Neptune infulenced people

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by SirHorns on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 and has 6 replies.
How do you fish interact with those types?
People with Asc/Sun/Moon in aspect with Neptune.
Since Neptune is your planet...does it make Neptunian folk easier to deal with or harder?
I have Pisces Rising and Neptune trines/sextiles aspecting my Asc, Sun, Moon, Merc & Mars with Jupiter in 12th.
It's very easy for me to get along with Fish folk, I gravitate toward them. After I got into astrology I noticed 90% of my friends were either Pisces Suns or Moons and my family's filled with Pisces, 12th house dominants & Scorpio Moons.
Earthy, Neptune folk I find the most compatible, like a coming home to your favourite snuggly chair.
I do wonder how they view me, tho. I'm curious

Posted by e11e
this is an interesting questions.
I'm a neptune person.
I have Neptune in my 1st's conjunct my Sun and Asc.
I also have a stellium in the 12th house.

I would think the conjuncts to Neptune in Scorpio and the 12th house stellium would mean the "unreadable" is constantly being pushed to the surface, seeking definition. Never ending power plays that don't actually exist.
Posted by e11e
I'm not going to participate in the power play (lol). You can think what you'd like.

haha, just like this
For the love of Jeebus I have Jupiter sextile Neptune as well! Scared
Neptune Square Asc.
Neptune Conjunct Sun.
Neptune Trine Moon.
I count.
Pisces Suns, mixed, can't say anything definite about them aside from one incident; granted this would be more towards the fish involved then the fish as a whole.
Pisces Moons=