This is my first official post, but I've been browsing through the topics for a few weeks. You don't have to worry about hurting my feelings or anything since i'm fresh meat =)
I've been casually speaking with a Pisces classmate for a little over a year now. We are apart of the same inner circle but we aren't the best of friends. Our progress seems to climb at a snails pace.In the beginning there was a lot of middleman "she likes you" "he likes you too" going on because he always confided in friends but stayed distant with me. This really blew my mind because he is in histwenties yet insisted on going through other people. He would always talk about me to various friends or ask how I was doing often. Yet when we were in class he would get really awkward and sometimes a little mean when I talked to him. I wrote it off as a misunderstanding and told myself that he was just being flirty. I didn't want to falsely think that he was interested.
Our behavior was really kindergarten. I would look up, catch him staring, we'd both say "what?" then look away. Some days he would seek me out and try to make conversation. Others I would try to have a casual conversation with him and he'd get all finicky (almost as if he were in a rush to get away). Sensing that, I backed off a little. Which led to him obsessing to our mutual friend and trying his best to get my attention.For months that weird "Maybe I'm interested- no i'm not!" behavior continued. Later through friends we exchanged numbers (neither of us asked for the other's # rather we were pushed into it) He texted me wishing me a happy holiday and we chatted shortly. A few days later I texted him and he responded "Who is this?" So I told him who I was and he said that he knew it was me. Once again, I backed off a little bit- figuring he didn't want to be bothered. From there we would text every once in a while.
He contacts me often now just to talk but I find his behavior so confusing. He treats everyone else pretty nice, but with me he can act like a distant jerk sometimes. I told a friend something he'd said to me and she told me that was kind out out of his character. I've never told him that I liked him or pressured him in any way find tell me his feelings . . . i've never offended him or anything so I don't understand his ways.
To make the story short i'm confused as to why he contacts me/ talks about me just to end up saying something jerk-like. Manipulation? Boredom? Lonely? Any in insight would b
and i like to ask you Vavhoom, does he have any aquarius placements in his chart? venus especially?
You're SO on. His Venus is in Aqua
i would suggest the easiest way to stop engaging in immature behavior is for YOU to stop on your end. ie, stop talking to your friends abotu it...and doing all that juvenile crap. you are as much to blame for the elementary state of affairs as he is. i mean really...maybe you should send him a note in class askign if he likes you? lol. is it any wonder he acts like a jerk?
True about me playing a part but I don't agree with your last sentence. There's no reason to call/text me FIRST just to be a jerk at times. There's no reason to go out of his way to tell me how many women desire him yet when he sees that i'm not reacting in a jealous way he'll downplay it by saying he doesn't want them.I could understand if it was the other way around and I was bothering him or something. Then maybe he'd have the right to be a jerk.
Also some Pisces are really close to their friends and value their opinions ALOT so I figured it was normal for him to confide in them but when you tell your friends one thing and react another way it can be totally confusing. EX: (Don't have a mutual friend make me feel bad about backing off because you went up to her bummed out. Only to behave strangely when I do try to talk to you) I could say the most non-threatening things like "The weather is nice" and he'd get all finicky/ on-guard.
And to directly ask him anything is like talking to a tap dancer on red bull (he will beat around the bush). So I don't feel as if I being immature i'm just not being demanding.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I'm not clear why you are being so defensive. You come in here and ask people for thier input, and then get an attitude when someone tells you something you don't want to hear.
Perhaps, this is a part of why this Pisces boy can be such a jerk and not want to talk to you, directly.
If you can't handle another persons perspective, then don't ask.
I happen to agree with leokitten ... you are busy entertaining his immaturity by responding in like high-school fashion ... so this makes you an equal in his escapades, NOT ABOVE IT.
:::: shakes head ::::
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I struggle all the time, trying to figure women out .. men do it too sometimes, but, not as much as women.
She would first say things to describe how the man is not a right match for her, he confuses her, or makes her feel bad, or is an ass to her, or whatever kind of negative emotion he evokes in her in which she is describing saying she doesn't like how it makes her feel.
Then turn around and say the most stupiest shit I've ever heard, like ... how do I get him? I like him so much.
WTF ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I'm not clear why you are being so defensive. You come in here and ask people for thier input, and then get an attitude when someone tells you something you don't want to hear.
Seriously, I wasn't being rude or least I didn't mean to come off that way. I figured if she could tell me to get a hobby and I deserve to be treated the way I am then surely I could say what I do in my personal life as far as hobbies had nothing to do with the post, which it doesn't.
And in the first sentence I said "True about me playing a part but I don't agree with your last sentence." The last sentence being he has the right to be a jerk.
.. how do I get him? I like him so much.
When did I ask "How do I get him?"
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I'm not sure what you are referencing, or whom, when you say ..
"The last sentence being he has the right to be a jerk."
But, he does have a right to be a jerk .. he has a right to be any person he chooses to be .. just like you have a right whether you want to put any energy into acknowledging he's a jerk, or any energy into acknowledging that you comprehend you are acknowleding it, and still wanting the man.
You are here asking this question, aren't you?
This means you want him.
however, you do have control over him treating you in a jerk like fashion. see you get the treatment you allow. so if you fail to tell him to back off...or not to treat you that way...or to not make rude comments or whatever....then you will continue to accept and get that type of behavior from him.
I agree with this wholeheartedly.
I understand what the two of you are saying. And I really meant it when I told leokitten I valued her input. A fter all she did take the time to read what I wrote and respond and I do appreciate that.
I was simply looking for a little insight on typical Pisces behavior( if someone was able to give it to me) in relation to my situation other than " Move on, get a life, and you deserved it." in so many words.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Alright, Pisces behaviour is impacted by percieved energies.
Every person gets treats differently, normally, while still holding on to our own values, as being presented with our disposition that doesn't change per person ..... the only thing that changes per person is their own expectations of being done upon them, by the way they project outwards.
Some people, I would pick on ..... some, my interactions are strictly serious in nature .... others, flirty and teasing .. depends on what personality type we are dealing with.
We are chamelions .. however, this boy is treating you, he is doing so because he percieves in your energy projection that this is appropriate and then he reflects this back to you.
so, to ask is this typical behaviour of a Pisces .. yes, it is.
^ Thank you so much that was very insightful.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"Later through friends we exchanged numbers (neither of us asked for the other's # rather we were pushed into it)"
I'm unclear as to why you feel like you two were pushed into anything from mutual friends, when it seems apparant that these friends were actually recruited to be middle-men.
You both sound high-school to me, to be honest. Actual age isn't relevant .. maturity doesn't recognize measurement of time, it recognizes measurement of experience. I would say that he sounds immature and high-school ... but, your comment where you believe you have been pushed into this by mutual friends, sounds equal in this level.