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Jan 22, 2014Comments: 75 · Posts: 5976 · Topics: 662
How do you fish interact with those types?
People with Asc/Sun/Moon in aspect with Neptune.
Since Neptune is your planet...does it make Neptunian folk easier to deal with or harder?
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Apr 09, 2010Comments: 21 · Posts: 4200 · Topics: 67
I have Pisces Rising and Neptune trines/sextiles aspecting my Asc, Sun, Moon, Merc & Mars with Jupiter in 12th.
It's very easy for me to get along with Fish folk, I gravitate toward them. After I got into astrology I noticed 90% of my friends were either Pisces Suns or Moons and my family's filled with Pisces, 12th house dominants & Scorpio Moons.
Earthy, Neptune folk I find the most compatible, like a coming home to your favourite snuggly chair.
I do wonder how they view me, tho. I'm curious