Hello guys,
most of you probably really dont want to hear anything about the relationship problems of other people anymore... but I really could need some good advice or at least I would like to hear the oppinion of someone.
I was in love with this pisces guy who is 27 years old. We dated for a couple of weeks. We have been a couple for a couple of month when he broke up. Later we got back together but not totally... just we were seeing each other we talked but we werent a couple. Than we stopped talking again, we made up again...
We have been in this on-off thing for a long time. Then in January we stopped talking completely. But 2 month later he text me, he starts to talk again. Somedays it was good and really nice, some days it wasnt nice at all and he was just annoying.
I miss him a lot but I dont know what to do anymore. 3 weeks ago we started to see each other, talk everyday, laugh and have fun and it was like in old times.He invited me over for breakfast and stuff... Everythign was good. And now he isnt talking to me, and I thought it was my fault. So this morning I went to see him (before classes) and apologized. He said "its not your fault, its nothing you did... I have some other problems, its not about you" I am so sick of this. There are always other problems...
I am still totally in Love with him. I miss him and I want nothing more than to be with him again. And from his eyes and the way he smiles and acts when he sees me I can tell that he still has feelings for me too.
But thats it. No one is doing anything. And I am tired of waiting. And tired of getting my hopes up and then being disappointed again. So, I dont know... would be a really bad idea if I made the first step this time. Cant I just well tell him how I feel about him, or maybre write it down? Because I really would like him to know how I feel about him. And maybe it will change things... I have no idea.
I need your help.. :S
Signed Up:
Apr 14, 2013Comments: 76 · Posts: 810 · Topics: 82
Sorry it's probably not what you want to hear, but from what you say I'm sensing that he's not after a serious relationship with you and you might just be the fall back FWB girl when things go wrong/doesn't work out in his life.
If you have nothing to lose, then by all means have a talk with him at least you'll know where you stand, otherwise you'll be stuck in this state of limbo with no change. Go out and live your life, date other guys and eventually you'll find that you're not as stuck on him emotionally. Don't waste your life waiting for a guy that keeps popping in and out of your life offering nothing in return. If you don't set out some boundaries he's going to keep treating you in this manner because you're accepting of it. You're not valuing yourself enough to let him know that it's not acceptable what he's doing.
It's hard I know to let go when emotions are involved, but honestly if he's not stepping up, don't keep holding onto things thinking he's going to change, you'll end up hurting yourself more in the long run. Good Luck, I hope it goes well for you *hugs*
Signed Up:
Apr 14, 2013Comments: 76 · Posts: 810 · Topics: 82
Hi 4fish,
I was the same in my younger days maybe that is why I'm not as emotionally available like I was back then. It's sad I know :-) do something different, take up a hobby, i found exercise a good way to deal with a painful breakup, not only does it make you feel better the other benefit is you end up looking fit and fab! Once you stop dwelling on it, you'll notice things you normally don't pay much attention to around you LOL, like all the other hot available guys probably waiting for you to look in their direction :-)