Love this Pisces girl - How to tell her???

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by ventek on Tuesday, July 30, 2013 and has 15 replies.
First of all I am a Sagittarius guy. I seriously like this Pisces girl who studies with me. First it was a crush that turned into an infatuation. She was committed but not anymore. Its been 2 years now since I like her and since she is not committed anymore, I have NO idea how to tell her I like her. By the end of this year, I may move away to a different country and I think time is running out. How to tell her I love her?
I know many guys who like her but she has always told them NO. I believe I may be the only guy who has never told her he likes her. That is because Ive always respected her former relationship hence I hoped to move on. Now that she is not committed anymore and with me moving,I cant seem to tell her at all.
We are best friends in our college and she asks me about my ex Girl friend too and why I am not in relationship anymore. Not just this, she even asks about my immigration process. Maybe she expects me to tell her ? TELL ME PLEASE WHAT TO DO?
I??ll be forever in debt. Well sort of Tongue but please help me out
There is another conundrum. This pisces girl I like ALWAYS used to share her problems with me. Even when I felt she isnt telling much and I asked her,she would just come clean and pour her heart out. Now since last 2 weeks, I see her being all sad again and Ive tried everything to ask her what is happening and she isnt telling anything.
Not just this, She was sort of ignoring me and since past 2 days, she is talking again in university except she ONLY talks to me in our group of friends, yet tries to maintain some distance from me as well.
She broke up sometime ago, could this be the after effects of THAT or maybe she has fallen for me too ? i have NO idea tbh.
Please people, you guys have got to help me out Sad(((((((((((((((((((
Wow Thank You. I think i wil do this. I MUST.
Btw how do Pisces women expect ? Do they EVER make first move or not ? Im not really sure.
I always think that I give such clear "hints" when I like a guy. Finding reasons to touch him, just putting my hand on his arm when we talk, or sitting close to him on a couch or bench so our legs touch, Holding eye contact a little longer than normal and giving him my best smile. , you know, a real smile..not just a polite one, when he is telling a story. And I am intuitive enough to know when a guy finds me attractive . I think most women are, especially pisces. I'm willing to bet she already knows you are attracted to her. Before you pour your heart out, I recommend baby steps. Try to hold her hand, ... Or look into her eyes and say "you look so beautiful today".. Her reaction to your attempted steps out of the "friend zone" should tell you a lot. I think it would be easier to handle her brushing your hand away or laughing off your compliment than it would be if u came right out & said "i love you" and had to listen to her say "i just like u as a friend"
Agree with PiscesLoves ^
I'm not sure if all Pisces are the way you describe them theie but you're pretty much on the dot with some of us.
Theie stop describing me
Its weird
OMG Thank you so much all of you for your wonderful input. Got to admit that Pisces are somewhat hard to understand haha but man cant believe I actually fell for one. I am a fire sign i.e. Sagittarius and fell for water sign.
Btw one question and its somewhat a conundrum since Im dealing with her odd attitude since weeks now. She is keeping a distance, like she does talk to me the most in our group but in our college is still sitting somewhat away. I know I know its somewhat possessiveness on my part but do Pisces actually keep the distance if they like someone? and is it always ?
Is keeping distance from this pisces girl worth it?? I thought about keeping a distance but I cant seem to. but I KNOW I CAN and Ive done it a lot of times with other people and when I was in a previous relationship....But do you think with what is happening, should I too keep a distance the way she is keeping it???
for 19, you sure have a lot of intel about pisces "women"
Posted by ventek
I am a Sagittarius guy.
I seriously like this Pisces girl who studies with me. First it was a crush that turned into an infatuation.
How to tell her I love her?

It looks like you have no clue how YOU feel .... so, it becomes very irresponsible on your part of you attempt to convey to another person your feelings.
Girls take the word, "love" very seriously from a guy .. and for you to tell a girl you love her when in reality, you're infatuated with her is a terrible thing to do to her.
for two years, or however long, you've never felt compelled to express sentiments ... now that you are going to leave, you sound desperate to tell her. And that is pretty selfish on your part.
It's sounds like you only want to satisfy yourself here in getting something off your chest, rather than telling her how you feel for HER benefit.
Posted by ventek
We are best friends in our college ....

click to expand

This explains why she treats you like a friend, rather than how she would treat a guy she's into .... which means you've been treating her like a best friend, as well.
There is nothing wrong with leaving the country and taking memories of a best friend with you ... why are you desperate to spoil it by throwing feelings at her, that you are unsure of yourself?
I believe this is very selfish of you ..... when reading between the lines, it becomes obvious that what you want is to throw heavy feelings out to her, then leave to another country.
That's fucking wrong, dude

In knowing that you are going to leave ..... if you truly loved her ....

... then you would let it go, FOR her

Love your replies. You know a lot. Though one question, If she indeed felt creeped out then why even talk to me ? I mean why not keep a distance altogether. Why still willing to talk to me, text me and everything?
I did try to keep my distance and a lot once when she was in relationship but that was all because I respected her relationship. She is'nt in one anymore.
Dude I have always been upfront. ALWAYS until I joined my university. In fact apart from my college Ive been an alpha male...But...But I did make one mistake i.e. I listened to her Tongue In our group of friends, there have been some interesting incidences where I just wanted to just the same old Sagittarius, could have fought but for her, I stopped, kept my cool which Ive never done. But there have been times where Ive spoken up. In fact she does tell me from time to time that I need to calm down. She hates the rest and so does I but she's always been this 'keeping-all-together' sort of girl. Thats her only flaw. But I listen to her. In fact went against my nature for her.
But over all, in our group I am THE ONLY guy she gets along well with. In fact she ignores many of them except me. But since last 2 weeks or so, I do feel she is keeping distance...talking to me daily but keeping distance too. But then she knows too that I will move away. Maybe that is why she's trying to forget about me or what ? WHAT DO YOU THINK?

But I AINT NO random guy in front of her.