need sum input... sagg chic here dreamily n luv with virgo guy. ne experience..please respond..i cant be the only one they seem to pin... waiting for reply
I ponder on this cause,apparently some people don't listen to words of politeness.SO we have to show dat badside,and i mean ,really dark. And then they want to judge people on it. BUt sometimes people stick to that side,like thugs,etc.Is it dat society co
Hi Guys (or girls), I really need some advice . . .
I?m a Taurus female and I?ve met a Taurus male who I really want to be with. The thing is I can usually work a person out instantly but he just seems to be sending me contradicting signals. We h
ARIES WOMEN March 21-April 19 Wildly sensual, passionate and adventurous. She'll have sex anywhere, she knows what she wants - intense and frequent sex, she has a need for complete control, but she's also in love with love. As a mate, she is ardent, l