Pisces Man Communication Slowing Down

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by BadGalVirgo on Sunday, June 16, 2013 and has 5 replies.
Same BadGalVirgo... New Pisces Man!!
Since I've caught my first Pisces they have been swarming all around me... Not certain why!!
I find that it starts off with them being EXTREMELY into me... And, then they kind of just fade away from me.... Being the Virgo that I am, I am EXTREMELY intuitive... Just as pisces can catch vibes... I can feel when someone is lying or trying to pull one over... This specific pisces explained to me that he was single and invited me to his home which was very nice... In the late hours of the night... His very "angry" ex showed up... Broke in the home and he basically had to put her out and call the cops. He begged me to stay around... Said he really liked me. Explained he was moving because she was stalking him and "we" would never have this problem again.
He's 30 and I am 23 btw.... He has one 10 yr old son... I have no children. Attractive and kind of care free... Well, it's been about a month since that incident and he still contacts frequently but it is becoming less as I am showing him more interest or whenever I call him out on things that I perceive him to be lying about... As a virgo the worst thing you could do to me is insult my intelligent by trying to lie to me... He has since moved from his initial home and into a new one from his crazy ex... And I guess I just want to know... How to hook him. I have been very patient and sweet with him... I get the feeling he is taking my kindness for weakness though... Or he is feeling that he has hooked me... How can I keep things new and interesting? Why is his communication slowing down with me?
Thank you for the advice Piscescorp... And you are 100% right in the fact that k think entirely toooo much!!! That is something that I am really trying to work on... But the fact that his "Ex" came to his home screaming and made me very insecure in the things he tells me going forward.... I guess I need to decide if that is something I can get over to move forward with the relationship...
I really like him though... How do you suggest I turn things around? Should I contact him first as he is pulling away? Or wait for him to come to me? Should I show him how much I care or want him around? Like I said.... His communication pattern is slowly dwindling down... He doesn't respond as quickly, the cute nick names are disappearing.... Should I give both of us some space to allow the positivity to flow back in? And, once it does... If he decides he wants me... I can give it another go? How can I show him I am genuinely sorry without pushing into him too much when he is pulling away?
Every situation you go into life, wether its men or not, always walk in judgmental free. I know its hard for a virgo to not criticize or more appropriately 'think outside the box'. But its much healthier than assuming. Never Assume anything and certainly never assume someone knows what you want or what your thinking. This is not a big deal and you did not screw anything up. Just be more positive and look at life judgmental free. You will hook some many fish you will run out of tackle each day.
Posted by BadGalVirgo
Same BadGalVirgo... New Pisces Man!!
Since I've caught my first Pisces they have been swarming all around me... Not certain why!!
I find that it starts off with them being EXTREMELY into me... And, then they kind of just fade away from me.... Being the Virgo that I am, I am EXTREMELY intuitive... Just as pisces can catch vibes... I can feel when someone is lying or trying to pull one over... This specific pisces explained to me that he was single and invited me to his home which was very nice... In the late hours of the night... His very "angry" ex showed up... Broke in the home and he basically had to put her out and call the cops. He begged me to stay around... Said he really liked me. Explained he was moving because she was stalking him and "we" would never have this problem again.
He's 30 and I am 23 btw.... He has one 10 yr old son... I have no children. Attractive and kind of care free... Well, it's been about a month since that incident and he still contacts frequently but it is becoming less as I am showing him more interest or whenever I call him out on things that I perceive him to be lying about... As a virgo the worst thing you could do to me is insult my intelligent by trying to lie to me... He has since moved from his initial home and into a new one from his crazy ex... And I guess I just want to know... How to hook him. I have been very patient and sweet with him... I get the feeling he is taking my kindness for weakness though... Or he is feeling that he has hooked me... How can I keep things new and interesting? Why is his communication slowing down with me?

He senses you are trying to "hook" him. Not a good feeling for the Pisces male. He might be over you.
Posted by BadGalVirgo
Same BadGalVirgo... New Pisces Man!!
Since I've caught my first Pisces they have been swarming all around me... Not certain why!!
I find that it starts off with them being EXTREMELY into me... And, then they kind of just fade away from me.... Being the Virgo that I am, I am EXTREMELY intuitive... Just as pisces can catch vibes... I can feel when someone is lying or trying to pull one over... This specific pisces explained to me that he was single and invited me to his home which was very nice... In the late hours of the night... His very "angry" ex showed up... Broke in the home and he basically had to put her out and call the cops. He begged me to stay around... Said he really liked me. Explained he was moving because she was stalking him and "we" would never have this problem again.
He's 30 and I am 23 btw.... He has one 10 yr old son... I have no children. Attractive and kind of care free... Well, it's been about a month since that incident and he still contacts frequently but it is becoming less as I am showing him more interest or whenever I call him out on things that I perceive him to be lying about... As a virgo the worst thing you could do to me is insult my intelligent by trying to lie to me... He has since moved from his initial home and into a new one from his crazy ex... And I guess I just want to know... How to hook him. I have been very patient and sweet with him... I get the feeling he is taking my kindness for weakness though... Or he is feeling that he has hooked me... How can I keep things new and interesting? Why is his communication slowing down with me?

Somz pisces are too shy to communicate and to express themselves,so let him intiate conversation first (it's a good sign) i think you have a good experience with us now Tongue