We've been dating for a year and four months now and let me tell you: this relationship is a trip.
We both deal with the same issues e.g, possessiveness, jealousy, explosive hot temper.
The good thing is that we understand each other's feelings & why we act the way we do. On the other hand, things can become somewhat dramatic and others (according to friends) would be out in a minute but we just seem to move on. Pretty much Liz Taylor / Richard Burton style . Bf has 6 placements in scorpio so things are usually intense. I don't see any way that this relationship could end. Especially not after he asked me to move in four months ago. Needless to say, I have never felt for anyone this deeply. Been with a scorpio (libra cusp) before but he was the total opposite. Never felt like this for him. Oh and my moon is in libra and his moon is in gemini.
Anyone with similar stats&experiences?
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Apr 24, 2020Comments: 22 · Posts: 1516 · Topics: 17
i know the drama can be hot, but don't let it become unhealthy.
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Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
What are your Mars and Venus?
First of all, thank you so much for your answers.
Sorry, it got much longer than expected but wanted to share some details on the progress of our relationship.
I absolutely agree on the note that our relationship has unhealthy tendencies (codependency issues for one)
We broke up twice (the first time it was him because we are both living in a foreign country and his original plan was to go back home, but then he met me and he was thinking back and forth and..well, he stayed and we came back together. He did that full Scorpio- style : all was good and suddenly he got disproportionately upset about seemingly nothing. Then got silent for a few days. Very untypical of him because we talked daily (We dated for 6 months at that time) I had no idea what was going on and he did not explain until a week later & told me 'You know, I need to go back. Better to cut it off now as it will hurt more later on'. I was heartbroken at the sudden idea of breaking up and suffered for about a month. Tried my best to focus on school as it was the last month of my last semester with all my major exams ahead. During this month he would randomly blow my phone up, accuse me of meeting someone else already while I stayed at home every single day. I tried to reach out several times to suggest a meeting to talk about everything calmly (his decision going back, feelings etc.) However, he declined. On his terms, we met again one day before his birthday and got back together. So he did not leave the country. A few months later I broke up with him for several reasons, 1) he would not stop doing smth. I repeatedly asked him to stop doing. (Liking IG pictures of random women from his city back home or the city we reside in now) and 2) him not being able to verbally express his emotions (learned now that this is pretty common among Scorpios, okay) About 1) we have been dating for a year by then and time and time again he promised me he would not do it again. However, he would not keep his promise and in relation to 2) it simply made me feel insecure and I could not take it anymore. We separated for another month and the same actions took place as during the first break up. At one point, I deleted everything (pictures, messages) but never blocked him. He was on my mind 24/7. I spent two weeks at my friends house but I could barely distract myself. Sat on the rooftop for hours and days on end, checking my phone constantly for any status updates from him etc. He reached out after a month and pleaded me to come back to him. He said that he understood that I am the only person that has been with him for such a long time (His longest relationship was 6 months) and truly got to see his true face. He said I was always there for him and with him when he needed someone, in good as well as in bad times. It was the first time that he has said something like that to me. However, I was really hurt and I told him 'No, I'm really sorry'. He was in front of my door a couple of hours later. As you know already, we made up and here we are. Feels like that separation was necessary for him to understand the importance of the relationship to him. He did change about the thing that we broke up over and he also seems to be more brave to speak about his feelings now. So in that sense, kind of a happy ending, I think.
But yes, back to the beginning of my post: definitely not a healthy relationship.
Thank you for reading!
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
Just be careful of making excuses for his behavior to yourself. That’s a slippery slope.