One busy month

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by pisces on Sunday, April 1, 2007 and has 5 replies.
I am moving Interstate
Getting a New Job
Breaking up with my long term man
Learing to drive stick (only have my auto licence)
Getting a new car
Going to be Living with new people & making new friends Sad
All this change is startin to take its toll - hows everyone elses month going?
Helping a friend who kicked a drug habit last month to get a job
Just had another grandchild .. spending time with her and helping with home & kids
Spending time in dxp land with invisible people
Reading, then some more reading
< watches ass get fatter
Several more tax returns to file before the 15th .. one quite complex
Spending time with a guy friend (Cancer) will gets leave from Korea before deploying to Iraq
Perform marriage ceremony for two beautiful people (Leo & Pisces)
Currently working on my first non-fiction .. will continue when time prevails
Might kick a few asses along the way, if needed
Self-help on what topic, pp?
Oh, that's something that's probably needed .. seems more people than we like to think are having relationship problems. I'll bet listening in here to people probably helps out a lot too, especially with your schooling. We can be a bunch of moaners, sometimes, lol.
It's really fulfilling, pp, to write .. I wish you luck smile
Well I wish you all luck too smile
It has been a rocky road these last months but things are moving along & I am sure all this change is for the best!!
Always thought I really liked change - maybe I am getting old cause lately it seams all too exhausting - ha