I'm currently dating a pisces man and i wanted to know if they are jealous men. We made plans at the beginning of the week to get together today. but it wasn't set in stone...well unexpectedly my brother called me and had an emergency situation so i have to go out of town tonight...mr pisces called me at work and i told him that i couldn't make it..well he says "you didn't tell me that you were going out of town"..to that i replied that i just found out and he then says to me "well i called you last night" (like i owed him an explanation) and i told him that i was out and didn't get in till late...and he had this sound in his voice like he didn't believe me...it's subtle at this point but i'm wondering if he'll get worse...
oh ok...just making sure..maybe i'm being too sensitive myself...
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
MsScorpion .. a part of our nature is that because we are such dreamers, we build on anticipation. When we have a planned event with somebody we enjoy being with, during the wait time of the event, we dream or envision what's going to happen, how much fun it's going to be, or whatever the occasion is.
Because you bailed on him ... he was just disappointed, let-down because he probably had a delightful image in his head about this occasion you two were going to spend together.
I know I'm just like that, too ... if something is planned, then I'll spend every spare second I have envisioning with anticipated glee about this adventure ... if someone backed out on me, I wouldn't be angry in any way ... just shattered from disappointment.
Don't worry ... he'll be fine. It's normal for Fish to become despondant when our dreams have been interupted ... he'll just dive down into his emotional waters to sulk for a bit, and then re-surface his normal self.
Signed Up:
Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
Pisces men can be very jealous. They will want to know your every move. They can be very possessive. You don't have the right to question him, so don't ever make that mistake.
Signed Up:
Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
And u know what? I just got finished watching the lisa lopes last days documentary (for like the 4th time). I paid close attention when she was talking about andre rison. She burned his house down. She was talking about how jealous and possesive he was. Talked about his double standards. Talked about how sweet he was but something was wrong. He was abusive.
I said to myself, this guy sounds like my pisces. I bet he's a pisces. Turns out HE IS!
Do not, I repeat do not listen to any advice about pisces men from a pisces woman. The women are tooootally different and I don't even think they understand the pisces male. Listen only to those that have experience! They always start with the behavior u posted in ur original post. My sincere advice from the depth of my heart would be......RUN. Get out before getting 2 emotionally involved.
Imitation that is exactly what I fear. I will not be in an abusive relationship. My original post was just one example. Right now what he is doing is very subtle but i wonder.
what is that supposed to mean?
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
If you look for it mean something bad, then it will.
There has been no indication on his part to suggest that there is something wrong .. Pisces people (both genders) have commented about how this means nothing except his disappointment from a dream being shattered ....... however, by choice you want to find a reason for it to mean something bad will happen.
If this is what you are anticipating, and this is what you are thinking .. then it will be so.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
What I didn't comment on, however thought ... references the quote below and what it is suggesting as it pertains to your attitude.
"well i called you last night" (like i owed him an explanation)"
In a relationship, it's not unusual for one of the parties to wonder where the other was at night when phoned. If this had been the other way around and you phoned him, and he wasn't home .... it would be perfectly acceptable for you to ask him this question.
For you to express such an attitude as .. like I owed him an explanation .. is inferring that you think you are above him and how DARE somebody question you.
Partnerships don't work that way .. there is no daring, no Prince or Princesses, no thrones .. there are just two people trying to be honest and equal and considerate.
If you would take this attitude of .. like I owe you something .. then it means you are purposely withholding information and consideration of others peoples feelings because you consider them to be beneath you.
In my honest opinion, which I didn't state earlier .... I'm hoping he sees the light very soon and swims away from you, for you don't regard him with respect, if you would take that attitude.
Signed Up:
Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
I figured that this wasn't a one time thing. Pisces men are very subtle in their ways (at first at least). Their sweetness is undeniable tho. But the other stuff, the stuff that could lead to abuse will leave you like "did he just do that?" It'll be hard to grasp because he's so sweet and kind...or at least he's supposed to be. That's why you're here. Intuitively you know something is not right. But u may feel a bit silly because otherwise he may be a good guy.
I describe these guys as the "incredible hulk" types. They all have a remarkably different side to their personalities than what is seen on the surface. Some have an abusive side, some have an ambitious side, some have a provider hard working side, an emotionally unstable side. But they all have something that's smoldering under that cool exterior. Please trust yourself. Don't wait until he unleashes on you. When a person shows you who they are don't make excuses for them (he was just disappointed, etc) believe them!
Signed Up:
Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
Every woman has intuition. If this was not bothering you. If you didn't feel this was cause for alarm you wouldn't be here. Don't let anyone invalidate your feelings and tell you you're wrong. Or you're not respecting him.
Make no mistake about it, you do not owe him an explanation. You told him what the circumstances were. Don't let this guy or any guy make u feel like you're wrong for having a life outside of him. These are RED FLAGS!!! This is a new relationship not a marriage.
And anyway once you give him full disclosure he will get bored. These guys love a little mystery in their women.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Pulled over from another board .....
MsScorpion 5/2/2008 6:45:42 PM | ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
I was emailing one of my friend's the day before yesterday and she wanted me to send her a picture of myself so that she could show one of her co-workers who also happens to be her best friend....well she told me that he thought i was HOT....so she sent me his pic and wanted to know what i thought of him..it all happened so fast..i'm not into being set-up with anyone but i figured why not..i trust her and know that she would never do anything to hurt me..when i saw his picture i thought that he was attractive as well...i asked her a few questions and she told me that he's a sweetheart and also happens to be a capricorn....i dated a capricorn before and it didn't turn out good, we had communication issues and i said that i would never date one again...it was a waste of time...well i decided not to blame this guy for what the last guy did so i decided to give it a chance....she told me yesterday that he asked her if i was going to email him (i guess he's shy) and i thought it was cute so i got the ball rolling since i already knew that he was attracted....we had a nice conversation, nothing deep...he told me that i was gorgeous and beautiful and all...i was so flattered...and we also had light conversation...he's someone that i would like to get to know...i'm all for being friends first...well today i decided that i would let him make the first move and he didn't email me at all....i asked her what he was up to and she said that he was around and they were very busy in the office...i don't know what to think...i understand being busy but couldn't he have atleast emailed me to say "hello"...i don't know if i'm just being sensitive or what..is this some form of rejection or what??
So, we see here that you're a cheater and a player .. looks like this Pisces man had valid reason to doubt your honesty about what you're doing behind his back, doesn't he?
Signed Up:
Sep 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 615 · Topics: 17
Seriously what is your problem? Why do you go digging up things people type on here in effort to "catch them"?
She never said she was dating the pisces guy exclusively. Can't a girl date more than one guy at a time? Sheesh. You don't know what kind of understanding she has with the pisces guy. Why do u ASSume she's a "cheater and a player"?
Nothing wrong with dating around and keeping your options open as long as both parties have an understanding.
Well first of all, when i call him and he doesn't answer, i don't question, i just figure that he's busy and he'll call me back...no big deal..since i don't question him, i don't expect him to question me. What i do is my business....and also, i don't see anything wrong with me dating more than one person at a time...me and him are not in a committed relationship. we're seeing each other and if we decide to committ to one another i would let anyone else that i'm seeing go...men do it all the time and it's not a problem, so why is so wrong for a woman to explore her options as well....i'm not going around sleeping with everyone, just him...so what is problem???
Thank you for all of your input Imitation. And P, it's not that i'm looking for something bad, i'm paying attention to the signs. This is how abusive men are. As i said, he has no right to question me at this point. this is just one example, i have more..