Do we have any Pisces women here who is married or in committed relationship with a Capricorn man? Or Pisces man married to a Capricorn woman? My question for you is; How does it work for you, how do you maintain the relationship, and what obstacles do you face from time to time?? What is it that we pisces do that a capricorn like so much?
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Aug 22, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 206 · Topics: 13
I was long ago involved with a Cap. Perfect relationship except their addiction to Crack. We (when they were not high) were a great couple. Attentive, fun, communicative, good sex and a friend first. If it were not for the addiction that relationship would have continued. I let it go when I knew there was no future in it.
When you find a good cap with no addictions they can be well suited for Pisces
They have since contacted me and apologized, now that they are drug free. They wanted to rekindle but I don't open closed doors. So we are good friends now.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I like earth men, particularly, Virgo ... but, there's something about Cap men that is intriguing.
All the ones I know, are very engaging ... couple that with the Pisces creative vision that can't seem to be pulled out, and I think it's probably the most satisfying for both parties, mentally.
Being in an intimate relationship wouldn't cross my mind ... I would be more interested in sharing my side that can't be put into words (Pisces people know what that means), because I know that he would be able to shape it, color it and find a way to bring to pen and paper.
I've been with my Capricorn BF for two years now. If you had told me I'd end up with one years ago I wouldn't have believed it. Quite honestly at this point it is him who loves me more than I love him, but in the beginning I thought he was the best and told him so daily.
I often compare a Pisces Capricorn relationship to a warm blanket that comforts you like you are a child. There is a safe and secure feeling they provide to my fishy confused emotional and mental turbulence. I know I need that because they seem to just get that sometimes life just gets to you. There is more to the positive, but nothing a basic cat lady astrology site couldn't tell you.
On the downside, I miss emotional connection. Sometimes I just want to know I am not the only one who is feeling passionately, I feel like Caps don't know what to do with emotional intensity, or their idea of what to do with it is rationalize it to the point where it seems like blowing off what you are feeling. That is what I miss about dating water signs, that emotional connection. I didn't think I needed it until I dated my cap and went without it for so long.
In the end I think as a Pisces if you go with an earth sign you do it for emotional stability but not necessarily connection, and with water signs you know you have found someone who can relate to your emotional experience which will make you feel less lonely, but they also can have a tendency to contribute to your emotional instability.
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Jun 13, 2006Comments: 5 · Posts: 3103 · Topics: 77
Pisces man married to capricorn woman here.
I think is like others said already, mentally we fulfil eachother and she is my best friend also.
She needs my presence and love, I need her guidance and love. So we feel secure as one.
But have no eath and I am pisces and maybe I exaggerate a bit in everything, but she is my arabian princess for sure.