Pisces and Libra

This topic was created in the Libra and Pisces Compatibility forum by libralotus on Wednesday, December 21, 2016 and has 11 replies.
I've been talking to this guy FOREVER. It's such a weird relationship... we're incredibly harsh to each other but for some reason I still feel a mutual respect? What do you think of this pairing??

He's a Pisces rising, sun and moon. He has an Aqua Mercury, Leo Mars and Capricorn Venus

I'm an Aqua rising, libra sun, moon and mercury. I have a mars in Leo too and a Virgo in venus.
Posted by tiziani
Same degrees?


What do you mean
The angry sex must be fantastic!
Posted by tiziani
Long story short: if they're in the same degrees then you mirror each other which goes toward the mutual respect thing
Exact? He's 11 degrees in Pisces and and 18 degrees in Libra
Posted by dolluxe
I agree with RemixGenFishy

There's nothing like rage inducing, blood boiling, balls-to-the-wall angry sex. Punish his dick when he gets harsh with ya.
User Submitted Image

and here I had pegged you as a nun.
I'm SO Libra (Asc, Sun, Merc, Sat, Plu) & I'm always at odds w/ the way I feel (Moon in Pisces).
Posted by dolluxe
I thought you were with a cancer/Scorp?

Whaaaaat I'm with a new dude every few months lmao

Posted by dolluxe
I agree with RemixGenFishy

There's nothing like rage inducing, blood boiling, balls-to-the-wall angry sex. Punish his dick when he gets harsh with ya.
Posted by tiziani
Long story short: if they're in the same degrees then you mirror each other which goes toward the mutual respect thing
explain yoself
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AbbyNormal
Posted by tiziani
Long story short: if they're in the same degrees then you mirror each other which goes toward the mutual respect thing
explain yoself
LOL that legit made me laugh
click to expand

double pisces ex and i were one degree apart im pretty sure is why it caught my antennae ? ugh... not sure if i wanna check or not lol
I'm actually over this dude for right now.