Wow I'm a Sagg and I dont get along with Sagg men either..daz crazy.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
A couple traits of the typical Sag that are workables with a Pisces, but of course other planets and aspects play a major part, as well, so it's going to depend on whether you have these generalized characteristics or not ... but, if you DO have them, then these two things will likely be what makes this relationship work.
1. Sag speaking directly - point blank >>> perfect ingrediant for directing the directionless Fish.
Tell us straight-up what you want, what you see, how you feel .. with no domineering attitude ... make it sound like these are YOUR standards in which you will accept for yourself, and Pisces will be humbled at your feet
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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
Definately, these two can work. Of course a lil cross-over fire and water never hurts in each others charts. As long as the fish doesn't take too much to heart the oft bluntness and honesty of the archer. And many times, yeah, it could even be funny! It's rare that these jovial, refreshing individuals mean any harm, whatsoever. Pisces is quite good with going with the flow in their own right (mutable, adaptable), and can use it naturally with the centaur and get in there and equally tousel, tease, and roll on the floor maddly so-to-speak with these firey, highly physical, fun folk. They honestly make life even that much more fun, light and uninhibited. And hey, fish, it never hurts to like a lil sports either. Nothing will please a sag more than a BIG hurrah and a healthy slap on the back for their fav sports team. =)
And so too, as long the archer is a good, sympathetic, patient and interested listener between the talk, the jokes and laughter, this two mutables (who both share jupiters' rule) are and can very much be a green light GO to lasting happiness. They both share in their optimism and rose-colored glasses and both have a deeper, philisophical bent to their natures. i also see no problem on either side with clinginess. Pisces needs to get away, every now and then, whether in the mind or of physical solitude and so does Sag, in their own fun, explorative, frolicking ways. They really do have alot to share and explore with each other. So have FUN!