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Feb 05, 2016Comments: 99 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 53
So I've been on and off with this pisces man, everything was going fine until when I woke up this morning, booom! he's changed his profile pic,it's him and this other girl kissing! The worst thing I have ever come ACROSS.Me and him were doing just fine. I really don't know what I did to him for him to do this to me. I wish he could have told me something. I really don't feel like talking to him right now. This is so painful I won't lie to myself. Are pisces men this horrible? what could have pushed him to do this to me.
I don't know what to do. Should I confront him or should I take this as a message to back off!?
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Oct 14, 2015Comments: 826 · Posts: 2348 · Topics: 15
What are his other planets?
maybe he doesnt feel loved by you enough, so he decided to take a drastic action
or, he really want you to back off.....
hard to say without more background
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Until the words come out of someone else mouth do you want to be my gff. And there's a yes then that would be messed up. If you don't hear those words and hear I am not ready or something like that. Then can do whatever. .
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Feb 05, 2016Comments: 99 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 53
@firstdecan, this man we were even planning to have babies together. He was even telling me that one day we will get married. I was sure about him , maybe he did not trust me enuf.
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Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
Ok im not going to go on a rant on how shit Pisces are, I'm not going to waste my energy.....maybe just a little
My ex was a piscean and he used to get drunk and beat me up and take his issues out on me then cry the next morning and convince me to stay, my breaking point was walking in on him making out with a tranny on our couch lol, I laugh at it now but at the time my pride and self esteem grew arms and started to throttle me, I seriously wanted to kill myself, I left the next day with a small bag packed and left him and all my shit and never spoke to him again but not before I trashed that mother fuckers apartment lol I loved him like crazy and still to this day I have trust issues due to the way I was treated so was a small price to pay for years of mental and physical abuse.
Since then I've been a Pisces guillotine, all those fish are on the chopping block in my eyes, if I find out you're a fish WATCH OUT, I will watch you closely and f you fall out of line, I rip your head off....I know piscean folk are lovely people, they are mutable signs and like to go out in the world like a fish with narrow vision and if they see what they like they just go for it not caring if they cut someone's grass or cut in line, it's not their fault that most are ignorant and mistakenly take advantage of people, this is when karma comes into play and I am karma.
The thing is people need to be taught boundaries, I'm an Aquarian and I'm a teacher, who am I to deny the fish some important lessons
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
@Op- you dodged a bullet then..
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Feb 05, 2016Comments: 99 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 53
Thank you Arielle83. That's what I was telling myself that I know he showed me his true colours before we even got married or had a child together. I have learned a lot from him about love and relationships. I will do better in my next relationship because of the experience.
I am probably a challenge for him cause I don't follow him around or show signs of jealousy , I have a life.
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Feb 05, 2016Comments: 99 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 53
@ eleventh sign , I get you , but how do I treetrunk ? if you me how would you tretrunk him, advice.
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Feb 05, 2016Comments: 99 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 53
@poppyseed thanks I wish I had the energy to talk to him. I hope I find strength and talk to him about it.
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Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
This is Aquarian business and should be handled the Aquarian way....
The age of Aquarius is a force of nature, when there is a corrupt government taking advantage of society the only thing that can take it down is a storm, sure there are casualties but in the end the survivors learn the ultimate lesson and grow from it, that's Aquarian power right there, we are violent but not fighters, we are indifferent when delivering justice.
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Feb 05, 2016Comments: 99 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 53
@Pector what makes you say that. I wonder......?
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Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
Use pector as an example, he's a prawn, rip off his head that's what everyone's been doing.
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Feb 05, 2016Comments: 99 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 53
@Pector WOW! that's all I can say to people like you!
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Feb 05, 2016Comments: 99 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 53
The _eleventh -sign-11 ,I won't waste my time on "a Pector", hes gonna rip his head off byself without me trying.
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Feb 05, 2016Comments: 99 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 53
Hey guys does this forum have a block button somewhere? please help!
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Feb 05, 2016Comments: 99 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 53
I am not sure how this will work out, thought I m thinking of driving to his place and talk to him.I will even pack all of his stuff in my place and return them to him.To be honest I think I keep hurting myself by staying in this toxic relationship.I know my worth and it's about time I claim it by staying away from people who don't add value to my life.I wanna do things differently for myself from now on, I wanna prove to myself that life does not have to revolve around people I "think" love me.I have a lot going on for me to even stress myself about people who behave like kids. Maybe this guy is just bitter that I hve achieved lot since he's known me , and he hasn't.I work hard for everything I have, never asked for help from men.I hope one day I will back and laugh at all this!
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Feb 05, 2016Comments: 99 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 53
Thanks @ Starwars m not even gonna waste time.
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Feb 05, 2016Comments: 99 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 53
Ja hey ,and this guy has a lot of other issues that I deal with. I really don't need this adding to the list of issues. I 'm not perfect myself , but I never pulled a stunt this ridiculous. He's makes happy when m with and all that, but it's really not worth me suffering like this.
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Feb 05, 2016Comments: 99 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 53
@ Udine Yoh! yah I get all of that, the relationship was on and off, and we were both trying to fix things. And I somewhat thought everything was fine ,I guess I fooled myself into believing that. Yha I guess you are right by saying we are delaying the "off".
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Feb 05, 2016Comments: 99 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 53
@ Captain The only reason I would put up with all this was because I was going through a lot of family problems when we started dating, I somewhat neglected him , and guess that created a very bad foundation for us both. I had lost a lot of confidence in myself and my self-esteem had gone very low, this man showed me love at my lowest point in life , that's why I hung on.
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Feb 05, 2016Comments: 99 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 53
I wish you had gone through what I went through , then you would understand how it feels like to be confused! It's not a nice feeling at all to keep thinking that the other person is acting the way they acting towards you just because you might have done something wrong to them. To think there's something wrong with you when there isn't .To think you need to fix yourself just so the other person can like you more. It's called emotional abuse, very hard to come of a relationship where you are being emotionally abused cause you don't have the bruises to show it.Most people don't understand it, very quick to judge and give unthoughtfull advice .*just saying*
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Feb 05, 2016Comments: 99 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 53
Thanks @ Captain that's a profound advice.
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
women like you kind of piiss me off.