Pisces and Chinese Astrology

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by laFille on Saturday, July 4, 2015 and has 10 replies.
A place for Pisces where the Western Astrology meets the Chinese.

- Does it describes you fairly? -

Pisces Rat (Lemming) - b. 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

The Pisces Rat is as unpredictable as the British weather. You are able to demonstrate your creativity easily and may fare to be good at words, however it is rare to see a Pisces Rat commit to anything or to anyone. You are less aggressive and selfish than the other Rats, but your life is so unpredictable that you might end up being an angry miser ??? no one knows, not even the Pisces Rat! Despite the fact that you lead a turbulent life, you always manage to get both feet back on the ground. Luck and support is on your side. A word of caution ??? instability in your personal life also affects your instability in relationships. Unions may be short, shorter than desired.




Pisces Ox (Moose) - b. 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

The Pisces Ox??s honesty and display of strength serves them well as they give off positive vibes to others. You give others a sense of security without seeking to do so, and it works well with your restraining, sincere, detached and calm nature. Through the Ox, you have the ability to gain a secure financial position. You have the ability to influence others through your mysterious yet appealing personality. Your main downfall would be that you do not tolerate criticism well as it bruises your already inflated ego. You may have occasional spurts of generosity towards charitable causes; however it may be only to provide you with a ???feel-good?? factor that will last all year.



Pisces Tiger (Stingray) - b. 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Here the dramatic Tiger is subdued by the calming and serene Fish. Being adaptable, the Tiger will mix well with the Fish??s peace-loving nature, which will help to contain their restlessness. As a result, you may hide your claws, a behaviour which you will turn to your advantage to achieve your goals. However, whilst you might temporarily relax, make no mistake ??? you are still a Tiger and will be ready to pounce whenever you need to. In addition, you need to learn the art of putting your foot down and being objective in making decisions. Those around you may exploit your emotional instability to their advantage, however you will never be stuck in a sticky situation as chance is on your side.



Pisces Rabbit (Silkworm) - b. 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

The world is like a dream to the Piscean Rabbit. Your perspective of life is highlighted by imagination, ideals and beautiful poetry. You are essentially bright, soulful and artistic to the point of being very picky about how you want your habitat to be. You are very attached to the refined side of life and may even come across as narcissistic. Behind your reserved and humble appearances hide a sharp and perceptive mind. You will work hard to maintain your luxurious status quo. You will not hesitate to avert all harm and troubles from you to someone else.


Correction for Piscean Rabbit: the years of your birth are 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.

I am going to do all of them, just wait a while, please.
Piscean Dragon (Firefly) - b. 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

The unassuming Piscean holds tremendous amounts of energy and the Dragon in you adds great ambition and a thrilling sense of excitement to your otherwise calm and trivial existence. You are headstrong but with considerable self-control and consideration of others. The Pisces influence is beneficial to ensure that the Dragon??s unrestraint fiery breath does not go overboard in asserting yourself.



Piscean Snake (Frog) - b. 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

With charm and impeccable manners, the Pisces Snake hides his wisdom and telepathic power well. The Pisces sign dilutes the Snake??s ruthless determination. However, the Snake??s passionate and intense nature combined with the Fish??s deep and silent nature makes the Pisces Snakes an extremely sensitive person. You tends to invest everything in relationships ??? your ravenous passion rivals that of Lothario. You have a thirst for romance and enjoy arousing love and charming those around you to death. Faithfulness is an area to work on, however as soon as tiny tots appear in the picture ??? your slithering ways will come to a halt.


A note: I did not write anything. Basically what I do is this: Ctrl + c and Ctrl + v.
Piscean Horse (Gecko) - b. 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

The Piscean moderateness and patience tempers the Horse??s hot-headedness. The self consciousnature of Pieces makes you more cautious but you maintain the swiftness and intuitive impulses of your Horse sign, creating a fine balance between speed, meticulousness and sensitivity. You are accommodating to the needs of others, loving, eager to please and understanding.
However, you can be naive at times and be easily taken in by appearances, especially when you have a good feeling about someone or something. You thrive on continuous change and travels and you tend to be attracted to foreign people, philosophies and cultures. You have a great inclination towards things that are religious and mystical. You can be overly ambitious and tend to overestimate your strength, your chance and your intuition. Generally, you are more interested in ideas than money. You are likely to engage yourself in the artistic or spiritual field.
Your love life can be unstable, subject to entangled situations and sudden changes. You may have many marriages in your life.



Piscean Sheep (Leafy Seadragon) - b. 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

The Pisces Sheep is tedious and overly particular but they are also very attractive, thoughtful and entertaining. Your kindness will also reward you with good fortune. You prefer the quiet background rather than being on the front lines. Solitude is most suited to your character and you like to give advice or sympathy.
You can be sentimental when it comes to emotions, and you can be too sensitive for yout own good. Your surroundings can easily affect your emotions. You are highly emotional and act from emotions. You can be easily influenced by others and are not very practical when it comes to money.
In love, you allow youtself to indulge in a relationship completely as you have an idealistic belief in mutual devotion. However, your relationship can be disappointing if it lacks this element.


Piscean Monkey (Cheetah) - b. 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

The yin and yang duality of the Piscean brings an intuitive spiritual fluidity to the world of the Monkey. Compassionate and kind, you put others needs before your own. These qualities combined with the highly intelligent and strategic traits of the Monkey, can bring tremendous benefits to the world at large. However, you need to be careful of not getting carried away with idealism and sentimentality which can lapse into melancholy.
You have a keen interest in esoterism, religion and the paranormal. In these areas, you will be able to distinguish yourself.
Where matters of the heart are concerned, in order for your relationships to be successful, a strong friendship with your partner must be present.



Piscean Rooster (Ocelot) - b. 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

The Fish element makes the Rooster more subdued and cooperative. The Rooster is very explicit; what you see is what you get but the Pisces in him makes him more public relations oriented and appeasing in nature. You are conservative and law abiding; and you usually have a balanced life of work and rest.
You are a mysterious personality and it is difficult for others to get to know you, because you alternatively present two totally different facets. People only see either the swaggering and aggressive side of the Rooster in you, or only the dreamy and idealistic side of the Pisces.
In love, you are sensitive, responsible and reliable to your partner. Your family is your reason for living and you will put it above everything.


Piscean Dog (Tarsier) - b. 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

The less defensive Fish here makes the normally alert Dog less vigilant. Being less vigilant results in the Dog being less argumentative and aggressive. The serene and calming Fish also influences the Dog to place more emphasis on security and comfort, contrary to the Dog??s normal nature of attending to others?? needs first.
You are intuitive, hypersensitive, romantic, lethargic and dreamy. You are always on the lookout for what cannot be grasped and you love changes and escapism. You use your penetrating intuition to solve your problems.
You place great importance on romantic love. You are affectionate and will lavish attention profusely upon your loved ones.



Piscean Pig (Zebra) - b. 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

The pairing of Pisces and the Pig could potentially bring about success and harmony should each sign??s characteristic shine through. Reflective of being in the water all the time, Pisces naturally brings with it flair in possessing survival instincts, and an ability in observing and understanding others whilst the Pig remains optimistic and dynamic.
As a natural Pig, you avoid confrontations and any relationships that you have is very much cherished. Support from exterior sources comes easy for you, although you have to be wary of those whose aim is solely to take advantage of you. You are generous and do not mind showering your loved ones and family with much fondness and whatever you are able to afford.
Romantic love takes on great importance in your life. You lavish profusely on your loved ones.


Posted by beautifuldiaster
What a cool ass thread.

Would you so kind to post one for a Sagittarius dragon 88? I'm on my phone and cannot look it up.

Sure, dear Whale smile

Good humored, placid, affectionate, and opinionated, the Sagittarian Dragon is fast, loyal and harbours no deception. Both are action-oriented signs, thus the powerful and impatient Dragon will thrive upon any opportunity for action. You have many interests and your speech offends unintentionally but you are usually without malice. You are a noble person and will reveal your true qualities when you go to others aid when everyone else has given up.




Posted by aquaboy84
I find this primalastrology interesting. They say Im the Unicorn. Hmm..

Those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Unicorn are outgoing, energetic, smart, and unique. That??s the good news. The bad news is that they can also be self-centered, attention-starved, restless, and excessively eccentric.

Overall, Unicorns are kind of giving by nature and have the capacity to venture far beyond their peers to reach places that others would find impossible. This is the greatest strength of the Unicorn. Their adventurous nature refuses to see limitations. They are always moving toward the next great idea and they almost always take the road less traveled to get there. Their seemingly endless energy can be infectious, and when they take on a challenge, they are as passionate as ever... for a while. While they truly care about the challenges they take up (and they do so often), Unicorns are quick to give up on something if they don??t see the end result fast enough for their liking. That??s not to say that they don??t care, they just lose focus on one project and would prefer to spend their exceptional capabilities on something else for the moment.

Unicorns are simply different from the rest, but they have good intentions. At best they use their energy to change the world. At worst, they become self-obsessed and spin their wheels in all the wrong directions. They never lack ideas, and are always on the move. If the Unicorn can get focused on a single destination, there is practically nothing that can stop them from getting there.

Unicorn evokes such a noble, elegant creature. You are lucky, although being possesive and hungry for attention and affection is hard to overcome. I hope you will feel better one day.