I wrote this for my Pisces friend because she was asking me about her sign and then it all flowed out. I'm just sharing from my point of view. Definitely not trying to make assumptions...I know there is endless learning with everyone.
Sometimes they need to be alone. Please realize if they're in the mood to be around others. On the other hand, if they're down in the dumps notice it and do something silly. I remember when my Pisces grandmother would be down in the dumps and I would realize it I would try to not talk a lot and try to listen and do something subtly silly and then float away and let them be. It's helpful to always first see how they feel read their signals before anything and then be chill about it. Be gentle and maybe not overbearing and loudly stomping around, this can be like a tornado. Don't question their moods and their escapes, it makes them happy to do escape sometimes and don't over analyze it. No, it's not your fault, it's their thing and they don't need to explain it unless they want to. Give them love and then float away, but not too far. Don't ever force a Pisces or make them feel obligated to do anything. They’re not weak they don't need to be controlled or dominated, it is so unhealthy, let them be and encourage them for whatever they are feeling. Don't dump on them, they like to hear all about you, but don't say it while staring off like you're just literally dumping on them, if you're going to spill your butter do it while listening to them, keep it calm keep it real and honest...they'll see you are listening to them while you are spilling your butter and they'll feel connected rather than taken advantage of. Talking all of the time can be draining, silence is okay. Just enjoy the moment with them. Music can be food for Pisces. See if they're interested in listening to music with you. Don't take advantage of them or take them for granted...if they sense this at all (even if it isn't happening) it will really hurt them. Reassure them about things you say. Try to not let things be said that could be taken the wrong way, because it probably will be taken the wrong way. Pisces feels positivity easily...don't be shy to say something nice. Especially a meaningful life realization that is honest real and true. Anything that helps to grow in life is treasure to Pisces and is of interest to them. My biggest pain is witnessing Pisces being controlled and forced. They need people who encourage them to explore who they are and accept them. Like with anyone, be real, be decent, be accepting, listen with your eyes and your ears and they will feel the love in your presence and return it times a trillion.
As with any human, walk away if they're rotten (obviously)
That was long. I don't even know if it's all true to all Pisces, but it's how I feel and what I've gathered.
Do you assume I am Pisces? I'm not a Pisces. I love what the sign is, and though I don't get along with every Pisces, I love the Pisces sign and it's meaning, I think it's beautiful and real. It's the sign I most admire and relate to. I know all signs are special and necessary and I love their meanings as well...but I have a special place in my heart for Pisces and wanted to share my feelings.
I'm sorry if I offended you.