Alrighty people, so this is how my story looks like so everyone can jump in later to help me on this.
He (the Pisces) and I were both foreign students in the States and we both first met each other in the Maths class. At the first time, I didn't find him attractive at all even though he was very good-looking back then, slowly I fell in love with him because he once rejected a flirty girl, that was the time I really admired him for refusing somebody but of course, he still maintained the friendship with that girl.
The feelings that I got for him becoming stronger and stronger, and somehow, I felt that that Pisces guy did like me too. There were 3 times that he confused me so much:
One day he decided to sit behind me in the Math class and I thought he wanted to talk to his friend but he actually poked my waist multiple times, and that made my Maths teacher unhappy. The second time was when we both walked in the school hall, and it was raining really hard outside and I held the door for him because he was the last one who got out of the class, he smiled to me when I held the door for him then I left him first to go back to the locker, then all out of sudden, he suddenly grabbed and pulled my waist to him like he was trying to hug me from behind, I was so shocked and almost screamed in the silent school hall. My face went red so I picked up everything and ran down quickly. The third time happened in the library, I was doing the homework and he suddenly appeared and walked towards me since his friend was sitting beside me to finish his work too, but when his friend left the library, he still sat there and said not a word to me. My mind went crazy so I left to the toilet to hope that he might leave the seat, but he was still sitting beside my chair saying nothing at all. He made my mind go crazy.
After high school, we were apart because he went back to his country to continue his education and I still stayed in the States to finish my studying there. For a long time later, I found out he got himself a new girlfriend and that really upset me. However, I tried to reach him by adding his Facebook and talked to him as a friend. It took him 3 days later to reply me and said that he was in the army until December 2015. Besides that, we stopped talking to each other until 9 months later, he popped out of nowhere again to talk to me. Later on, I found out he broke up with his girlfriend and he thought that would be fine for us to chat. Yes, we chatted every day but I mostly was the person who kept the conversation to be alive. He told me about his job, his vacation, his chosen major in the university, etc. Then he suddenly stopped talking where I asked him how his day was.
I was very upset when he stopped talking to me. Later on, I found out there was a girl who was my classmate back in high school commented like this on his Facebook wall "Happy Birthday to you and it was really nice talking to you!" Wow... and he didn't get my birthday wish. Why so? Because I am a petty Sagittarius.
Honestly... I know I am petty on not wishing his birthday (well it's not like he's wishing mine because I hide it on the FB) but I really love him, I also know one thing it's very rare for a sagittarius to love a pisces. Here I am, aren't I? I just wish that one day he would come back and text me.
Signed Up:
Jun 15, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 728 · Topics: 12
Your a Sagittarius, fiery! Talk to him, make a lil effort, show him you care, don't overthink, if he still isn't responding, let it go hun x
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2015Comments: 2650 · Posts: 6434 · Topics: 214
There will be more fish in the sea I promise.
pun intended.