Posted by LadyNeptuneI fell in love with my fiance since day one and im still in that same honey moon type of love phase. So basically i dont know how true your statement can be.
Yeah he said he's falling in love, not that he's in love.
The problem with people who fall in love easily is that they can fall out of love just as easily. Very little staying power.
Posted by LoadzPosted by LadyNeptuneI fell in love with my fiance since day one and im still in that same honey moon type of love phase. So basically i dont know how true your statement can be.
Yeah he said he's falling in love, not that he's in love.
The problem with people who fall in love easily is that they can fall out of love just as easily. Very little staying to expand
Posted by P-AngelI think you should go read that thread again. Are you a psychologist? If not, stop pretending to be one please.Posted by LoadzPosted by LadyNeptuneI fell in love with my fiance since day one and im still in that same honey moon type of love phase. So basically i dont know how true your statement can be.
Yeah he said he's falling in love, not that he's in love.
The problem with people who fall in love easily is that they can fall out of love just as easily. Very little staying power.
From what you described in your thread, you're in desperation mode because you were rejected. In other words, you are craving what you can't have.
That's not love, and never will be.
Due to your obvious delusion .. this is probably why she decided to take a pass on you. Pisces will only be able to handle people who are to expand
Posted by MyStarsShine
Be wary of anyone who claims to be in love or falling for you someone above said ... quick burn doesn't always last
Slow burn is more healthy
Posted by LoadzYes but did you TELL him/her you loved them since day one?Posted by LadyNeptuneI fell in love with my fiance since day one and im still in that same honey moon type of love phase. So basically i dont know how true your statement can be.
Yeah he said he's falling in love, not that he's in love.
The problem with people who fall in love easily is that they can fall out of love just as easily. Very little staying to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneWhat does Telling them you love them on day one got to do with anything? She said people who fall in love easily fall out of love just as easily. I fell in love easily but i didn't fall out of love at all and i don't see myself falling out of love. I'm just making a simple point. I obviously didn't tell my fiance i love her on day one but i definitely showed clear feelings for her during the first week.Posted by LoadzYes but did you TELL him/her you loved them since day one?Posted by LadyNeptuneI fell in love with my fiance since day one and im still in that same honey moon type of love phase. So basically i dont know how true your statement can be.
Yeah he said he's falling in love, not that he's in love.
The problem with people who fall in love easily is that they can fall out of love just as easily. Very little staying to expand
Posted by P-AngelFirst off, anyone who comes on here to talk about anything will give their own point of view whether you like it or not. As I mentioned in my thread, she would definitely have a different side of the story and i am trying to understand her part and thats why i posted my thread in the pisces forum. To get help from other pisces to get an understanding. You go on to assume that ive been bad to her in some way but the fact is you know nothing. You have a warped negative image of men in general especially when it comes to problems with a pisces girl as it is from what ive seen from your posts.
You paint yourself to look like a saint, while putting all relationship fault on her. In your other thread, you even got people in here to talk trash about her ... when they don't even know her.
That, in itself, speaks volumes about you.
You act like a victim, as if you're innocent of all relationship issues, while she runs you down.
To come in here and give a one-sided story, withholding from us all the fucked up things you've done to bring her to this point of how she feels about you .... is deceptive and manipulative on your part.
Leo's are controlling, and this is a well-known personality trait ... here you are trying to control how people in here view her (in a bad light) by telling us half truths.
You're not going to fool me, I can smell bullshit a mile a way.
Posted by Loadz
You go on to assume that ive been bad to her in some way but the fact is you know nothing.
Posted by Loadz
whenever i confronted her about it she would blame my insecurity.
Within a month alot of heated arguments over silly things erupted every time we spoke and when i mean every time i mean every to expand
Posted by P-AngelPosted by Loadz
You go on to assume that ive been bad to her in some way but the fact is you know nothing.Posted by Loadz
whenever i confronted her about it she would blame my insecurity.
Within a month alot of heated arguments over silly things erupted every time we spoke and when i mean every time i mean every time.
Obviously, you expect people to believe that you sit there demure, sweetie pie, an innocent victim ... while she argues by herself.
You expect believe that it only takes one to tango ... yet, you said yourself that you confront her when you're not getting enough attention.
Everytime you speak, it's a lot of heated arguments .. every time, you meant every time.
**sniff sniff bullshit**
You're so stupid that you shit like, "you don't know me" ..... when I repeat what you say, address what YOU say in here.
Seriously ..... I don't blame her for dumping on you ... you play act innocent, while written between the lines it's obvious that you are participating in all of it ... you provoke her because that's what confront means - to provoke.
You're not fooling me ... I can smell bullshit a mile awayclick to expand
Posted by Loadz
You want me to come on here and say how much of a bad person i am and how i messed up my own relationship? Why MUST it be my fault?
Posted by P-AngelYou're either a troll or an idiot.Posted by Loadz
You want me to come on here and say how much of a bad person i am and how i messed up my own relationship? Why MUST it be my fault?
Ah ha - so I'm right !!!
You refuse to take any responsibility for the demise of your own relationship, and expect her to take the whole burden of being at fault.
After all why should you take any fault, according to you.
I smelled your bullshit on day one.
For the fact that you refuse to take responsibility ... its becomes highly probable that you are at fault for ALL of to expand
Posted by LoadzPosted by LadyNeptuneI fell in love with my fiance since day one and im still in that same honey moon type of love phase. So basically i dont know how true your statement can be.
Yeah he said he's falling in love, not that he's in love.
The problem with people who fall in love easily is that they can fall out of love just as easily. Very little staying to expand
Posted by LoadzPosted by P-AngelYou're either a troll or an idiot.Posted by Loadz
You want me to come on here and say how much of a bad person i am and how i messed up my own relationship? Why MUST it be my fault?
Ah ha - so I'm right !!!
You refuse to take any responsibility for the demise of your own relationship, and expect her to take the whole burden of being at fault.
After all why should you take any fault, according to you.
I smelled your bullshit on day one.
For the fact that you refuse to take responsibility ... its becomes highly probable that you are at fault for ALL of to expand
Posted by boxcarmirntaNo i dont like drama at all. But i know some people do cause they think it spices up the relationship. I never believed in love at first sight until i met m fiance. Everything about her the first day i met her was fascinating to me. Her looks, the way she talks, the way she moves. Everything about her was attractive. And I still find everything about her attractive. Maybe its a leo thing I don't know.Posted by LoadzPosted by LadyNeptuneI fell in love with my fiance since day one and im still in that same honey moon type of love phase. So basically i dont know how true your statement can be.
Yeah he said he's falling in love, not that he's in love.
The problem with people who fall in love easily is that they can fall out of love just as easily. Very little staying power.
How is that possible? Do you like drama? to expand
Posted by LoadzPosted by boxcarmirntaNo i dont like drama at all. But i know some people do cause they think it spices up the relationship. I never believed in love at first sight until i met m fiance. Everything about her the first day i met her was fascinating to me. Her looks, the way she talks, the way she moves. Everything about her was attractive. And I still find everything about her attractive. Maybe its a leo thing I don't know.Posted by LoadzPosted by LadyNeptuneI fell in love with my fiance since day one and im still in that same honey moon type of love phase. So basically i dont know how true your statement can be.
Yeah he said he's falling in love, not that he's in love.
The problem with people who fall in love easily is that they can fall out of love just as easily. Very little staying power.
How is that possible? Do you like drama? to expand
Posted by boxcarmirntaI guess you could say i get a bit obsessive when im in love. But when you say "you guys" you mean Leo men?Posted by LoadzPosted by boxcarmirntaNo i dont like drama at all. But i know some people do cause they think it spices up the relationship. I never believed in love at first sight until i met m fiance. Everything about her the first day i met her was fascinating to me. Her looks, the way she talks, the way she moves. Everything about her was attractive. And I still find everything about her attractive. Maybe its a leo thing I don't know.Posted by LoadzPosted by LadyNeptuneI fell in love with my fiance since day one and im still in that same honey moon type of love phase. So basically i dont know how true your statement can be.
Yeah he said he's falling in love, not that he's in love.
The problem with people who fall in love easily is that they can fall out of love just as easily. Very little staying power.
How is that possible? Do you like drama? Seriously...
Hmmm yea you guys can be sort of obsessive.. No offense.. But that's sweet anyway.. Hope she actually appreciates it.. But she seems a bit young to know what real gratitude is just to expand