Hello Pisceans,
I am a virgo male ( Yes but not the critical, harsh you would define !). I have changed and adapted to my surroundings after reading online how we are naturally programmed to completely destroy things around us.
The Issue:
I have fallen for a Piscean woman as you know opposite attracts.. she is ultra feminine nice eyes etc etc . Everything was going so well. I made her laugh when we chat and we continued having very amicable chat over text messages and whatsapp for a week. We clicked instantly ! Then suddenly she went into her bubble and started dropping one liners like ok, I am good, nice, good , you etc .. As a Virgo at beginning I got so uncomfortable and felt I should walk away until I found out Pisces have the ability to do so . I would say she even flirted with me but only once when she commented on my picture, but that was only once.
I compliment her beauty, dresses she wears and all nice things which I genuinely feel deep within my heart. I have never said her anything wrong or criticized her for anything. Its becoming very difficult because I am trying to walk away but then here amazing eyes are like ‘ you are not going anywhere ‘ . I am seriously stuck between how a virgo is programmed ( i.e just walk away kind of feeling) and the re-programmed virgo ( hey you know what don’t walk away don’t be that stupid virgo)
Hence I have stopped thinking like a virgo because I know if I will be that pushy or walk away kind I will probably lose her forever.
Hence all the mysterious pisceans and my possible saviuors need help !
@vixen2 Just met once . We been exchanging messages for a week but then all down the hill. I am trying very hard to make a decent conversation but the response as I said is just one liner as if she just wants to reply for the sake of not being rude.
compliments were not overdone for sure . Only given when really meant . probably two times in the last 15 -20 times we chat
I think i will try initiate the chat one for time and if doesnt work well will just move on. I do not want to sound pushy ...
To say someone that her dress is very elegant and she looks very nice in the picture . I dont see anything wrong here . I just said because I genuinely felt it .. Anyway doesnt matter . There are some women who would really appreciate it whilst some who just take it negatively.
oh yes she did . Thank you all wonderfull ladies . Have a good evening chat soon
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Apr 26, 2013Comments: 4939 · Posts: 19297 · Topics: 148
lol why do you put this on yourself virgo?
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Like most of your kind ... you are incapable of recognizing emotional nuances in other people. Case in point, from what you described, this girl isn't particularly interested in you .. but, you're clueless to that. You think that just because you have certain feelings, then you automatically assume she has those same feelings from you.
Several Fish in here have also noticed this and has made comments to suggest it. You just deny it, or ignore it to continue on talking about how YOU feel making the assumption that she feels the same way.
there's no helping you because you are incapable of recognizing this truth. however, you can work on yourself for the future, so that you won't encounter this kind of emotional mind-blindness again.
here's the cause of your mind-blindness in the event you choose to help yourself ..... Virgos refuse to deal with feelings. They believe emotions to be messy and chaotic, and so they choose to ignore the emotions in other people. Well, people learn what they live. And if you refuse to live it, then you will never learn it. And here it is in you right now as proof. It's obvious from what you said that she's not really interested in you and is only still dealing with you because she doesn't want to be rude with you ..... and you are completely blind to it.
So, if you want to change this in you ... then you have to step out of your comfort zone, and participate in the emotions of people around you.
She got bored... 😂 try to be more mysterious , unpredictable .. give her the silent treatment .. be strong. . Good luck
I meant just a little bit. So she can miss him.. and his attention. It works for me .. we pisces women ..oh, we arw very complicated creatures. Sometimes we are taking for granted a good guy.. we like to chase back too..
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Apr 07, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 1325 · Topics: 0
the problem is you came on too strong, too many compliments = desperation, and yes it gets boring like is that all you have to talk about is her looks ? it's superficial, Pisces smell desperate a mile away, and to be honest they like a strong character with an essence of sensitivity but give up on the over doing compliments it's insincere and looks superficial
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