Open Relationships

How do you Pisceans (especially women) feel about open relationships?...

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by TowardAscension on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 and has 388 replies.
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Posted by Let*It*Be
To's people like yourself that give me hope. We think much alike. Winking

Thank you. We know what we are worth, we know we can go out and sleep with anyone we want but we hold ourselves to a higher standard than that.
Posted by piranhaparadiise
I am a fish afterall

Crabs eat fish for breakfast.
I'm sorry did you say something? I was too busy chewing on your face.
Don't take it so personal. I only like to eat the bottom feeders who tempt me with their slime.
I don't have an ego when it comes to a man, Pisces or not. I never expected certainties with a Pisces. I also would never act or think everything is in its place and then become lax. I like to live my life on the edge with spontaneity. I love adrenalin. I'm always trying new things and ideas, so things don't become stagnant or boring. But if I do obtain a Pisces and he wants to leave, I'm sure I'll survive. I am contented with myself, enough to be on my own.
My statement did not mean I can have a Pisces at my feet either, I was referring to piranha and that if I wanted to I could chew her up and spit her out. It had nothing to do with getting a Pisces.
I'm not weak either. I would never treat someone I love and want with the demeanor I've used in here. If you are saying lashing back at someone is weak. I don't put down and belittle my interests. Never. I support them and build them up because I believe in them. After all it's why I am interested, because I see something worthwhile in them.
To be honest I wasn't instigating nothing if you read back my first post in here to you ...I was stating that your nasty comments made you no better then P...but you had to go overboard and talk about someones looks...I'm not smiling in my one pic so get over it...
I answer posts here that refer to Pisces man.. so of course I am going to talk about my pisces it gives insights to how they are in a relationship..what are you doing here ? trying to learn more about the Pisces man ? and you even said you like my insights however I will no longer provide insights on this board again ...not to people like you to benefit from...
Yes I am a great package and I am very caring to those that matter...not to internet hoodlums !
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
Posted by piranhaparadiise
I am a fish afterall

Crabs eat fish for breakfast.
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lmfao fish come in all shapes and sizes ....
Just because I don't stoop to your pathetic level don't underestimate me...
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
My statement did not mean I can have a Pisces at my feet either, I was referring to piranha and that if I wanted to I could chew her up and spit her out. It had nothing to do with getting a Pisces.

big bad internet girl...
I wish I had the attention span to figure out what is going on here and what everyone is talking about but I can't be BOTHERED. But it seems so interestingTongue *flips tail and swims away*
Posted by piranhaparadiise
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
Posted by iceredrobot
For what its worth, there's no such thing as an emotional affair. We have no control over our emotions or who we fall in love with. JUST thought I'd throw that out there xD

The heart wants what the heart wants. But you can't tell that to someone who is heartless.

to be honest you are no better...and the old comment is getting...well old...52 is not 80 is...
And another one is too old to find love kinky or what have a lot to learn dear...
You even said your husband wants to work things out...and also you even said that he must know it's over when his wife is sleeping in another this in itself is saying you haven't had the talk do contradict yourself...
Also P may have a husband that is gay [which I don't know but comments fly around] however ever heard of a Pisces who will be there through good and bad with their partner ??? yeh looks like thats a true Pisces commitment right there...
Whether you and all the other followers don't like her comments under the rough is truth..
And it looks like you are still holding out hope for your Pisces a tiger in wait wanting to pounce on him once he is emotionally free...quite selfish and unfortunately by now he would have wanted something won't listen to the other Pisces here that tell you this...but when he finds someone *right* for him you will be left on the way side I can guarantee that...unfortunately it is one of the pisces negative know traits...
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Posted by P-Angel
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
No self respecting woman wants an open relationship ...

Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
... my mind is about love and mutual respect, which does not involve sharing my man's penis nor my vagina with third parties.
A good woman wants a committed relationship.

Spoken by a person who lives with her husband while having an emotional affair with another man. And lives with this husband she does, because by her own admission she cannot leave him because he pays for her to live.
whores sleep with men to "pay" for them to live

for all of those who read this ... know that ^^^^ ... she spews at the mouth about respectable women, yet, she is the very epitome of a disrespecting cunt
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Posted by piranhaparadiise
however I will no longer provide insights on this board again ...not to people like you to benefit from...

Yes I am a great package and I am very caring to those that matter...not to internet hoodlums !
This statement is hypocritical. *shrugs shoulders* just saying.
Posted by piranhaparadiise
To be honest I wasn't instigating nothing if you read back my first post in here to you ...I was stating that your nasty comments made you no better then P...but you had to go overboard and talk about someones looks...I'm not smiling in my one pic so get over it...
I answer posts here that refer to Pisces man.. so of course I am going to talk about my pisces it gives insights to how they are in a relationship..what are you doing here ? trying to learn more about the Pisces man ? and you even said you like my insights however I will no longer provide insights on this board again ...not to people like you to benefit from...
Yes I am a great package and I am very caring to those that matter...not to internet hoodlums !

Correction. You instigated plenty when you brought up not only my husband, which you say he wants to work things out and clearly we have not had the talk. What does his wanting to work things out have to do with anything and what makes you think we haven't talked about our divorce? Mostly, what about my marriage is any of your freaking concern? But you also had to involve the Pisces I talk to, in which I have become good friends with since I came in here for advice the last time. I will continue to be his friend even if he does become ready and he finds someone who suits him better. I am not the jealous type who wonders why I didn't get someone. I am the type that believes everything happens for a reason and if he hasn't or doesn't fall for me then it wasn't meant to be. I've been in Plenty of situations where things seemed perfect and then went sour, I was nothing but thankful later because we weren't destined to be.
And as far as your non-smiling face and I should get over it. You're right, I should get over it because I stayed up all night last night stressing over it.
I might have said I enjoyed your insight but you never provided me with anything I didn't already know. I simply enjoyed your passion about what you wrote. That's about it, so threaten to take them if you please, I could not care less. There's nothing I need to learn from you.
Posted by piranhaparadiise
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
My statement did not mean I can have a Pisces at my feet either, I was referring to piranha and that if I wanted to I could chew her up and spit her out. It had nothing to do with getting a Pisces.

big bad internet girl...
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Yeah, I bet you wouldn't be saying that if we were in the same room.
"I wasn't instigating nothing" The correct grammar here would be...I wasn't instigating anything.
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
We know what we are worth, we know we can go out and sleep with anyone we want but we hold ourselves to a higher standard than that.

You are implying that a woman who sleeps with many different men is doing THEM a favor. Couldn't you stop and think for a minute that she's actually enjoying it and that's why she's doing it? So basically what you're saying is that women can't enjoy sex the way men can, to them it always has to be about love or monogamy, otherwise it's not on their terms? lol
You don't seem to understand that you have your own preference and that preferences have nothing to do with self-worth or self-resepct! If you're not living your life on your own terms, then that's lacking self-worth....
Posted by piranhaparadiise
... I will no longer provide insights on this board again ...not to people like you to benefit from...

piranha, there are people in here who enjoy your presence, and likes to hear what you have to say. You have to consider the source .. and the source is a miserable Cancer who feels so low about herself that her only vantage point (in her eyes) is in how people look.
You don't have to stop posting here because of her ... the way she has presented herself in here shows that she's a nobody of value, so please reconsider your decision.
Posted by enfant_terrible
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
We know what we are worth, we know we can go out and sleep with anyone we want but we hold ourselves to a higher standard than that.

You are implying that a woman who sleeps with many different men is doing THEM a favor. Couldn't you stop and think for a minute that she's actually enjoying it and that's why she's doing it? So basically what you're saying is that women can't enjoy sex the way men can, to them it always has to be about love or monogamy, otherwise it's not on their terms? lol
You don't seem to understand that you have your own preference and that preferences have nothing to do with self-worth or self-resepct! If you're not living your life on your own terms, then that's lacking self-worth....

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This. I concur.
Posted by enfant_terrible
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
We know what we are worth, we know we can go out and sleep with anyone we want but we hold ourselves to a higher standard than that.

You are implying that a woman who sleeps with many different men is doing THEM a favor. Couldn't you stop and think for a minute that she's actually enjoying it and that's why she's doing it? So basically what you're saying is that women can't enjoy sex the way men can, to them it always has to be about love or monogamy, otherwise it's not on their terms? lol
You don't seem to understand that you have your own preference and that preferences have nothing to do with self-worth or self-resepct! If you're not living your life on your own terms, then that's lacking self-worth....

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No, otherwise the word pleasure would have been somewhere in my statement. It's usually the ones who lack morals and values who sleep around. And speaking for myself, a woman does enjoy sex as much as a guy, since you brought it up.
Piranha, perhaps you should listen to P-Angel since she is a professional at knowing misery. Also at showing what presenting oneself of being someone if no value. I don't care about how people look, but I succeeded in getting her feathers ruffled ovet it, so my work here is done.
And real talk, don't you have a prescription that needs filling?
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
There's nothing I need to learn from you.

Considering you're still chatting through a screen after 5 months talking to a Pisces ...I think you have much to learn on how to get a Pisces to actually want to meet you straight up and not half a year gone by...
Well considering he's working in Sweden right now shows you don't know what you are talking about. When we do meet, the first thing he's going to do is crack open some champagne with strawberries. Third can vouch this one, so why don't you go put something in your mouth and make yourself useful.
I bet you do like bad girls.
H and I have been talking for months outside of dxp. The pisces has talked about plans about meeting. Also H is right about you attacking other posters and calling them names out of the blue. I was present at the time and you were speaking directly to H and I without even knowing the facts so in that aspect you were the internet bully which is why I stated below what you were stating was hypocritical of your past actions.
*shrugs shoulders* selective memory perhaps?
Also I remember you throwing the victim card then stated your not going to reply. I can't remember if it was a forever thing or for to that thread specifically. Either way you still posted. Which is your decision to do so or not. No skin off of my nose.
I believe that thread still exists if you require evidence of your past actions.
lol @ nights... only you...well dazedscorp too. *ponders*
Too much excitement for you knights? Or did you just want to voice something you probably already pictured all of us doing? Are we all in our panties have a pillow fight instead of an Internet war?
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
Posted by enfant_terrible
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
We know what we are worth, we know we can go out and sleep with anyone we want but we hold ourselves to a higher standard than that.

You are implying that a woman who sleeps with many different men is doing THEM a favor. Couldn't you stop and think for a minute that she's actually enjoying it and that's why she's doing it? So basically what you're saying is that women can't enjoy sex the way men can, to them it always has to be about love or monogamy, otherwise it's not on their terms? lol
You don't seem to understand that you have your own preference and that preferences have nothing to do with self-worth or self-resepct! If you're not living your life on your own terms, then that's lacking self-worth....

No, otherwise the word pleasure would have been somewhere in my statement. It's usually the ones who lack morals and values who sleep around. And speaking for myself, a woman does enjoy sex as much as a guy, since you brought it up.
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You're the one referring to open relationships as facesitting...Winking I dunno, that rings pleasure to me,lol
Whose morals and values are you talking about? Are YOUR morals and values universal somehow, carved in stone or something? What makes you think that certain values are right while others are wrong when it comes to life style choices and subjects that don't concern anyone but yourself?
Posted by DazedScorp
Posted by tbird
lol @ nights... only you...well dazedscorp too. *ponders*

What did I do now?!
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lol nothing hun! That wasn't a slam in any way or manner. Btw I'm surprised you didn't put a kabalsa sausage on your list. Winking
@H: What is it about guys thinking girls in their panites in a pillow fight. That doesn't happen... sorry guys!
@nights: well I know some of us aren't getting laid...could help. lol (no offense H! You KNOW I fall into that catagory)
I am not a Pisces but water person.
What is the difference between open relationship and dating? It is really the same thing is it not? Relationships are supposed to be one on one person. Not sharing the person with 20 other people. Open relationships are just a easy way out for people who can not, or will not commit.
Posted by Mooniemooneyes

What is the difference between open relationship and dating? It is really the same thing is it not? Relationships are supposed to be one on one person. Not sharing the person with 20 other people.

Not really. There is nothing in the word 'relationship' that indicates it must be with one person. What you're thinking about marriage!
Anyway, being in an open relationship usually means you are comitted to one person by heart but you are free to engage in sexual activities with others.
Posted by tbird

*shrugs shoulders* selective memory perhaps?

tbird who cares what was said on another thread this is a new thread...and I'm sure intrigue doesn't need your hand to hold...she can roller coast herself into foolishness if she wants...
It's the reason she deleted her other account after she realised she felt stupid in her behaviour... yet she is at it again...*shrugs shoulders*
If you don't like my opinions there is a block button ...use it...anyone has a choice...
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
Well considering he's working in Sweden right now shows you don't know what you are talking about. When we do meet, the first thing he's going to do is crack open some champagne with strawberries. Third can vouch this one, so why don't you go put something in your mouth and make yourself useful.

yes the same man you said that you were over him ...because new information he told you that he meets other women on the dating site met him from... for sexual needs or something like that...and you don't accept someone like that...but too heartbroken to meet you ?! doesn't add up...
Still you haven't met him nor do you *really* know him really is true when men say women will believe all kinds of shit a man says...
either way you do what you do best believe before you see...

Posted by piranhaparadiise
Posted by tbird

*shrugs shoulders* selective memory perhaps?

tbird who cares what was said on another thread this is a new thread...and I'm sure intrigue doesn't need your hand to hold...she can roller coast herself into foolishness if she wants...
It's the reason she deleted her other account after she realised she felt stupid in her behaviour... yet she is at it again...*shrugs shoulders*
If you don't like my opinions there is a block button ...use it...anyone has a choice...
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If you apply that logic who cares if H had an account before and deleted it. I'm not holding anyone's hand, again if you apply that logic you were holding P's hand earlier.
As you said in my previous posts I don't care if you post or not. I was simply pointing out you were being hypocritical, tis all. Apparantly that pissed you off. *shrugs shoulders* I wasn't lying, like I said if you want I can provide you this evidence.
And again if you don't like what I've said or what H has said you can simply ignore such comments. Don't get you panties all in a bunch because I've pointed out your past actions.
""yes the same man you said that you were over him ...because new information he told you that he meets other women on the dating site met him from... for sexual needs or something like that...and you don't accept someone like that...but too heartbroken to meet you ?! doesn't add up...

Still you haven't met him nor do you *really* know him really is true when men say women will believe all kinds of shit a man says..."
It doesn't add up cause you got your facts wrong.

"either way you do what you do best believe before you see..."
Your being hypocritical again.
Posted by DazedScorp
Posted by tbird
Posted by DazedScorp
Posted by tbird
lol @ nights... only you...well dazedscorp too. *ponders*

What did I do now?!

Btw I'm surprised you didn't put a kabalsa sausage on your list. Winking

I was trying to be vegan friendly Big Grin
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bahahaha!!!But...but... people need protein! Tongue j/k
Posted by tbird
Posted by piranhaparadiise
Posted by tbird
Apparantly that pissed you off.

if I was pissed off on anything you sure would know about it...
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Posted by piranhaparadiise
Posted by tbird
Posted by piranhaparadiise
Posted by tbird
Apparantly that pissed you off.

if I was pissed off on anything you sure would know about it...

I sensed pantie bunching in that post. Now who's the big bad wolf?
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What in the ....
Ooooh, banana!
Posted by tbird

It doesn't add up cause you got your facts wrong.

nope that is what she wrote similarly... but her account is deleted... it was something to that effect but not precise words...
Anyway help her along to believe everything a man says...
/end posting
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
And real talk, don't you have a prescription that needs filling?

Eat my ass you stanken bitch. Don't get mad at me because you're a sorry excuse for a human & you're being called out. FOH scumbag. Big Grin
Oh & you would need the prescription boo-boo. Not wearing condoms & all. Nasty bitch.
Posted by tbird

I sensed pantie bunching in that post. Now who's the big bad wolf?

If I was pissed off or had my panties in a bunch for you say... I would be swearing and what not...and telling you to f off etc ...
Your senses need fixing...
anyhoo I'm outta here
Posted by piranhaparadiise
Posted by tbird

It doesn't add up cause you got your facts wrong.

nope that is what she wrote similarly... but her account is deleted... it was something to that effect but not precise words...
Anyway help her along to believe everything a man says...
/end posting
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actually yes...yes it is similar but somethings are incorrect. You say her account deleting is directed to her posting, I say bring up you being hypocritical is related to your past posts in this thread. You can't say one is relavent and the other isn't not. Your cherry picking.
Actually no it's right on point. You can smoke screen if you will. If you weren't upset why feel the need to announce your leaving? I said your panties were in a bunch cause your annoyed I didn't say your irrate which would = cussing. There is a difference. Anywho toodles... unless you care to post again. Do what you will. I have no problem carrying on a debate.
@autumn: lol
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
And real talk, don't you have a prescription that needs filling?

On second thought, yes I do. I forgot. You just reminded me to fill my prescription for Synthroid. Thanks!!!!!
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
And real talk, don't you have a prescription that needs filling?

On second thought, yes I do. I forgot. You just reminded me to fill my prescription for Synthroid. Thanks!!!!!

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bahahahahah fuck me! Classic real talk.. I'm starting to really like you.