
This topic was created in the Pisces forum by neo on Monday, March 27, 2006 and has 9 replies.
I have observed it that Pisces resemble a lot to the gemini/cancer cusp any one else relting??
well im a gemini cancer cusp with a pisces moon...i think ive cornered the market.lol
ive never dated a pisces...i would like to...but i get along extremely well with them
my sister is one day into cancer being a true cusp with aries moon leo rising, and i get along whith her well.
As far as dating anyone with gemini influences ide rather not, because ive had a hard time being able to relate with any.
yeah all my charts have me one degree into cancer. being on the cusp i have read that a good match would be a pisces near the aqua cusp or a scorpio near the libra cusp...which i have yet to find. i lean towards the pisces one because of the pisces moon.
there compatible signs on either side of a non compatible one, its always that way, so you might date any cusp since regardless
it will always be a mix of both.
aries fire
taurus earth
gemini air
cancer water
leo fire
virgo earth
libra air
scorpio water
saggitarius fire
capricorn earth
aquarius air
pisces water

The sequence is Fire Earth Air Water,......always sqaure/trine/sqaure/sextile/.
but its all about preferance and you might prefer scorpios or pisceans.
But in general, Ive always made great freinds with pisces/aqua cusps. Extrememly freindly nature, and not very emotional, as youd think.
well i thought a water sign for sure but i just broke up with scorpio....she didnt talk enough. she would be real quite on the phone and act like she just wanted to listen i guess i am just used to my libra ex who always had something to say. she is a cusp too...libra on the vigro cusp.