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Feb 18, 2019Comments: 16 · Posts: 168 · Topics: 10
This whole topic is just an excuse to say I don't understand people really think that music is good tbh
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Feb 18, 2019Comments: 16 · Posts: 168 · Topics: 10
Ok so I'm not alone.
Being HSP causes it too I think.
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Sep 13, 2013Comments: 800 · Posts: 826 · Topics: 6
so basically u liked the music
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Apr 26, 2013Comments: 4922 · Posts: 19266 · Topics: 148
I have zero tolerance to things i don't like
As for this video, the theme is vulgar and stupid, but the music itself isn't so bad, I can undrstand getting carried away
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Apr 07, 2011Comments: 1685 · Posts: 9901 · Topics: 213
In my opinion, you're just taking yourself a bit too seriously here, especially for you age. Relax man. This band is just basically a theater act, a parody of 1980's glam metal, which was decadent and shallow (sometimes even gross) but kinda fun too. Especially if you compare it to today's pop acts, that are shallow as well but boring as all hell. At least those guys look like they're having fun.
I don't think you're doing anything wrong by "letting yourself get sucked in" a bit. The only reason you feel sucked into something you don't want to do in the first place is because you haven't set your own boundaries as far as who you truly are and what you truly stand for, which is perfectly fine. Everybody goes through that in their 20's. Only by the time of your Saturn return (28-32 years of age) you will truly have your boundaries defined. For now enjoy exploring and discovering yourself!
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Feb 18, 2019Comments: 16 · Posts: 168 · Topics: 10
To everyone saying that they didn't take it seriously, let me explain and make it a bit worse:
Me and my only friend there were talking about Dave Grohl and one of those guys said "Dave Grohl? That dude sucks. THESE guys got what talent is." and pointed to Jack Black and that other guy from Tenacious D.
Look, they're funny but way more talented than Dave Grohl? I must admit I also think he isn't at the level of highly talented musicians but come on..