Posted by KingOfAries
of coarse .....
Posted by P-AngelPosted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
Well jeeze, I didn't mean to post this yet. Ok bring on the attacks.
Manipulator ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. only a matter of time before everyone in here "gets" your intentionclick to expand
Posted by AutumnalChick
^ whoops, formatting ish.
Try reading up, dumbass.
People are living 20, 30 years with the HIV virus and life expectancy has reached up to 50 years for people who begin treatment early.
I would say you will make the world's worst doctor but I have no confidence that you will be accepted into any medical school.
Pre-med, that's a joke. Try going out and working with HIV patients in the real world, like I have, then try to act like you know shit about it.
Posted by RealTalkPosted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
And real talk, don't you have a prescription that needs filling?
Eat my ass you stanken to expand
Posted by P-AngelPosted by KingOfAries
of coarse .....
So, they are taking med students in college now just out of third grade?
That's a really hard word ... so, maybe fourth grade?click to expand
Posted by KingOfAriesPosted by P-AngelPosted by KingOfAries
of coarse .....
So, they are taking med students in college now just out of third grade?
That's a really hard word ... so, maybe fourth grade?
was that supposed to be funny? as for a fourth grader i seem to be much more mature than youclick to expand
Posted by AutumnalChick
^ whoops, formatting ish.
Try reading up, dumbass.
People are living 20, 30 years with the HIV virus and life expectancy has reached up to 50 years for people who begin treatment early.
I would say you will make the world's worst doctor but I have no confidence that you will be accepted into any medical school.
Pre-med, that's a joke. Try going out and working with HIV patients in the real world, like I have, then try to act like you know shit about it.
Posted by aPiscesPrincessPosted by iceredrobot
Are all Americans this uptight about sex? Gosh you lot should never visit Europe
lol For me it's just that, what's mine is mine. I don't share well ;Pclick to expand
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
Usually a good man is not interested in bringing someone home to mom and dad who has had the whole football team. By the time she realizes this and wants to settle down, it may be too late for her to be considered worthy. I can only hope he would love her enough to accept her past. I say self worth and respect because It often has to do with the relationship the girl has had with her father. Usually a non existent father or one who is too strict. She moved on in life finding comfort in many different men. It's usually those who become prostitutes and exotic dancers. M
Posted by KingOfAries
only majority dont find out they gave HIV early, hence 10 years, not more, unless of-coarse you are loaded with money then.
I have worked with an HIV patients in a dental clinic, once i found out they had HIV (usually black men) i went out put on two pairs of glows, mask of coarse and protecting glasses before touching their mouths, i had to take x-rays, and other doctors knew immediately that he was HIV everyone kept warning everyone else.
Posted by enfant_terriblePosted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
Usually a good man is not interested in bringing someone home to mom and dad who has had the whole football team. By the time she realizes this and wants to settle down, it may be too late for her to be considered worthy. I can only hope he would love her enough to accept her past. I say self worth and respect because It often has to do with the relationship the girl has had with her father. Usually a non existent father or one who is too strict. She moved on in life finding comfort in many different men. It's usually those who become prostitutes and exotic dancers. M
Yes but the way the society views them is not their problem, it's the society's problem. It's the society that has a warped view on what a woman is and should be like! Don't you see that? :-/ It's like saying a woman who dresses like a "slut" has only herself to blame if she gets raped because of the way the society views her.
And you are right about bad father figures, but you do realize that we are all a product of our upbringing/enviroment so who's to say what's normal? What is a normal childhood? Is it normal to have parents that never argue and are happy because they bottle up their frustrations... or maybe they are just very compatible, doesen't matter, my question is what does it do to a kid who's a product of this "happy marriage" and eventually realizes that his own marriage is a failure in comparison, when in fact it's not! And so on. You do realize that "happines" in itself will create complexes that can have dire consequences too? So no values or principles are "normal", apart from those that are forced onto us by the society and times we live in. It's a question of norms, not what's right or wrong.
Check out the Madonna-Whore complex, to expand
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
Posted by P-Angel
Manipulator ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. only a matter of time before everyone in here "gets" your intention
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
So you can contract HIV by taking X-Rays? Wow, you are learning so much interesting stuff at this school. It must really be prestigious.
Posted by KingOfAriesThe user who posted this message has hidden it.
ive read it before you hid it no need to repost it, thing is, what youve been telling them is usual crap to make them feel better, i studied microbiology, viruses, i know how that stuff works, i actually know what those tiny virions do how they infect spread and how the secondary stage comes - AIDS, and how the immune system is gradually degrading, average is 10 years before you get AIDS. real doctors huh? you mean doctors with limited resources? firstly in dentistry we use sharp tools, we rip ur gums from your bones which are bleeding and if we puncture our glow we have a chance of getting infectedclick to expand
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
I doubt you have any type of glow about you but I bet if you rip your glove you could become infected Doggie.
Posted by KingOfAriesPosted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
I doubt you have any type of glow about you but I bet if you rip your glove you could become infected Doggie.
usually you dont rip your glow, you poke it through with something sharp nearly as a needle, and most of the time glow isnt the only thing you poke, especially when youre washing instrumentsclick to expand
Posted by AutumnalChickPosted by KingOfAriesThe user who posted this message has hidden it.
ive read it before you hid it no need to repost it, thing is, what youve been telling them is usual crap to make them feel better, i studied microbiology, viruses, i know how that stuff works, i actually know what those tiny virions do how they infect spread and how the secondary stage comes - AIDS, and how the immune system is gradually degrading, average is 10 years before you get AIDS. real doctors huh? you mean doctors with limited resources? firstly in dentistry we use sharp tools, we rip ur gums from your bones which are bleeding and if we puncture our glow we have a chance of getting infected
I mean doctors from the University of California-San Francisco. Not really "limited resources."
Dude, you don't know shit.
That is to expand
Posted by enfant_terrible
Check out the Madonna-Whore complex, btw....
Posted by AutumnalChickPosted by KingOfAriesPosted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
I doubt you have any type of glow about you but I bet if you rip your glove you could become infected Doggie.
usually you dont rip your glow, you poke it through with something sharp nearly as a needle, and most of the time glow isnt the only thing you poke, especially when youre washing instruments
It is a fucking GLOVE. GLOVE. G-L-O-V-E.
Are you seriously in college?click to expand
Posted by KingOfAriesPosted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
I doubt you have any type of glow about you but I bet if you rip your glove you could become infected Doggie.
usually you dont rip your glow, you poke it through with something sharp nearly as a needle, and most of the time glow isnt the only thing you poke, especially when youre washing instrumentsclick to expand
Posted by KingOfAriesPosted by AutumnalChickPosted by KingOfAriesPosted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
I doubt you have any type of glow about you but I bet if you rip your glove you could become infected Doggie.
usually you dont rip your glow, you poke it through with something sharp nearly as a needle, and most of the time glow isnt the only thing you poke, especially when youre washing instruments
It is a fucking GLOVE. GLOVE. G-L-O-V-E.
Are you seriously in college?
thanks i wondered why my computer kept autocorrecting lol, no im joking im in the kinder garden, bye gotta go studyclick to expand
Posted by Chocokat
Maybe, it's just me, but I hate using the word slut. I've peer counseled in high school and now in college. I've worked and have had personal conversations with these "so-called sluts". Just hearing the word "slut" creep out of someone's mouth makes me cringe..
I also grew up around a lot of sexist pigs, thus why I will never tear down another woman..
Damn my Pisces Moon..
Posted by winterwroughtPosted by LadyScorpPPosted by winterwroughtPosted by LadyScorpPPosted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
It's refreshing to see, especially a young guy feel about it the way you feel winter. And your woman is going to feel so special when she learns that about you.
In full agreementWe need more young men around to think with the same policy, one key- one lock
Indeed.This key has but two purposes. And one applies to what you've said. The other?
The other, hmm good question...what is the other?? to expand
Posted by aPiscesPrincessPosted by iceredrobot
Are all Americans this uptight about sex? Gosh you lot should never visit Europe
lol For me it's just that, what's mine is mine. I don't share well ;Pclick to expand
Posted by iceredrobotPosted by P-Angel
Manipulator ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. only a matter of time before everyone in here "gets" your intention
THIS??IS??NOT??REAL??LIFE??THIS??IS??THE??INTERNET nobody caresclick to expand
Posted by tbirdPosted by aPiscesPrincessPosted by iceredrobot
Are all Americans this uptight about sex? Gosh you lot should never visit Europe
lol For me it's just that, what's mine is mine. I don't share well ;P
Amen APP! I've only been with 2 guys and I have no problem stating such. 200 to 250 is just fucking nasty. There is no way you can remember faces, names and experiences. You would have a tiker taker hanging off of your thigh or like the DMV you should have a electric sign that says now to expand
Posted by tbirdPosted by aPiscesPrincessPosted by iceredrobot
Are all Americans this uptight about sex? Gosh you lot should never visit Europe
lol For me it's just that, what's mine is mine. I don't share well ;P
Amen APP! I've only been with 2 guys and I have no problem stating such. 200 to 250 is just fucking nasty. There is no way you can remember faces, names and experiences. You would have a tiker taker hanging off of your thigh or like the DMV you should have a electric sign that says now to expand
Posted by winterwroughtPosted by MeMyselfAndIntriguedPosted by winterwroughtPosted by LadyScorpPPosted by winterwroughtPosted by LadyScorpPPosted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
It's refreshing to see, especially a young guy feel about it the way you feel winter. And your woman is going to feel so special when she learns that about you.
In full agreementWe need more young men around to think with the same policy, one key- one lock
Indeed.This key has but two purposes. And one applies to what you've said. The other?
The other, hmm good question...what is the other??
That's the most important part of the unlocking. She'll keep it unlocked for you if you fiddle.
As he does with his key, she can fiddle with her lock.As long as neither one's 'fiddling' reveals realms that a key-to-lock one can't. That would kind of defeat the purpose of key-to-lock.
click to expand
Posted by iceredrobotPosted by enfant_terrible
Check out the Madonna-Whore complex, btw....
omg someone here knows what that is!!! I'm high 5ing the screen lolclick to expand
Posted by aPiscesPrincessPosted by enfant_terrible
You're alive and well again, PiscesPrincess? I've missed peeking up your skirt, lol
haha Yes I'm aliveWell you can still look up my skirt if you want, it's still in my pics ;P
click to expand