Is this any attraction?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Sagitta91 on Friday, February 28, 2014 and has 4 replies.
so there is this girl that keept getting to the same class in which i was in,but at that that time he had a bf but there was nothing bettwen them he always kissed her once and that was all,but she looked at me in a wierd way,like she wanted me to be there
even when she was outside talking to a friend and i was looking at her she dident mind that i was looking at her,the door was open but she never closed it
Some other time i came face to face with her and she looked at me in wierd way again,
If it matters were born on the same day and were both pisces but for some reason whenever i look into her eyes i think i see somebody who wants me to be in there,i dont know it sounds to wierd
I fell attracted to her eyes but i wonder if from what i told you( i know its not so much to go on) is she also attracted to me or is it some game she's playing?
We never talked or anything
well she is not with him anymore
I think this belongs in the Validation forum

I don't even know what the hell you are saying.
Is this about you being jealous?
If so, what fucking ugly skin to wear.