How many female Pisces have dated or had a lasting relationship with an Air sign? What were the pros? What were the cons? Please share! 
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Apr 03, 2009Comments: 3 · Posts: 4341 · Topics: 104
I've been seeing a Pisces for 3 years now. Took some getting used to on both of our parts. But, I find that the pros far outweigh the cons. But, that might have something to do with so much Cancer and Taurus in my chart. Not to mention Pisces as well. I am a mental marathoner. She is and emotional one. When air meets water it creates rain. Rain replenishes and rejuvinates. And/Or it makes Bubbles. She likes bubbles. I bet when you hear the word bubbles you get a little tickle. Same thing with the word Bunnies. I don't get it. But, it takes a very strong air sign to make it work. Very strong and stable indeed. Hope this helps answer your question. But, it is a legendary attraction. Because of the duality, and the mutable abillities.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I've had two serious relationships with air .. one (Gemini) I married, the other (Libra) I lived with for quiete some time.
Gemini and Pisces is a terrible pairing ... there are many reasons for me to say this, however, I would asses that the main reason is because Gemini's just gloss over what they don't want to face. If told something they dont' want to hear, then this message doesn't exist to them, so they can continue being ignorant to what was told to them because it doesn't matter to them. Ok, so, in theory, there is nothing really wrong with this, right? Certainly, a person should only listen to themselves ... or should they?
I'm talking "partnerhsip" ... if it's only one person, then doesn't it negate the concept of this union?
Pisces (((( talk ))))) about everything, and this includes feelings as if they are objects. We take feelings out of ourselves, to analyze within the equation to see if what is going on is right or wrong .... and in doing this, we will indeed approach our "partner" to share in this thought. So, if what we are wanting to talk about is the Gemini, or the relatinship, or anything really that the Gem doesn't want to acknowledge .... then they become ignorant to it, turn it off, topic doesn't exist for discussion.
Pisces people must have communication ... we are handicapped in this area anyway, and sometimes it takes ages to be able to get to the place where we can actually openly discuss this issue .... then faced with a brick wall?
Then if Pisces attempts to talk to them anyway ... the Fish is met with anger.
Gemini has a false viewpoint of Pisces that stems from the above kind of situations in that they think the Fish is very weak and sensitive, and gets all emotional over little things .. and this comes from our need to communicate when Gemini is being ignorant to our needs because of their fear and insecurities about facing the real issue.
If a Pisces got upset because they needed to talk about this, and maybe even cried ... then this doesn't mean they are a weak person .. but, Gemini sees this in the Fish, eventhough the Twin actually was the creator of this emotional situation by being ignorant.
That would have to be the biggest obstacle ... actually, all relationships would falter if proper communication is absent.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
And Libra was beautiful .... our partnership was just that, everything was shared, equally.
The Piscean introspection was recieved by Libran easily and he was very accepting and understanding that these topics, though were very much a part of my feelings, that they were also outside of myself, so I was extremely vulnerable, since I was unattached at that moment to my life problem.
He was a kind man, and very very sensitive.
My life experience with him was so profound that I left a piece of my soul with him.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
The only obstacle was his alcoholism .. and his denial about it.
We couldn't talk about this problem of his, and it was indeed a tremendous problem for him ... though he could never see it.
He is happily married to a beautiful and sweet woman ..... and still heavily dependent on drink.
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Apr 03, 2009Comments: 3 · Posts: 4341 · Topics: 104
Posted by Starfish225
Air sign men are the men that I tend to fall for the hardest..I have been in an off and on relationship with a Aqua guy for 5 years now..And its a process something like what Gemini Mind said. Each time we split and come back its more to learn and it gets deeper and deeper and harder and harder to seperate. I have Aqua rising and moon and Venus in Aqua so I don't think I can even attract the watery type..But I realize that we are together back and forth for a reason and its out of either one of our control right now anyway..There is lessons in this kind of union air/water and it either works long term or it doesn't. But if you hang in it long enough your gonna get some of the opposite of what each other brings..The Air is gonna learn about emotions and and how to relate some to them and the water is gonna learn how to control emotions and be still and think first before reacting..
I couldn't have said it any better Star.Signed Up:
Apr 03, 2009Comments: 3 · Posts: 4341 · Topics: 104
You just got a Lemon. For someone that's "into" the Zodiac. You should know better than anyone not to make blanket statements. You know the intangibles. Donald and Ivanna Trump. Married for almost 15 years, 3 bad ass kids, etc. So, practice whatcha preach. Pisces are know to be in abusive relationships. At least the downstream ones do. Denial. That's the problem You denied, he denied. That's all. Let it go. Stop saying all Gems are the same. Your theory is beat down on this one.
I, personally, only require air to breathe. Beyond that vital life function, can't say I go looking for it, or want it to come to me 
I was in a relationship with a Libra woman for about a year. An on and off with an Aquarius for over a year. And a Gemini for about 6 months.
Air signs have great conversational skills and can make you feel like what your saying is incredible. They'll also keep your attention to.
Air signs can be very sweet. Attentive. Naive.
They enjoy freedom as well. They aren't as demanding as other signs. Gemini can be clingy, in my experience though.
They love conversation so much, they won't stop talking.
They can be sweet, but it only goes so deep. Air signs don't dig too deep. So don't hold too much sentiment on it. It doesn't mean they aren't being genuine. It's just their gestures and comments are in the moment.
They aren't very clingy, but relationships have to make logical sense to them. If the relationship doesn't fit there idea of a relationship, they'll stray. They don't account how the relationship feels, not as much as a Water sign anyways.
I personally recommend it. Yeah, they can be shallow or not as deep as Pisces, but we got our own issues too. Pisces feel a lot, and will feel deeply if they fall for someone, but don't mistake an Air signs detachment as a lack of love or affection. They just operate differently. When any of my relationships ended with an Air sign, we would both grieve, which surprised me earlier on, because i mistook their detachment as lack of interest. But Air signs can love more than it may seem on the surface. I guess I identify with that, since us Pisces have a hard time being understood.
Libra's are extra sweet. They'll melt a Pisces heart with their innocence and need for peace. However they can be very narcissistic and manipulative. I think they are a complex sign. Even though most people believe them to be simpler.
Aquarius women are beautiful, generally. They have high ideals, like us. And can be very nice people. They are strange ones though. Which is saying something coming from a Pisces.
Gemini can be a bunch of fun. They live in the moment and enjoy every minute of it. But they are flighty, even more so than us Pisces. And they are oddly clingy. In my experience. I think they are the most insecure of the Air signs.
We Pisces do captivate the Air signs though. Since they are all about logic and conversation, they become mesmerized by the Pisces. They'll be drawn to us and cannot fathom why.
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Jul 08, 2009Comments: 5 · Posts: 4081 · Topics: 4
I'm a Pisces and am deeply in love with my Libra man. A lot/most of the things posted here ring so true with me, about us.
Libra is the sign of partnership, in love with love, as it were. Pisces is also known for that. Libra, even if deeply emotional, is very much a mentalist. It's almost like they prefer to *think* about their love than feel it, while Pisces prefers to *feel* their love rather than think it. I believe Libras think about their emotions so much of the time, they not only forget to express them... they forget that people are not psychic and cannot know what's in their heads. Fortunately, Pisces has a clear advantage in this; many of us ARE intuitive to the point of psychic (or flat out psychic!) - we KNOW what goes on under the surface of you... but we still want to HEAR it.. and it's not easy to switch an Air from thinking mode to feeling (and expressing) mode. Air signs tend to be so detached, disconnected from their own feelings, it takes something major (Life and Love, usually) to reconnect them. Pisces, it's almost like we have fine silver threads expanding outward, encompassing and chained to ALL - but we tend to be aloof and self-contained... which Air signs understand very well, being that they're so commonly outwardly detached.
Pisces needs to communicate, but as P-Angel said, we come pre-disadvantaged at this. We need comfort and safety to let anyone in, regardless of our pressing NEED to connect, to FEEL, and to TALK about it. Fortunately, Libras tend to be more than willing to discuss the relationship, though from a more mental angle, and Pisces from a more emotional angle. It still meshes rather well for us personally, though. It may also help that we are both 37 - it's said that after age 30 or so, Libra and Pisces become more compatible, as by then both are likely looking for an easy, relaxed, calm love without drama or major issues. Also amusing, his last 4 serious relationships over some 13 years were mostly with Pisces women. 3 out of 4 of us have birthdays in the third week of February. (Not much Water in his chart - which surprised me! Must be his Virgo Moon drawing him to us Pisces lol)
Pisces: I love you!
Libra: *stares* You know I love you.
It's actually more common for him to tell *someone else* how much he loves and adores me.. than it is for him to get "all mushy and romantic" and say I Love You directly to me. He'll tell anyone who will listen how amazing I am... then just smile at me.
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Jul 08, 2009Comments: 5 · Posts: 4081 · Topics: 4
My first serious relationship ever was with a Gemini man - we were still teenagers and together for over a year. Lovely, sensitive man - communication a problem, and our P.O.V. always different. I blame our breakup on our youth and immaturity more than Sun Signs, and the fact that I didn't know how much he cared until AFTER we broke up - because Air signs aren't that great at SHOWING what they feel.. I still talk to him occasionally, he's still a wonderful man, with a beautiful daughter and a Scorpio ex-wife - and our communication is STILL surface-only. Deeper than that, I can't open, and he's a brick wall. Imagine that! LOL I was later with a Gemini man for two years (a decade ago), and while he is also a wonderful person, it simply did not work out -- he DID gloss over issues he didn't want to face until he HAD to, and usually by then there wasn't much to be done to change the outcome.. just ride the storm to the end, and part bittersweetly... and to ruthlessly cut all reference to me out of his life and flat refuse to discuss me at all. I still talk to his Mom - his next 3 women all looked *shockingly* like me, one of them SO much that upon seeing a picture of her, for about 10 seconds, I wondered if there had been a roll of undeveloped film left behind in CA... I thought I was looking at a photo of ME! If I remember correctly, they were Taurus, Sag, and now a Scorpio. He's still with the Water Gal. Wonder if HIS brick wall has come down yet? lol
Aquarius... I cannot think of one significant relationship with an Aqua man. I'm sure I've dated Aquas over the years, but never seriously enough to know they are Aqua, or to recall them easily right now. Okay, I've got one - my first kiss. Age 14, Aqua boy. He was helplessly drawn to me, though we both knew we were completely incompatible, and we flirted shamelessly throughout high school. And I have an Aqua uncle, and an Aqua brother -- definitely get along on the surface - because it stays surface. I don't push for deeper, they don't care to. I have some Aqua influence, being 00 Degrees Pisces Sun, narrowly missed being an Aqua myself... but relationships with them have never progressed beyond a date or two. Hmmm.
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Mar 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1633 · Topics: 53
i know gemini men tend to be a tad different from gemini women, but i have tried a relationship with a Pisces male numerous times and it's always the same thing. And communication ISN'T typically the problem. I know for most gemini women, we don't just shut down and be ignorant to what they are trying to express; we NEED and HAVE to understand where you are coming from. That might be a challenge, us having to understanding the "WHY". But we will talk to death to try and understand.
I found the issue with Gemini woman and Pisces men is, Pisces Male IS WAY too sensitive. We can't joke or be playful for fear of them not getting it and we end up hurting their feelings. They are WAY to clingy. They have to know our every move and don't understand if we can't be as attentive to their needs as they want us to be. Each one was the same way. And quite honestly, i am VERY attentive to my mans needs. But emotionally, i do find it weak that i would have to constantly reassure my man that i'm there, that i love them, and blah blah blah. That is a sign of weakness to me only because i dont' need it and i don't find it attractive that my man would when i don't.
I do think this is sad because i LOVED their passion and creativity. When their emotions weren't causing a problem, i found they were some of the best conversationalist i encountered. They would come up with the most imaginative topics. I really enjoyed their company, love of music, and artistic side. BOth of them would put me on these treasure hunts where they would give me topic and i'd research and come back and we would talk about it. You wanna talk about a turn on??? Love it. Both of these relationships really disappointed me. I had high hopes and get crushed and next thing you know.. i was gone and out of sight.
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Feb 10, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 757 · Topics: 56
I had a brief relationship with an Aquarius. He was fine as that thang
. But he was too detached for my taste. Signed Up:
Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
Ok heres the low down from an aqua who just dated a piscean boy for a year and just broke up in october this year.............Of all the Air signs the aquarian is more finished same with pisceans of water......there are alot of karmic lessons to be taught with this couple.....upon meeting it would under unusual and mysterious circumstances but the attraction would be instant especially after sex.......i said in another thread the sign best suited for spirituality for a piscean is an aquarius because I think were more scientific and piscean are spiritual.......its also said that this union would be looked down upon by family members or firends.......theyll try to get between u. But in the end depending on ur aquarian he may wear u out emotionally and u the same to him menatally...... pretty full on i learnt alot
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Oct 25, 2009Comments: 9 · Posts: 4248 · Topics: 32
The sex is great.