Okay Pisces got the birthday love letter?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by WaterDevil on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 and has 26 replies.
Those who seen my previous posts, she here we are about 5 days pass since I sent it. Two days ago she liked a photo of me for the first time in months. I decided not to think too much in to it. And than JUST NOW I notice she found my tumblr! I mean granted I found hers first but that wasn't too hard. Mine is VERY difficult to find. She had to DIG to realize its me and scroll hella pictures. Coincidence? Is she tryna reach out? Wtf is this? I know likes mean nothing. But I KNOW her behavioral pattern is with me on that note. I followed and followed her by accident a week ago but she's been active since, so I doubt she even noticed that. There is only ONE picture of me on my profile ALL THE WAY at he bottom of my page.
Posted by PurplePassion38

So are you going to dm her soon?
Not planning on it no.
Seems like she’s showing interest. Why not reach out?
Tumblr was so much better before they banned noodes.
Posted by LadyNeptune

Tumblr was so much better before they banned noodes.

Posted by pinkbird03

Seems like she’s showing interest. Why not reach out?

LOL A cancer taking advice from a cancer about a pisces? I don't know bout dis
Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by pinkbird03

Seems like she’s showing interest. Why not reach out?

LOL A cancer taking advice from a cancer about a pisces? I don't know bout dis
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No, a person is giving you a mature advice to do direct communication. Y’know, one of essential compinents of any [healthy] relationship.
Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by pinkbird03

Seems like she’s showing interest. Why not reach out?

LOL A cancer taking advice from a cancer about a pisces? I don't know bout dis
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I guess I’ve just come to the point where if you can’t be real and 100% yourself, then what’s the point of the relationship? Games get you nowhere. Same with waiting.
Posted by RamOfPeace

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by pinkbird03

Seems like she’s showing interest. Why not reach out?

LOL A cancer taking advice from a cancer about a pisces? I don't know bout dis
No, a person is giving you a mature advice to do direct communication. Y’know, one of essential compinents of any [healthy] relationship.
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Lol I was joking. But yeah I’m conflicted. She said to let her come to me when we argued a WHILE back. And than I ended all contact. Unfollowed her ect. So it got weird. I definitely think there is potential for the letter to have broken the ice. But I don’t want to cross a boundary that was CLEARLY stated to me. Idk maybe she was angry and didn’t mean it. Also knowing her, she’ll never reach out first in a situation like this so idk what the right thing to do here is. So I’m choosing nothing for now idk.
Posted by PurplePassion38

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by pinkbird03

Seems like she’s showing interest. Why not reach out?

LOL A cancer taking advice from a cancer about a pisces? I don't know bout dis

I agree with her. Do something. Tell her hi. Ask her how she enjoyed her birthday. This is how Cancers blow it. You need to strike while the iron is hot. If you meander too long she'll lose interest and be gone again.

User Submitted Image

I'm starting to give up on you and I'm not even her. 😂😂
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When we last spoke in dialogue she clearly stated “let me reach out to you!” And was very upset with me. So I gave her her space. Unfollowed her. Stopped contact in EVERY form. But I’m conflicted about crossing her boundary. Every time i thought she wanted me to reach out. Well last time I thought that, I was wrong. I misread the signs. And I sent her a damn 10 paragraph letter! Wouldn’t it be the right thing to let her reach out first? Or at I doomed to a classic Pisces that won’t ever do that?
Posted by pinkbird03

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by pinkbird03

Seems like she’s showing interest. Why not reach out?

LOL A cancer taking advice from a cancer about a pisces? I don't know bout dis
I guess I’ve just come to the point where if you can’t be real and 100% yourself, then what’s the point of the relationship? Games get you nowhere. Same with waiting.
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I’m not playing a game. I’m just observing her boundary. She told me to let her come to me and was so angry with me when we last spoke that she threatened to block me. So I told her I’d respect her boundary and never made contact in every form and unfollowed her on IG. And the first contact I made was the letter but that was with no expectation for a response. Not to say I wouldnt have liked one but still. She was very clear on her boundary... I would love nothing more than to just say hi. Feel me?
Posted by UnusualVaginalDischarge

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by PurplePassion38

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by pinkbird03

Seems like she’s showing interest. Why not reach out?

LOL A cancer taking advice from a cancer about a pisces? I don't know bout dis

I agree with her. Do something. Tell her hi. Ask her how she enjoyed her birthday. This is how Cancers blow it. You need to strike while the iron is hot. If you meander too long she'll lose interest and be gone again.

User Submitted Image

Yeah that’s my thoughts 😂😂😂

I'm starting to give up on you and I'm not even her. 😂😂
When we last spoke in dialogue she clearly stated “let me reach out to you!” And was very upset with me. So I gave her her space. Unfollowed her. Stopped contact in EVERY form. But I’m conflicted about crossing her boundary. Every time i thought she wanted me to reach out. Well last time I thought that, I was wrong. I misread the signs. And I sent her a damn 10 paragraph letter! Wouldn’t it be the right thing to let her reach out first? Or at I doomed to a classic Pisces that won’t ever do that?
Well if that’s what she clearly said, then let her reach out to you. Unless she has conversation amnesia
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Posted by UnusualVaginalDischarge

But if you’re a very attractive man, I’m available AND I’m a water sign
I’m a woman. Haha. So is she. To be clear. But yeah Idk I think I’m kinda good looking. I mean she’s stunning honestly like woah. So beautiful fuck. So she had to have seen something about me in order to like me in the first place I’m sure. But I always hear about Pisces that once they are done with you that’s it. It’s over. And it felt really really over. 😭 Pisces sun gemini moon. I’m dealing with 4 people here lol
Posted by PurplePassion38

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by PurplePassion38

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by pinkbird03

Seems like she’s showing interest. Why not reach out?

LOL A cancer taking advice from a cancer about a pisces? I don't know bout dis

I agree with her. Do something. Tell her hi. Ask her how she enjoyed her birthday. This is how Cancers blow it. You need to strike while the iron is hot. If you meander too long she'll lose interest and be gone again.

User Submitted Image

I'm starting to give up on you and I'm not even her. 😂😂
When we last spoke in dialogue she clearly stated “let me reach out to you!” And was very upset with me. So I gave her her space. Unfollowed her. Stopped contact in EVERY form. But I’m conflicted about crossing her boundary. Every time i thought she wanted me to reach out. Well last time I thought that, I was wrong. I misread the signs. And I sent her a damn 10 paragraph letter! Wouldn’t it be the right thing to let her reach out first? Or at I doomed to a classic Pisces that won’t ever do that?

Sounds like you already broke the rules with the letter for sure. LOL. Which is proof that Pisces boundaries aren't set in stone. You know her better than we do of course, so if you thinks it's best let her come to you. Give her some encouragement though. If she's liking your stuff maybe she's pass whatever made her not want to talk. Maybe like and comment on some of her social media posts. If she is responsive then send her a short comment or a funny video. Right now you are trying to re-establish the connection. You're going to need to be persistent.
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Thank you! Great advice!
Posted by UnusualVaginalDischarge

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by UnusualVaginalDischarge

But if you’re a very attractive man, I’m available AND I’m a water sign
I’m a woman. Haha. So is she. To be clear. But yeah Idk I think I’m kinda good looking. I mean she’s stunning honestly like woah. So beautiful fuck. So she had to have seen something about me in order to like me in the first place I’m sure. But I always hear about Pisces that once they are done with you that’s it. It’s over. And it felt really really over. 😭 Pisces sun gemini moon. I’m dealing with 4 people here lol
lol mutables.

The only real life experiences I’ve had with pisces is they are deceitful and think everyone is out to get them. So idk about the swimming away part, sorry
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As strong Gemini placements to a Pisces. How am I supposed to believe ANYTHING lol
Why did you unfollow her tho?

She asked for space until she contacts you next. Not for you to remove all traces of her.

Posted by LadyNeptune

Why did you unfollow her tho?

She asked for space until she contacts you next. Not for you to remove all traces of her.

"Hi. I have an exam tomorrow. I need today to study."

"Oh. Okay." *Deletes phone number. Unfollows on facebook/twitter*
Posted by LadyNeptune

Why did you unfollow her tho?

She asked for space until she contacts you next. Not for you to remove all traces of her.

that was for me. I didnt want her to follow me anymore. and i didnt want to follow her anymore because of...well self care. It wasnt in retaliation. Just protecting my HEART. That was me setting a boundary for my self. Feel me?
Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by pinkbird03

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by pinkbird03

Seems like she’s showing interest. Why not reach out?

LOL A cancer taking advice from a cancer about a pisces? I don't know bout dis
I guess I’ve just come to the point where if you can’t be real and 100% yourself, then what’s the point of the relationship? Games get you nowhere. Same with waiting.
I’m not playing a game. I’m just observing her boundary. She told me to let her come to me and was so angry with me when we last spoke that she threatened to block me. So I told her I’d respect her boundary and never made contact in every form and unfollowed her on IG. And the first contact I made was the letter but that was with no expectation for a response. Not to say I wouldnt have liked one but still. She was very clear on her boundary... I would love nothing more than to just say hi. Feel me?
What kind of sad obsession is this

I feel bad for you

If someone told me that forget a letter i wouldn't even go to their funeral
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Why do you feel bad for me? Im simply a forgiving person. Its not like I didnt give her my two cents in return. We both said really hurtful things to each other. And I started it actually. I just like to put shit behind me and let it be. I dont feel bad for me. I appreciate that I'm like that., its easier to be kind. I simply still care. I just realize we cant really have a relationship till we both grow. And in so many words I said that in the letter.
Posted by PurplePassion38

Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by PurplePassion38

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by PurplePassion38

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by pinkbird03

Seems like she’s showing interest. Why not reach out?

LOL A cancer taking advice from a cancer about a pisces? I don't know bout dis

I agree with her. Do something. Tell her hi. Ask her how she enjoyed her birthday. This is how Cancers blow it. You need to strike while the iron is hot. If you meander too long she'll lose interest and be gone again.

User Submitted Image

I'm starting to give up on you and I'm not even her. 😂😂
When we last spoke in dialogue she clearly stated “let me reach out to you!” And was very upset with me. So I gave her her space. Unfollowed her. Stopped contact in EVERY form. But I’m conflicted about crossing her boundary. Every time i thought she wanted me to reach out. Well last time I thought that, I was wrong. I misread the signs. And I sent her a damn 10 paragraph letter! Wouldn’t it be the right thing to let her reach out first? Or at I doomed to a classic Pisces that won’t ever do that?

Sounds like you already broke the rules with the letter for sure. LOL. Which is proof that Pisces boundaries aren't set in stone. You know her better than we do of course, so if you thinks it's best let her come to you. Give her some encouragement though. If she's liking your stuff maybe she's pass whatever made her not want to talk. Maybe like and comment on some of her social media posts. If she is responsive then send her a short comment or a funny video. Right now you are trying to re-establish the connection. You're going to need to be persistent.
Relationships should NEVER be this difficult unless you're married with children and want to salvage it

This sounds boring as fuk and mentally draining

Since when havr cancers liked anything simple. Tongue The more you're into a Cancer, the less they seem to be into you. Cancers want what they can't have. That's her obsession with this girl, she's a challenge.
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thats not fully true. And a misconetion. We love when people are genuinely in to us. And im not attracted at all to girls who play hard to get, or people that pay me no mind. I just crave mystery. And a lot of people come on to us too strong and want to talk all the time, and make themselves too easy, that turns us off. But not because we like the chase. I hate the chase. We like to SAVE people. People who run away from their feelings. That's the unhealthy pattern you arreferringng to not that we like what we cant have. It's far deeper than that.
Even though it's a bit hard you guys seem a potential match. I like the way you care. And I'm a pisces

Posted by dilettante

in my world, likes on social media mean something. i dont willy nilly throw likes around. if she wasnt liking yr stuff & now she is - i would take it as a sign... reach out to her.

send a totally non threatening, non pressure-y, friendly, “hi smile” or something simple & cute. ease the fishy outta the barrel. keep it light & playful.

does she have aqua in her chart? if so, send her a funny meme
I just mirrored her. I was scrolling on her tumblr and seen a picture that is on my IG. So I liked it. (It’s posted from a year ago so if she stole it from me it was from way back when lol). Idk I think I’m the one who needs the space rn. If you don’t know what to say you should say nothing? And put forth actions. Am I wrong?
Posted by Noaddic

Even though it's a bit hard you guys seem a potential match. I like the way you care. And I'm a pisces

How do we seem so to you? And I do care so much Sad. Reason we fought in the first place was me getting mad at her for not letting me know she’s ok and ignoring when I asked because she lives far away and told me some shit that made me really protective of her. So it was tuff stepping away the first time, that’s why this time around I’m really hesitant.
Posted by PurplePassion38

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by PurplePassion38

Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by PurplePassion38

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by PurplePassion38

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by pinkbird03

Seems like she’s showing interest. Why not reach out?

LOL A cancer taking advice from a cancer about a pisces? I don't know bout dis

I agree with her. Do something. Tell her hi. Ask her how she enjoyed her birthday. This is how Cancers blow it. You need to strike while the iron is hot. If you meander too long she'll lose interest and be gone again.

User Submitted Image

I'm starting to give up on you and I'm not even her. 😂😂
When we last spoke in dialogue she clearly stated “let me reach out to you!” And was very upset with me. So I gave her her space. Unfollowed her. Stopped contact in EVERY form. But I’m conflicted about crossing her boundary. Every time i thought she wanted me to reach out. Well last time I thought that, I was wrong. I misread the signs. And I sent her a damn 10 paragraph letter! Wouldn’t it be the right thing to let her reach out first? Or at I doomed to a classic Pisces that won’t ever do that?

Sounds like you already broke the rules with the letter for sure. LOL. Which is proof that Pisces boundaries aren't set in stone. You know her better than we do of course, so if you thinks it's best let her come to you. Give her some encouragement though. If she's liking your stuff maybe she's pass whatever made her not want to talk. Maybe like and comment on some of her social media posts. If she is responsive then send her a short comment or a funny video. Right now you are trying to re-establish the connection. You're going to need to be persistent.
Relationships should NEVER be this difficult unless you're married with children and want to salvage it

This sounds boring as fuk and mentally draining

Since when havr cancers liked anything simple. Tongue The more you're into a Cancer, the less they seem to be into you. Cancers want what they can't have. That's her obsession with this girl, she's a challenge.
thats not fully true. And a misconception. We love when people are genuinely in to us. And im not attracted at all to girls who play hard to get, or people that pay me no mind. I just crave mystery. And a lot of people come on to us too strong and want to talk all the time, and make themselves too easy, that turns us off. But not because we like the chase. I hate the chase. We like to SAVE people. People who run away from their feelings. That's the unhealthy pattern you referring to not that we like what we cant have. It's far deeper than that.

Please tell me you don't think you are saving this girl. Because a common misconception is that Pisces need grounding and rescuing. That rescuing usually comes in the form of them attempting to control us in some way which we will resent like hell. If you crave mystery and are looking to save a tortured soul, then it's scorpio you want.
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Im speaking of the unevolved Cancer. Manipulative, ect. Yes. But no Im not trying to save her, im just expressing that in the past I wanted so bad to be her hero, trying to save her, when in reality I was the one who needed saving. And I actually expressed that to her in my letter. It was relative to our last conversation between her and I. But I've definitely grown out of that. I am not trying to save her anymore. Im not trying anything. I just wanted to send her good feels. And make her smile on her birthday with touches of wanting to move forward and maybe being in each other's lives again one day when we both have reached synchronicity in our emotional and spiritual growth.
Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by pinkbird03

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by pinkbird03

Seems like she’s showing interest. Why not reach out?

LOL A cancer taking advice from a cancer about a pisces? I don't know bout dis
I guess I’ve just come to the point where if you can’t be real and 100% yourself, then what’s the point of the relationship? Games get you nowhere. Same with waiting.
I’m not playing a game. I’m just observing her boundary. She told me to let her come to me and was so angry with me when we last spoke that she threatened to block me. So I told her I’d respect her boundary and never made contact in every form and unfollowed her on IG. And the first contact I made was the letter but that was with no expectation for a response. Not to say I wouldnt have liked one but still. She was very clear on her boundary... I would love nothing more than to just say hi. Feel me?
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Well if she said she wants you to let her come to you then I understand
Posted by dilettante

Posted by WaterDevil

Posted by dilettante

in my world, likes on social media mean something. i dont willy nilly throw likes around. if she wasnt liking yr stuff & now she is - i would take it as a sign... reach out to her.

send a totally non threatening, non pressure-y, friendly, “hi smile” or something simple & cute. ease the fishy outta the barrel. keep it light & playful.

does she have aqua in her chart? if so, send her a funny meme
I just mirrored her. I was scrolling on her tumblr and seen a picture that is on my IG. So I liked it. (It’s posted from a year ago so if she stole it from me it was from way back when lol). Idk I think I’m the one who needs the space rn. If you don’t know what to say you should say nothing? And put forth actions. Am I wrong?
if u need space, then why are u racking yr brain on what to do?

ive been working on something in my own personal life: whether or not i am reaching out for attention or, if my intent is genuine. more often than not, i am reaching out for attention. even making excuses like, “im just checking in, i just wanna make them happy & to know i care”.

your situation is looking like you want attention from a swam away fishy & trying to figure out yr next move to get what u want. ppl can smell the pressure this energy produces.

shit or get off the pot. make a move or dont & move on. dont mirror, dont play games, stop overthinking. if you feel moved, do something.
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