If it's happy and optimistic, than that's a good thing. I'm a proud, optimistc person, nothing wrong with that. Not everyone has problems in their lives..lol i like to concentrate and dwell on the positive facts of astrology more than the negative.
(btw, i have talked about my oppositions and other aspects, but when an astrologer says something that is not me, then i must speak up, what else am i to do? It's the real everyday people that are living astrology.) i know, there really are some good websites out there, as well as sound professionals. Jupiter in Pisces has been a great aspect in my life, sorry .. 'i don't wear rose-colored glasses either, that's not me..lol i am very aware of all the negativity in the world. I just choose not to be part of it.
"Btw, there are "some" websites out there that are serious and more reliable than some cheap "professional" adviser who's interest is only to tell you what you want to hear and make you want to hear even more, which means of course more money for them.."
anyways, my natal reports were all very insightful, and gave both positive and negative aspects. It would be a pretty dumb astrologer to only give you what you want to hear..lol i also had one astrologer who did all his own independant research, and he was spot-on. He said certain things you would never find elsewhere. I especially found it helpful what he said about my Venus. He gave words to what i've been feeling, believing and living. Since then i've taken a couple astrology courses, and have learned so much about myself and others. Another benefit of astrology is how it can teach compassion and tolerance for others.
Hi, sagigoat, s* Here's a lil info. for you.
Jupiter in Scorpio is a very powerful influence on willpower and personal magnetism. If you have this Jupiter position you tend to be successful in artistic work. And many excel at ferreting out hidden information. This would make you an excellent psychiatrist, researcher, politician, or security agent in government. Luck comes to you through your strong attraction for the opposite sex. Often the door is opened to career and financial opportunity because of sexual liasons. Scorpio is the sign of death and regeneration, and Jupiter in this sign promotes skill in medicine, surgery and therapy. You possesss shrewdness in money matters, and many of you have a Midas touch for picking lucrative investments. Sometimes you benefit from inheritances during your lifetime.
Your luckiest times of the year are when the Sun is in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. Also Jupiter transiting your first house ascendant; this is a very lucky time as well. The closer to degree the better. As Jupiter is the planet of luck and optimism, you will therefore possess all the more favourable, positive qualities of Scorpio. Those born with a "scorpio sun" will likely feel a very natural, friendly rapport with you.
You're very welcome, sagigoat.. smile
"I'm seeing a scorpio and his Jupiter is Capricorn. Does that mean I feel a very natural, friendly rapport with him too?"
Yes, very much so! Actually great Jupiteran duality here; you mirror each other's better qualities!
"And our composite chart has ascendant, moon and Neptune in scorpio in 1st house (in case it matters, composite chart has sun & Jupiter in sagi in 2nd house). Does that mean luck comes to us when we are together?"
As a couple Neptune will definately give you a sense of mystery and glamour. Composite scorpio ascendant - an intense passionate, sexxy union - (power couple, perhaps?) =)
"sun & Jupiter in sagi in 2nd house"
I can see potential for great reserves financially together; you may tend to attract money; but still, it may come and go out of your lives rather quickly, so an ounce of caution here. So together, you may definately have that special talent for financial dealings. In addition, you both man benefit as well, through social contacts; perhaps abroad as well. So traveling or the travel industry may be another source of wealth. You are honest, generous visionaries; however, again caution toward too much extravagance, materialism, or carelessness. (although i don't see this as much of a problem with your own cappie sun.)
*So far, looking very* positive; you have some real nice points together, best of luck! =)
hey outcast, a lil guru info for you too. s* =)
12th House Libra 7?55'53 ; assuming you therefore have Jupiter in Libra:
Jupiter in Libra bestows a magnetic and charming personality. Luck comes to you through your artistic talents and your eye for beauty and harmony. Many of you are talented musicians, painters, interior designers, and art collectors. You have a knack for getting your talent on display and winning friends in high places. You like to entertain, and many of your allies are won in the relaxed and genial atmosphere you are able to create. More than any natives of any other Jupiter position, you benefit from marriage. Marriage often brings social position and wealth, and sometimes an entree into the business world. Jupiter-Librans are most successful in partnerships; you should never start a business completely on your own. Your finely balanced reason and impartiality would make you an excellent judge, lawyer, or diplomat.
Your luckiest times of the year are when the Sun is in Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius. As Jupiter is the planet of luck and optimism, you will therefore possess all the more favourable qualities of Libra. Those born with a "Libra Sun" would most likely feel a very natural, friendly rapport with you.
Also, your Libra house cusp (which is the 12th for you) is where you crave and desire fairness and balance in your life. So this would mean all matters pertaining to the 12 House.
There seems to be 'alot' of 12th house planets in this thread, myself included, so i may as well post some extra important info on the 12th.
The 12th House is probably the most misunderstood of the twelve astrological houses, I think, partly because most of the traditional astrology books written during the Age of Pisces were infected by a victim virus, or martyr meme. This is no blanket statement about Pisces Sun people but a reference to the shadow of a two-thousand year epoch of Christianity and its crucified man-god.
I do think the 12th house can represent the neurosis of self-stabbing victimization as long as the innate conditions of this House are misunderstood and complicated into problems that do not actually exist. The innate 12th House conditions I refer to are universal human conditions of solitude, being lost in the wilderness and unity with Source.
SOLITUDE. Planets in the 12th house refer to aspects of our experience that require serious withdrawal and alone time to access. Solitude, as opposed to lonliness, expresses the gratifying element of being alone. Alone, as in all one; all alone. Solitude is a universal condition that not every personality is comfortable with, unless they have 12th house planets. For example, a person with a 12th house Uranus may not know true freedom without solitude.
LOST IN THE WILDERNESS. Being lost expresses an innate, universal human condition. Whosoever espouses doctrine that claims they know where humans came from or why we are here is an, albeit good intentioned, LIAR. Bottomline is it's all unknown: we don't know why we're here. A lot of people cannot live with that uncertainty and resort to complex systems of thought, belief, religion and yes astrology, to fabricate a sense of purpose where none exists. Being lost is not a problem; it's central to the human condition. Making it a problem can feed the martyr complex that eats that suffering. Another way of reframing this sense of "lostness" is aimless wandering, or "wu wei" (google it).
UNITY WITH SOURCE. The experience of cosmic unity, or oneness with all of existence, refers to a deep human need for gnosis, or direct knowledge of God. The cause of much human suffering stems from being cut off and divided from Source by the self-imposed borders, divisions, boundaries society (we) create in an attempt to organize and control the chaos of real life.
~continued ..
People with 12th house planets need a little, or a lot more, of this natural chaos in their lives and tend to shy away from and/or avoid any externally imposed categorizations that theaten their experience of deep unity.
FOR THOSE WITH 12th HOUSE PLANETS: To the degree you have made a problem out of any of the above conditions (or have bought into society's problems about them), you may have unwittingly pathologized the 12th House and are suffering from the victim virus. No blame; it is not your fault. If you can reframe the 12th house conditions in context to universal human conditions -- rather than as problems that need to be solved -- you can begin healing the split within you and restoring your humanity.

source: http://astronuts.tribe.net/thread/f710fed2-3a74-4169-b22a-466034b667ee

"Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived."
William Butler Yeats
Jupiter (Taurus on the ascendent) & Venus (in Aries) both in the 12 house in my chart.
My Jupiter is in Pisces in the 5th house. I have Uranus in Scorpio in the 12th. If Jupiter in Pisces is lucky, then I haven't noticed it. I'm a pretty unlucky person. Maybe the house placement cancels it out or something. I'm going to have to research this.
SS I'll lend you some of mine!
"Jupiter on the Ascendant:
You are a larger than life character. Whatever else happens to you, you definitely seem to get more than your fair share of good luck. This often comes in the shape of the right person at the right time."
I have to say, someone up there or out there or whatever likes me, my friends laugh because I always land on my feet. No matter how things bad get for me a light seems to shine out of nowhere and I'm suddenly given whatever it is I need at that point in time!

I need help too I dont understand nothing of houses and stuff lol Some one can enlight me.
Thanks smile
Sun Pisces 20.26 Ascendant Taurus 8.50
Moon Aries 18.58 II Gemini 8.33
Mercury Aries 1.40 III Cancer 1.08
Venus Aries 2.07 IV Cancer 22.43
Mars Cancer 22.46 V Leo 17.51
Jupiter Gemini 26.41 VI Virgo 22.15
Saturn Leo 25.20 R VII Scorpio 8.50
Uranus Scorpio 16.14 R VIII Sagittarius 8.33
Neptune Sagittarius 18.18 IX Capricorn 1.08
Pluto Libra 16.01 R Midheaven Capricorn 22.43
Lilith Cancer 5.54 XI Aquarius 17.51
Asc node Libra 5.59 XII Pisces 22.15
The planetary positions in the houses express the facts relative to destiny.
Planets in the houses
Sun in XI
Moon in XII
Mercury in XII
Venus in XII
Mars in IV
Jupiter in II
Saturn in V
Uranus in VII
Neptune in VIII
Pluto in VI
Lilith in III
Asc node in VI
LOL, you're welcome outcast and sagigoat .. =)
..btw, if anyone wants to know their personal anger style , or what annoys them, check out your Mars sign and any applying aspects; it might help give some extra insight, if your curious. s*
Try having a mars in Scorpio...Fuckin headache...You constantly want to battle..Its so aggressive...
But I love it.
Mars in Pisces = the power (Mars) to appeal to the emotions (Pisces) of others.
This is me smile
Sun 15? 50' Pisces in 1. house
Moon 03? 18' Scorpio in 8. house
Mercury 15? 48' Pisces in 1. house
Venus 29? 24' Aries in 2. house
Mars 01? 55' Virgo in 7. house
Jupiter 03? 46' Virgo in 7. house
Saturn 24? 42' Virgo in 7. house
Uranus 26? 15' Scorpio in 9. house
Neptune 22? 05' Sagittarius in 10. house
Pluto 21? 14' Libra in 7. house
Vertex 17? 09' Virgo
East Point 12? 47' Pisces
When the Jupiter in the Virgo
If Jupiter is in Virgo the native's purpose is likely to be idealistic but within an orderly structure The native enjoys a fortunate vocational setup. He/she as a rule likes his/her work, and it gives him/her satisfaction and rewards.
When the Mercury in the Pisces
This is one of the most deceptive and gullible position for Mercury. Confusion can be avoided if the native pays attention to detail. This person must seek his/her own inner counsel and carefully do his/her own research, which may lead to many frustrations and setbacks before he/she has the matter right.
When Cancer in The 11-th House
The eleventh house placement of any key or controlling factor is generally a happy and fortunate pattern. It does require, however, that the native seeks his/her focus or outlet in group associations or by joining with others of sympathetic intent as the most advisable way for him/her to content him/herself. Friendships are never taken lightly. So, there is a very discriminating attitude toward selecting those to whom this native become close.
When Virgo in The 1-th House
This native is a born perfectionist in all that he/she assumes or undertakes. He/she appears detailed, organized, disciplined, objectively critical and sincerely desirous to fill a need or augment a service to which he/she feels obligated. The Virgo contribution, such as it is, may not be exactly what others feel they want or need. Virgo considers his/her opinion on this to be superior generally because Virgo is objective and knows what he/she is doing and the best way to go about it. There is always a tendency to focus on what is in the immediate present, often neglecting to form a vision for the future. Such person will feel comfortable living in a world of facts and he/she will tend to arm him/herself with intellectual awareness to combat natural feelings of insecurity. The uncontrollable point is in getting others to appreciate the real value of the Virgo contribution with its sense of "perfected details."

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