If you could do it all over again

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Orion on Saturday, September 2, 2006 and has 6 replies.
Say if you had another shot at a relationship with someone you still consider special, what would you do differently?
Never say I love you, no matter, how much they said it lol
commit to a relationship...
Situational,depends on which relationship it was and each one has its own things that needs fixing.All 3 of my serious relationships i've remained friends with the guys and are still special in thier own way.My current boyfriend even,we ended up getting back together and now know being apart from each other makes us grow apart.When together we can't keep our hands to ourselves,its weird and moody:S

another shot at a relationship with someone you still consider special, what would you do differently?
i dont want another chance...im happy with all my breakups.. dont ever wanna get back with any of those guys i dated TongueTongueTongue
Trust my instincts.