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Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
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Aug 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1660 · Topics: 107
hes too old for you
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Oct 25, 2009Comments: 9 · Posts: 4248 · Topics: 32
That's not too old.
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Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
Signed Up:
Oct 25, 2009Comments: 9 · Posts: 4248 · Topics: 32
Yes. Its always the Pisces male that fucks up the Pisces/Pisces heaven.
Signed Up:
Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
Yea well over the time we've been seeing each other he seems to be improving!!
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Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
Then hell screw up again!
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Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
Took abt 3 months
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Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
So wat this means?
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Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
Mood swings are ridiculous, upset for wateva reason then lovable the nxt, where- abouts are unknown from time to time, no answering his phone nor text, etc ...
Signed Up:
Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
Baffled, Figured you'll know bc of the haa course comment?
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Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
He doesn't dissapear bc hell have a heart attack when I do, he go crazy when I say I'm going out for the night, well I guess its called dissapearing when u put it like that, mood swings don't bother me because eventually w me ill get tired I'm be gone w no explanation , that's just me!
Signed Up:
Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
He doesn't dissapear bc hell have a heart attack when I do, he go crazy when I say I'm going out for the night, well I guess its called dissapearing when u put it like that, mood swings don't bother me because eventually w me ill get tired I'm be gone w no explanation , that's just me!
Signed Up:
Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
Lol the PD
my fishman and I are almost the same as urs, I know a feb 24 fishman and he's much better than my current fishman but I don't think I can deal w the commute to reach him, but all n all if were meant to be well be!!
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
What a douchebag ..... so, you clearly describe a guy who doesn't love you, and then you go on and on about how special you must be to him and this is the reason he treats you like shit.
Seriously .. why all the chucklefucks in here .. where did the real people go who actually has a grip on reality?
Signed Up:
Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
P the old trucktrunker
Gain a life, at "50 YEARS OLD" I wouldn't be on here clowning ppl!
CLEARLY U HAVE ISSUE GOING ON W ((((YASELF)))) chica that needs major improvement, ill be embarrassed, I can bounce back n start over again, lol can u grandma!!!!
Signed Up:
Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
Thx star same to u and urs!!
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Apr 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1685 · Topics: 110
Posted by Starfish225
Pisces Dream:
"I just started a new relationship with a new pisces and it has been amazingly wonderful. It is almost like dreamlike. I am very happy. His birthday is February 24 1970 and my birthday Februaray 27 1971"
Susan Miller's Astrology report for Pisces this month is interesting..It says that this months eclipse on Dec 31st will light up our 5th house of true love..Cancer in the 5th house rules true love for us. So any time Cancer is going through the 5th house it lights up our true love house..Mars is the
main planet..But this time The moon will be going through our 5th house and it will be in Cancer. So it says all Pisces that are attached will see something magical that night and any single Pisces might find a special someone that will last a long time due to it being at the Eclipse/Full moon..You know beginning and endings are what Eclipse do..I have atleast two Pisces Gf that have gotten married in the last two weeks..Also it says because of the degrees that the Eclipse sits on those Pisces with the bdays 5 days before or 5 days after the 28th of Feb will feel this Eclipse the most..
So you and your guy fall into that arena..So I hope its a good night..
I read this same thing SF ....and I am hoping it is a good night too.
We are supposed to take a train trip in the mountains that week sometime. It should be quiet romantic. 
PDSigned Up:
Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
Yea my pisces and I suppose to take a mini 4 day vaca so that's should be fun added w his undivided attention, can't wait!!
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
What a douchebag .. maybe he'll get smart and ditch you there.
Signed Up:
Jul 08, 2009Comments: 5 · Posts: 4081 · Topics: 4
Posted by Scorpio_Nympho
Posted by P-Angel
What a douchebag .. maybe he'll get smart and ditch you there.
Seriously why are you such a cunt to people on here? Seriously get a life bitch! No one wants to hear an old hag like you being all negative and rude.
click to expand
On the contrary, I always love reading what P has to say. She's rough and cruel and sugar-coats NOTHING, she finds THE most awful, negative thing about a person and exploits it... to open their blind fucking eyes and sometimes get them to actually see their OWN role and blame for the situation they're here bitching about. P is not platitudes and back-patting, and she's not here to coddle and make people feel better about themselves, especially ones stumbling blindly around and clueless to their own faults and contributions to their own problems. P is a HARSH wake up to reality.. not just waking up to smell the coffee, but a scalding hot cup thrown straight to the face! Brava! Her way is not your way, nor my way, it's unconventional and controversial, but it fucking WORKS... IF her target can see past their own ego and hurt feelings to see the truth in the truly harsh, terrible things she says. I think she's an ABSOLUTE cunt, and she's fucking FABULOUS... with a fantastic grip on reality, and an ever better grip on the dirty little secrets people hide and think no one can see.
Also, it fucking drives me bonkers with amusement that people constantly harp on her AGE... for fuck's sake.. age-ism on a fucking Astrology Forum?! Personally, I'd RATHER listen to the "old folks" on this subject.. they've lived more, seen more, done more, grown more, changed more, evolved more. It's the young crowd that generally THINKS they have it all figured out, and it will take them YEARS to realize that they actually knew very, very little at all. As much as I like you, SN, that includes YOU too!Signed Up:
Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
SN lol
There are ways of giving advice w/o being such a bast**d (well douchbag as p it would put it), honestly u thinks someone wants to listen to critism like that? B4 they see the reality of what's being spoking of good or bad there gonna see the treetrunking harsh remarks that can make it seems ur bein put down
Oldie speaks continously of how I message my words, LOOK WHO CARES, (loser who cares) when u can understand what's bein said, I mean clearly p did because she commented, I mean seriously let ya frustration out else where whether u mean well or not its not wanted learn how to speak to us humans because honestly n my eyez ur a useless voice!
To my bright folks on here, p diddy gets a kick out of turning post around and making it all about her, so plz let's not lead her to believe dxp revolves around her, ignore the itch!!
@ thee others that wanna post in agreement w p funk, live life, let live, move on!!
Signed Up:
Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
SN lol
There are ways of giving advice w/o being such a bast**d (well douchbag as p it would put it), honestly u thinks someone wants to listen to critism like that? B4 they see the reality of what's being spoking of good or bad there gonna see the treetrunking harsh remarks that can make it seems ur bein put down
Oldie speaks continously of how I message my words, LOOK WHO CARES, (loser who cares) when u can understand what's bein said, I mean clearly p did because she commented, I mean seriously let ya frustration out else where whether u mean well or not its not wanted learn how to speak to us humans because honestly n my eyez ur a useless voice!
To my bright folks on here, p diddy gets a kick out of turning post around and making it all about her, so plz let's not lead her to believe dxp revolves around her, ignore the itch!!
@ thee others that wanna post in agreement w p funk, live life, let live, move on!!
Signed Up:
Apr 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1685 · Topics: 110
Me and Pisces have broken up.
Really sad right now.
The communication of emotions is really hard, now that I can see. We are so overly concerned with our own emotions .....it is hard to care for the other person if that makes sense. Pisces and I were in Boulder this weekend, and I was going back in the past in my head. I have fond memories in Boulder with the people I ran with and places I used to go. I mentioned my ex-bf in passing and he got all freaked out with me. He said he wished I was present when I was with him, and he did not want to hear about my ex's. I was floored ...never once has anyone ever ridiculed me about sharing my good memories or being in my own thoughts. I asked him why it was acceptable for him to talk about his past relationships but it was not okay for me? It was crazy. We than tried to talk about this weekend today and it just lead to worse discovery that we don't have great conflict resolution skills. I just felt like after this weekend I could never be myself completely to feel, think, and say freely what is in me. That is a bad place to be. The only resolution he wanted me to see was his feelings and emotions but never once did he consider mine. So the only resolution he saw fit was the one he saw as right.
It than became crystal clear to me that this was a loosing battle. I am so sad ......the good times we had were great, and despite what he thinks I really cared about him deeply but than he later admits he did not feel the same about me as I did him. That hurt.
PD Signed Up:
Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
Wow I feel ya pain, that sucker, is that the real reason or the cover-up version?
Im beginning to see what I've vision w my piscean male, he can be selfish at times and then wanna come back in the picture when he feel the need, and that's doesn't bother me because I'm not done with him (well yet). We'll have a dispute hell hangup or if n my presents walk away and to me that's his way of running from the issue he's unplanned to confront, but as time progress on he becoming annoying and useless, because I truly don't feel like that's how a true piscean male is, well one w a clear concious that really cares!!
Signed Up:
Apr 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1685 · Topics: 110
"Wow I feel ya pain, that sucker, is that the real reason or the cover-up version?" I don't know .....it all hurts the same..... I am not sure it would matter. I have not cried ...but now that it is settling in .....I think I just might.
I feel like such a fool.
How could I have not seen through it?
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I'm sure it won't take you long to find another man to fuck ... it never does.
And with them all ... you think you love, only to get hurt.
Get smart, finally .... giving your man your pussy, as you seem to do without thought or pride, doens't equal him wanting you for you, it equals you being a slut.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
And yes, Nefer, it does work.
I see it time and again in here ..... a person could have 10 others giving hugs and warmth, only to be ignored .. and to me all their attention and focus is gathered.
Think about that.
People are drawn to that which they think they are not .. and to that which they think they are attracted, they hardly notice.
Signed Up:
Sep 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2181 · Topics: 82
I see some things never change lol.
Signed Up:
Apr 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1685 · Topics: 110
Posted by P-Angel
I'm sure it won't take you long to find another man to fuck ... it never does.
And with them all ... you think you love, only to get hurt.
Get smart, finally .... giving your man your pussy, as you seem to do without thought or pride, doens't equal him wanting you for you, it equals you being a slut.
P A I N - intheass ....this is for YOU!!!
http://photobucket.com/images/flipping% 20off" target="_blank">
Quit talking like you know so much about this relationship or me .......Beotch!!! You are not even close to on the money .....Ms. I KNOW NOTHING!!!
Kiss my firm A@@ BEOTCH!!!
http://photobucket.com/images/kiss% 20my% 20ass" target="_blank">
Signed Up:
Apr 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1685 · Topics: 110
P iece- of shit ..... Just because your life is shit ......does not mean it is okay for you to come on this forum and shit on people's parade. With that being said I imagine this is your only social outlet and have no friends .......word of advice being nice usually has benefits .....you could actually make real friends in real life and would not have to spend so much time on a forum to irritate the hell out of people. Maybe your husband would even begin to like you.
Signed Up:
Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
Signed Up:
Apr 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1685 · Topics: 110
Piscean - I am not afraid ....lol Seriously this woman really is one big pain in the ass. I have never met someone so condescending, insulting, rude, negative.....and just so sour. I honestly feel sorry for her. When you look up the word trouble maker in the dictionary it has her picture right next to the word. She likes to stir trouble and irritate people. She is like a mosquito in the summer time .......so irritating ....and you just want to splat her on your skin. Gawd help me if I end up to be this kind of pisces.
BTW - So annoyed pic did not come out from photobucket .....ugh ...it was the middle finger.
With that said .....I am done talking about the Piece of work .....she is not worth getting upset about ....and when I respond with more stuff ....she has power over me. She is definately not even worth the breath or energy.
Signed Up:
Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
My point exactly!!!!
Signed Up:
Apr 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1685 · Topics: 110
Posted by Starfish225
OH WOW!!! I do mean that in so many ways..
I am so sorry to hear what has happen here, this is such a twist. We were just talking about how good things might be on New Years Eve for you
guys..Its going to be ok, you will land back on your feet as you have before..Something in my gut tells me though he will be trying to make a come back. Youmay or may not want him back, but I feel like he will try after he has had some time and space. That was very immature of him to get mad about some bs like that..Hell he is the one that you are with now..See this is one of the reasons I dislike Pisces men romantically..Its to close to the
holidays to be dealing with a broken heart or just hurt period..I pray that you enjoy your holidays anyway as best you can..
And can I say one more thing..YOU SNAPPED THE PUCK OUT!!!!! Haaaaaahhaaaaaa, girl I could never be mad at cha..
Funny thing ....I have a feeling you are right. I don't know if I can do this back and forth again. I did that with ex-pisces and what a drain. I dunno SF ...we will see.
PDSigned Up:
Apr 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1685 · Topics: 110
Posted by MsPisces.
Yes. Its always the Pisces male that fucks up the Pisces/Pisces heaven.
So very true. I am not even going to try to go back to a brain damage of relationship. Case and point. My grandmother had a stroke yesterday, I have not heard anything from him regarding how she is doing or how I am doing. I don't need someone like that in my life not even as a friend. For being someone who is sensitve .....he only means his emotions. I told him to have a nice time with his selfish, inconsiderate self. I am never making contact with him ever again. That was the lowest of the lowest. It was like my ex pisces bf too .....when my mom was dying of cancer ....he was the biggest insensitive jerk ever. ughhhhh I ask myself ....why do I think it will be different with a fishman??? Why why why do I torture myself.
PDSigned Up:
Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
Signed Up:
Apr 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1685 · Topics: 110
Thanks Piscean!!!
Z - It was like that when my mom was sick with cancer. My doctor prescribed me anti-depressents and anti-anxiety pills. My ex-bf says "Well your family must not be supporting you well if you have to take that medication." What a freaking duche bag ....my entire family was mourning and going through grief when she was living with cancer. Again what an insensitive, selfish, a@@hole.
Yeah - This piscean duche bag is like "Well if you care about someone, you will be in the present when you are with them" ....again another duche bag who only cares about himself and his emotions. So ladies when talking to a pisces guy ....
I swear to gawd I am giving up on all piscean / piscean connections. I always want to believe that the piscean male is a lot like the piscean female but always realize they are only ever concerned about what effects them emotionally ....they cannot care for anyone else.
Signed Up:
Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
Yes pd I do agree,
Pisces men can be pricks, I broke up w mine Thursday, we've been having too many issues, and maybe its has been my fault but I didn't develop them on my own, will I take him back? In a heartbeat, but he has too learn 1st, too stop taken me for granted, yesI truly see something good in him our connection 80 percent of the is marvelous, but the continue arguing has to stop, maybe that's bc we around each other 24x7. Yes he's contacted me but not enough for me to give in and see that he's learned to be reasonable, and if 2 txt and 2 calls and 1 aim is all he has to offer then obviously I made the right decision, because he won't let me slip away that ez!!
Signed Up:
Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
Correction: 80 percent of the time*
Signed Up:
Apr 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1685 · Topics: 110
Z - I don't hate you ..... Why would I hate you?
I am just really hurt and sad because I just end up getting hurt over and over by pisces men. My heart is breaking in two.
It is that kind of deep hurt too.
PD Signed Up:
Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
prince Pisces u might be right
Signed Up:
Oct 15, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 315 · Topics: 16
If pisces and pisces is to work. One has to lead. Its a choice..... it killed me a little at first..... but i chose to take a bit more of a leading role. To push when i usually wouldnt. To make a decision when i really used to despise having to be the one to decide. Even *Gasp* being the one to jump the bones more often than not.
Im usually not forward but if i wanted to catch my fish i had to step up i did and all is well on both sides.
The leading role is not easy but if you put your mind to it. If they are worth then why the heck not? The only real thing in this world is you. Everything else is just perception. Who controls perception, why you of course..... If you see someone as confusing then of course they are. Try perceiving them from a different frame of mind and your end result will be different.
Speaking from experience a pisces guy usually becomes and a s s Hat when he cant convey his feelings, wants or needs in a way you understand. This leads to irrational emotional outbursts and downright childish behaviour. Nip this at the bud by really taking a look through the clouds surrounding his actions and you should see.
I can tell at this point when shes upset usually even before she herself knows she is. I look and see when she needs space and i go out and do things and let her listen to her music, surf the web, talk to her girlfriends on the phone. Let her cool down and unwind. If i think things are heating up i listen to what she has to say absorb it and then if shes right. ( More often than not she is ) I apply the appropriate measures within to increase our flow.
The less breaks in that flow the happier we both are. No tip toes around eggshells and covertly implying what i want or need. I just let it come. Thats the way.
Signed Up:
Dec 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 12
Wow that's sounds so marvelous, wishing my male pisces and I can make it work!!