Is it me?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by shellshocker on Wednesday, December 19, 2012 and has 45 replies.
or do you feel something happening?
I think that gun massacre in the States that the Scorps are going crazy over.. is a distraction. Just like 911. Just like "finding" Saddam and Osama
I'm not really a conspiracy theorist, (ok maybe a little) but things are "fishy". I feel weird. I know there are a couple of 12.21.2012 threads going on around here but I'm curious about your guys perspective
I'm totally a conspiracy theorist. I definitely think some things. But for lack of being able to defend my thoughts very well on this matter... I'm keeping my mouth shut... :\
I'm on board with your thoughts I believe.
Cryptic land Big Grin
hahaha I'm shocked and awed that we had the same opinion Tongue
Anyway - I'm curious to see if there are some fish around that are willing to speak up on this matter.
I'm sure there are. I wish I, myself, were knowledgeable enough to offer some stuff up to you shellshocker.
All I have is crazy half-baked thoughts on the matter. Doesn't hold enough weight in my own life for me to take it further than that.

???The father of Newtown Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza is Peter Lanza who is a VP and Tax Director at GE Financial. The father of Aurora Colorado movie theater shooter James Holmes is Robert Holmes, the lead scientist for the credit score company FICO. Both men were to testify before the US Sentate in the ongoing LIBOR scandal. The London Interbank Offered Rate, known as Libor, is the average interest rate at which banks can borrow from each other. 16 international banks have been implicated in this ongoing scandal, accused of rigging contracts worth trillions of dollars. HSBC has already been fined $ 1.9 billion and three of their low level traders arrested.??
I don't have any facts or specific ideas, but I feel like all of this is rising up for something else to happen. It doesn't sit right and more and more things like this are happening. I can't help but wonder if there's going to be a major climax to this? But, that's just me being paranoid. I tried to read up on that conspiracy thing from another thread, but I couldn't follow it too well, unfortunately. But, I'm the type who thinks if there's some cause to look at other connections, then it should be considered, at least.
Something is fishy for sure, I just can't put my finger on it, none of it sits right. I've read David Ickes books and I know a little bit about Alex Jones and it's eerie how they've actually foreseen a lot of what's going on today. I have to believe the Libor issue plays some part in this, not sure how though.
I'm not putting conspiracy theory forward as fact seraph.
I'm purely providing things that entice the theory smile
Plus I'm pretty sure I already admitted to the fact that my thoughts are all half baked on this stuff.
It's fun for me to entertain the possibility that there is more than meets the eye. That's it that's all.
Posted by deezie
Anyway - I'm curious to see if there are some fish around that are willing to speak up on this matter.
I'm sure there are. I wish I, myself, were knowledgeable enough to offer some stuff up to you shellshocker.

I know what you mean. My ideas are not based on fact or debate.. they are based on a feeling. An intuitive hunch. That is why I posted it here. No right or wrong in paranoia... especially from a fish. I was with a Pisces one time when we were all about to get into an elevator. he stops at the door, hesitates and says... "somethings gong to happen"
we were trapped in the elevator for almost 2 hours...

Posted by EusiveSoulll

Is my suspicion justified remains to be seen I guess, but most of the times, the real cause for such incidences never really sees the light of the day unfortunately.
As my other two members of the pisces board stated, it could very well be paranoia, but honest, something does not add up. Hope I'm wrong.

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Something doesn't add up.
Posted by Scenic
I don't have any facts or specific ideas, but I feel like all of this is rising up for something else to happen. It doesn't sit right and more and more things like this are happening.

The way things played out. The voices crying out over the injustice... The call for "change". It's happened so many times before... then *wham* People are struck/stuck with a change the public wasn't expecting... but somehow feel like they need to accept.
I remember watching the US invade Afghanistan. The fact it was called "shock and awe" and thinking... well, I'll leave out my thoughts at that time...but this seems different.
Posted by seraph
I'm perfectly open to the possibility (and likelihood) that this is connected to greater forces - but not to any "illuminati" or sinister plot. There is periodically a great effusion of awesome universal forces that are transformative, but you don't discern the totality of it in day-to-day life. Consciousness - the way it plays and cavorts, beyond ideas of right and wrong and considerations of morality - is limitless in its manifestations.
And if you feel all of this mass of corruption and confusion coming to a head and expressing itself in this or that incident before another effusion, then that's more than understandable. But to attempt to pin it on some human conspiracy or plot - and then try to connect it such *other* disparate incidents, without appreciating that right now, *at most* it's simply a feeling, is stretching the seams of credibility a little too far. So I'd be really hesitant to suggest things like "distraction", when I also know that the killer did all of this quite intentionally, and *then* of his own accord turned the gun on himself.
And sorry folks, but David "reptilian humanoid" Icke aint all there, either. He's the absolute worst of the conspiracy-loonies.

Who said anything about "human conspiracy plots?" you... not I. I wasn't thinking that at all.
As I said, if I wanted to argue the *facts* of the incident... I would have joined one of those threads. I was talking about patterns... outside of human plotters. Maybe that didn't come across. I was also talking about a change in patterns.
And really, are you the spokes person of the universe and it's forces to determine when someone would feel that? In day-to-day life or otherwise?
Not looking for an argument, tho... but Thanks for your contribution
Posted by EusiveSoulll
Oh hey tiki
Nice of you to stop by in the fishpond
what a rare occasion

Hi Elusive Big Grin
Interesting topic for sure
Posted by shellshocker
And really, are you the spokes person of the universe .....

I came the the realization today that not only does he think so, he acts on it .... very arrogant.
Posted by shellshocker
or do you feel something happening?

Yes, I do, very much ... it's in the undercurrents, unrecognizable on the surface.
Also, as we move fully into the Age of Aquarius, coming full stop tomorrow .... my intuition is picking up, I can sense noises, rather than hear them .. I have realization of presence without seeing it.

Something is up .... something is on the move, but, we likely won't notice because our focus is elsewhere
Posted by shellshocker
or do you feel something happening?
I think that gun massacre in the States that the Scorps are going crazy over.. is a distraction. Just like 911. Just like "finding" Saddam and Osama
I'm not really a conspiracy theorist, (ok maybe a little) but things are "fishy". I feel weird. I know there are a couple of 12.21.2012 threads going on around here but I'm curious about your guys perspective

Too bad i can't predict the future to answer you right now... but i guess you will have your answer sooon looool!
Let's place bets.
Posted by dejaVwe
Oh I get it, the shooting. Sorry.

Tomorrow is higher consciousness day.
Let's all wake up to the fraud.
(Don't y'all know that the media fakes events?)
This (type of) event is known
as a 'psychological operation'.
Click here for more info regarding the December 14, 2012 event.
Explore the entire site --
but only if you are
seriously interested in the truth.
p.s. it's going to take some time. spend time at it, and it will finally click. your whole worldview will change accordingly.

click to expand

That was interesting ... and yes, I did notice that some shadows were wrong, and with one particular item, it's shadow wasn't even present.

What point is there in photoshopping a pic of a crime scene?

And further, I agree with what one person said ....

At the time these pics were taken, it was just after the shootings, before any real facts were clarified ... and at that time, it was believed that a second shooter was holding out in the woods ...

.... so why were all these people milling around, obviously unconcerned that a shooter could possibly be targeting them?

makes no sense .... sounds like someone might be pissing on our shoes and telling us it's raining.

Just a heads up, when I get married, I'm requesting that you show up and give a speech. You can pick the topic- any topic.

How much will that cost me?
Posted by seraphWe get along beautifully. We get on each other's nerves at times (Pisces during a movie . . . there *needs* to be a running commentary track)...

Loooooooooool! Yeah that's annoying. Big Grin
My mom's a Pisces too, though with Taurus moon. But regardless, if she's watching a movie it better have everything served on a golden platter or else she just won't get. Which makes it impossible for her to watch anything but 'brit-crime', CSI or those cheesy American tv-movies with a pasted-on happy ending. Forget about art-house cinema or anything that makes you think. Weird, considering that Pisceans are suppose to be intuitive and able see what's beyond and underneath the surface. I guess they are just lazy when it comes to movies. lol
Usually when I introduce her to something I want to see she asks me five minute into the film, "is this one of those with an unhappy ending? " So I tell her a white little lie and make her sit through it anyway... Tongue
I gotta say, my mom's intuition is average at best. I mean she's like some sort of psychologist 24/7 and thinks she's got everything figured out, when in fact she's just drawing conclusions, making free assosications and assumptions that are most of the time dead wrong - at least when it comes to reading me. Occasionally she will take a direct peek into my soul, but as I said - most of the time I'm not impressed. She's a very positive person but her mindset is negative. Like she always thinks 'something is the matter with me.'
If every time I cough to clean my throat, she asks me if I'm coming down with a cold, EVENTUALLY she is gonna get it right. Know what I mean? lol
Posted by Let*It*Be
Do either of you have anything to add to the topic? I find this topic interesting, but the derailed mommy dearest shit is really getting annoying especially when you both assume all Pisces are as dense as you portray your mother's to be.

That was uncalled for. Since when is DXP a place where we stick to subjects? Grow a f*cking heart.
Yeah Obama had all those children killed in order to distract us from the apocalypse. There, how's that for on-topic?
Posted by enfant_terrible
Yeah Obama had all those children killed in order to distract us from the apocalypse. There, how's that for on-topic?

Posted by enfant_terrible

Grow a f*cking heart.

double wow, considering what you just said
so, now that we all know that the Lions don't respect their mothers ... back to topic ...

Shadows move alot ... can anyone else sense them? Seems like just recently they have begun to be on the move .. don't know what's up with that.
But, what I do know is that those who are capable of creating oblivion in the eyes of the unaware ... are on the move in the shadows.

A design
Posted by P-Angel
so, now that we all know that the Lions don't respect their mothers ... back to topic ..

All I said was that we don't share the same taste in arts and that, for being a Pisces, she's not very intuitive. Please explain how that translates to not respecting my mother. Jesus Christ, is there something in the air today? Everyone's such a party pooper...
I rarely dream.. and when I do I find it is usually by subconscious working over time. They are usually nightmares but I'm not scared in them. I just "see' things for what they are. Things I would rather not "face" in my conscious thoughts.
I've had a similar one the last few weeks. Something dark is coming for me. It's been outside my window, somewhere close to my home (safety, security)and last night it was upstairs. First time it's been inside my house. I could hear it make it's way towards me. I get this real heavy, heavy feeling where I am almost immobilized by the pressure. Then something dark starts growling inside of me... like I'm getting ready to let it out and face what's coming.

^^^^ I know, right? My Pisces has been feeling very strange too. He's a 2.22 and a Master 22 in numerology. He rarely wants me to leave the house... very adamant about it too. Doesn't feel it's safe and just asks me to trust him
Actually, he has many of the same placements as Nefer.
Aqua Ascendent/Pisces Sun/Taurus Moon/Aries Venus ... just to add a little more salt to this bubbly soup...
Let it be, has it been raining outside? I happened to run across something that said dreams are usually indicitive of the things around you as you sleep..such as, if a fire alarm goes off, you might be thrown into having a dream about a fire. Which, really, is only common sense. But, perhaps, if you're putting emphasis on these dreams and thinking about them, that itself could trigger you to have more water-related dreams. The dream you mentioned before, about pre-911 was interesting, though. I'm not saying your dreams are definitely not a sign of something, just saying there might be normal reasons for this to be happening. And, if you look up on about it, dreaming about water might have some significance in itself. Something going on in your life. Almost every single dream I have is me being chased by something, or fighting. That doesn't mean it's a bad omen, it just means that that is a reflection of my subconscious, so of course they'll be repetitive if the issue is not resolved.
I actually looked it up myself, and you can find the meanings of water here:
You might also want to check to see if they have fog, etc.
Posted by Let*It*Be

Is HE having any weird dreams?

He hasn't told me any... and probably wouldn't answer if I asked him
I don't feel like it's a physical threat. I have to say I've been blindsided with psychological chaos this year. People probing and trying to interfere in my personal/professional life. Lots of attempts to mentally and emotionally throw me off course. Very intrusive... but not effective I am happy to say
Well, I sure hope they're not a premonition. : (
And if it makes you feel any better, if you're seeing white shadows, that's usually indicitive of a good presence...or, at least not something completely evil. I'm not sure how literally you meant that..but, oh well.
I, myself, haven't been having any weird dreams, so I can't really share with you any experiences on my side. I'll be sure to keep stopping by, to see if you have anything else to say about all of this. It's certainly interesting to think about.
Posted by seraph
Posted by EusiveSoulll
So Seraph, I don't mean to sound condescending for it is a genuine inquiry here, but what is you outtake on this subject...

My take on what's happening?
Nothing at all beyond this:
A troubled young man committed multiple premeditated murders by killing his mother and then shooting up a school, and then *committed suicide* (the latter of which, in retrospect, is understandable.) There is no evidence that he had any accomplices.
The picture we have for the motives, etc., still is not complete, though we have more answers now than we did a few days ago.
The entire incident is either a commentary on Gun Culture In America, or the state of assistance and healthcare for those suffering with mental illness, or the question of whether this would have happened regardless. This is not the first incident of its kind, but it's particularly brutal, comparatively, especially because it involved victims who were so young.

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everywhere I look... people are turning X-Men on me. what's up with that? Big Grin
Theories, conspiracies and shadows.
This topic seems a bit intriguing, especially from the view of a Pisces.
Dreams or ominous premonitions: ???information about future events??
In my personal life, it??s normal to have dreams in my waking hours, as well as having odd premonitions. Generally there??s a truth to that but at times, not that clear to understand.
Here??s my take on the difference between ???Dreams or ominous premonitions?? and a ???theoretical conspiracy??.
Leading up to and during that tragic even, not one piece of information came out as a premonition from anyone, at least known in media, this forum included.
Theory (A): This kid had a plan and that moment was very secretive or veiled
Plan A ??? attempt to get what he wanted
Plan B ??? take what he needed
Plan C ??? destroy all previous evidence and links
The result: If you want to hurt society and I mean absolutely hurt society to its core, take away the dearest that society loves and it just so happens to be children. This kid had a statement to make and it was absolute hate.
Take a look back to the last tragedies that have unfolded in the US. (I??m not picking on the US either) No one that I know of and any reading prior, felt any of these senseless tragedies ahead of time. No ominous feelings of incomprehensible destruction.
Theory (B): If there are such people as ???Psychics?? and in tune with this reality, we as a community would have known. There have been many many documents and books on the abilities of Psychics, some trusted more than others.
Psychics ???a person who claims to have an ability to perceive hidden information or future events??
Theory (C): The only way to have known or at least predict, is to sleep with the ???devil?? or at least be close enough to feel the message. So what was hidden?
Posted by Let*It*Be
Now I see it as coincidental that the movie theater shooter, and mentioning what mother's (including myself) would do to protect their children, and that there would be no hesitation to shoot a person in a hearbeat who was about to shoot innocent people or my own child. Nothing pyschic about it. No conspiracy about and no theory about it. So would you agree that 24 hours prior to the shooting and within minutes that this conversation took place and got heated is a coincidence? I can't define it. lol..and I certainly dont bed with devils, in fact as you roam the forums here you'll recognize my disgust and just how much I DO despise evil. You share interesting theories minus the devil stuff.

Greetings and thank you. I am a male Pisces from Canada and no, I don't know Seraph.
I began to read the post in question, seems that it's quite long and complex. What I mean by complex is that the written word and the ideas' intent may not follow hand in hand. Sometimes the message is lost and the intent flows into another direction. It's all about perception and will have a look at it from the beginning to at least get the "flavor" of thoughts and ideas. I believe at the moment, it's coincidental if one would look at the time line and the conversation/subject. We as humans have the natural ability to protect our children, without question. That determined ability also includes the ones that are close or distant.
The idea of the "devil" expressed in a theory is only a word used to equate evil in the absolute. I think and believe that we are surrounded by evil. I also believe that "normal" humans are not born evil. It is a learned behavior and manifests itself over time. Unfortunately, there are some humans that react and perform unspeakable harm to humans without any conscience or caring towards a fellow human.

I used a quick search using these words: video games numb humans
This one was displayed first on the screen.

Unfortunately, it's not like we didn't know this. We can speak about free speach all day and never come to a positive consensus or solution but the reality is this, any brain with time can be rewired. At times I wonder if today's media is designed to create desensitizing effects within humans.
A good friend mentioned a series of documentries "The Century of the Self"
That was an eye opener.
The Mandelbrot Set
Since its discovery a quarter of a century ago, the Mandelbrot Set has become a universal icon for the doctrine of chaos--the emerging scientific idea that simple processes can result in infinite complexity.
The Mandelbrot set has become popular outside mathematics both for its aesthetic appeal and as an example of a complex structure arising from the application of simple rules
< width="420" height="315" ="http:
needs to be repeated...
< width="420" height="315" ="http:
I wish 2016 would hurry up and get here so we can get that jackass out of office
The Fibonacci numbers are Nature's numbering system. They appear everywhere in Nature, from the leaf arrangement in plants, to the pattern of the florets of a flower, the bracts of a pinecone, or the scales of a pineapple. The Fibonacci numbers are therefore applicable to the growth of every living thing, including a single cell, a grain of wheat, a hive of bees, and even all of mankind.

< width="560" height="315" ="
Assholes who think 9-11 was an inside job, identify yourselves now.