In need of an outlet?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by chellbell on Sunday, September 22, 2013 and has 8 replies.
So, I am recently coming out of a series of relationships and thanks to this site I have brought myself out of my dream world and am trying to focus on reality, but being a pisces woman, I am in need of an outlet for my fantasy world. What are somethings you do to escape the world?
Although I appreciate all things musical and artistic, I lack any actual talent.
Need ideas for a hobby that is not too time consuming & or expensive.
Exercise. Also, I find learning kanji to be relaxing, so maybe you can find something to do with a pen and/or pencil and paper. Maybe sudoku. In my case, besides those things, I do compose music(I play various instruments), though that happens not so much to escape as much as because something came to mind and an instrument available so the thought could be brought to life. I also play videogames. I read, too.
Posted by 2N3R
Exercise. Also, I find learning kanji to be relaxing, so maybe you can find something to do with a pen and/or pencil and paper. Maybe sudoku. In my case, besides those things, I do compose music(I play various instruments), though that happens not so much to escape as much as because something came to mind and an instrument available so the thought could be brought to life. I also play videogames. I read, too.

I do exercise already, so I feel like that is just part of my daily life. Sudoku is fun, I used to do that all the time and I read periodically, but I was thinking I need something more artistic... something that doesn't require a lot of thought... I wish I had the musical gene... my ex was an amazing musician and I always found it fascinating to listen to him. He tried to teach me guitar and I did pick up on it some but I think that is something you have to get into at a young age. I have never heard of Kanji, so I will need to google that.
Kanji are Chinese characters. I'm learning them as they're used by the Japanese, though. I don't think you really need to get into music at a young age to have the capacity to learn to play; as with most if not all things you just need the desire because if it's not there, there will be no point since you won't have the initiative to continue with it. Before I taught myself how to read notes, I played by ear, and still do!! If you have an instrument or know someone who does, see if you can use it and just olay random stuff because eventually, you may find something come of it.
Knitting? I know, I know, knitting stereotypes. Once you learn the basics it can be therapeutic, and you don't need artistic ability to make something nice. I find it useful to make stuff that is USEFUL. Knit a hat, give it away to charity, feel good about spending time helping others. Search your local thrift stores and garage sales for needles and supplies to save money.
Check your local public library for their offerings. Concerts, movies, technology and arts classes, learning a skill or language with the databases you already pay for, etc.
What about a basic recorder or irish tin whistle? Since early music (medieval and renaissance) can be repetitive, it might also be somewhat meditative for you.
Early Music for the Recorder
Posted by djbuck1
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hahahaha - it would be time consuming!
ClearRiver had some excellent suggestions btw.
Going more in depth about mystic subjects can also be very rewarding as a fish.
lol.... why'd you stop at alcohol Nem? lol
what about LSD?
hahaha... well.. alright then. As long as you weren't half-assing this Big Grin