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Mar 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1355 · Topics: 6
I'm a Cancer and I know that I can cling on for dear life and am nostalgic about the past. But you fish are different which is why I'm asking you this question. Speaking from your own experiences, have you been single and found yourself longing for a ex or "the one that got away?" I have a theory and it could be wrong which is why I'm asking the freedom loving fish. My theory is that the heart does not want to be completely free and unencumbered. In my own romantic past I can hardly remember a time being single when I wasn't pining for someone. With some fullness of age, I've come to see that in myself as nurturing a fantasy to keep me warm while waiting for the real thing. But I wonder does the heart always want to have someone to cherish? Or is this just a messed up Cancer thing LOL? Thanks in advance for all responses!
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Mar 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1355 · Topics: 6
"You guys are sentimental for how things used to be vs. Pisces dreaming what could be. Does that make sense?"
I think that's a really cool distinction. Still are either one of us dealing with reality LOL? It sounds like we're re-writing the past and your re-imagining the future. Cancers do spend too much time looking in the rear view mirror with the proverbial rose colored glasses.
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Aug 03, 2006Comments: 73 · Posts: 3385 · Topics: 36
wow - my apologies...............
Pisces version:
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Apr 26, 2013Comments: 4931 · Posts: 19288 · Topics: 148
what poisson said.
Sometimes I get very nostalgic about the past, like falling in a real depression, but I'm mostly nostalgic about the part of me that has died with the past or the good times I've had with some people, more like an eulogy to youth and innocence, and then I move on.
I have divorced and I sometimes cry about the bliss of the first years or marital life, but I wouldn't want my ex wife to come back in my life.
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Mar 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1355 · Topics: 6
Hydorah: "I have divorced and I sometimes cry about the bliss of the first years or marital life, but I wouldn't want my ex wife to come back in my life."
And that perfectly expresses how I felt during the lunar eclipse about my ex. I miss the good times and how I felt about the rela in the beginning but there's no going back.
PiscScorp: Sounds like your brother and I are 2 peas in a pod.
PiscVirgAquaFish: "On the other hand, I really enjoy being single. When everyone else is complaining about their relationship issues here, my only gripe is about how much I hate my job. No disappearing men or other boyfriend issues."
And I can relate to this as well except for loving being single. After the pain of my last breakup which was only last Sept, I can't say that I love being single but I do find peace in myself and am not miserable like I was at the end of my rela. Most of the time I'm grateful to be free, especially like last week when I had 2 girlfriends with major rela issues. It was good to be there for them but even better not to be in that emotional head space.
Still, it seems like my theory is wrong about the heart wanting to be attached to someone. One of the things about being a Cancer (which might be similar for Pisces) is that we can spend a lot of time in the realm of fantasy. It's not like I have a fantasy BF. I'm not quite that delusional yet. But I've noticed that even if it's thinking about a long lost love, when I'm single there's a part of my heart that tends to reach out to another.
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Mar 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1355 · Topics: 6
Ninjutsu: Thanks for sharing your own stories. It's not that I think about an ex all the time. But for me I've just noticed that when I'm single (as I am now) I tend to idealize somebody. Maybe not an ex. Maybe just a secret crush. But there's been someone in my heart to keep me company. Is that tweaked? Prolly but I definitely know the difference between pining over a fantasy and the real deal. Like you, I've had to walk from a relationship that shattered me and couldn't go back because I knew it would just be more of the same. God is that the worst. Gentle pining is nothing compared to that sensation. It's just my heart never feels completely free and unencumbered. Of course there's friends and family to fill it up but that's not really what I'm talking about. I do feel like something is missing without romantic love. I miss the cuddling, the shared secrets, the feeling of being that close in unity to another person. It's just not the same with friends, although they have been my life support thru a painful breakup and I cherish their presence in my life.
Thanks for the thumbs up, Juke. As a fellow fish, I love my pisces. And yet you guys are so different yet so similar and familiar to me. I really love your sensitivity, imagination and kindness toward everyone even if I don't understand you and your ways are mysterious sometimes. Sometimes I wish I were a pisces because you guys know how to go with the flow while Cancers are always worrying and self protecting and in general not having as much fun.
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Mar 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1355 · Topics: 6
Thanks for responding DJBuck. Yeah, I thought she made a great point too.
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Mar 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1355 · Topics: 6
Scorpmoon: Thanks for the vote of confidence but in my experience that hasn't always been the case. 90% of the time yes. 10% jumping to the wrong conclusions based on my Cancerian mood of the moment. I had a good scorp female friend break it down for me years ago and man can you scorps see thru a lie like nobody's business. You cats are the ultimate sluths. You know's there dirt under the nice top of the line Crate & Barrell sofa and you'll be sure to find it! Anyway my scorp girl said "C sometimes you assume things and it's the wrong thing." So I gotta be careful of my own assumptions cuz sometimes the way I'm feeling at the moment gets in the way of my virgoian analysis of the situation. I appreciate having an earth moon. It's grounding. Being a Cancer means you gotta ride the waves of your emotion and not let them drag you under toe. It's really not easy being a Cancer and we do exact alot of patience from the very people we love but we do fess up, try better in the future and are there for you in a clutch. Cancers love being there for you when you need it. We need to feel needed.
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Mar 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1355 · Topics: 6
Piscesscorp-PS: didn't quite get you've got a pisces sun and scorp moon but internally your intuition is sharp as nails. I'm not sure a Cancer has anything on you. It's probably b/c he's your brother and family knows you inside out.