Pisces men

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by eyesinthesky on Wednesday, September 2, 2015 and has 12 replies.
Hi, new to the website and this is my first question. I'm a scorpio woman and i've recently started talking to two pisces men and wondering if I can get some clarity?
So the one pisces guy I am seeing and intimate with and he is very freaky in bed. He likes to hold me down and be aggressive and makes jokes about tying me up and other more twisted things I don't want to share. He said he's normally not like that but I bring it out in him.
The other pisces is a friend and we were talking about sex one day and he said he likes to be very rough and talking about how he would want to do that with me. They aren't gentle lovers but they are romantic.

I also was out with the first pisces and he did something to upset me. I don't want to say what it is, but I don't think he even knows what it is. When some one upsets me I never say what they did or get visibly upset I just withdraw, get nasty and usually leave them to figure it out. So I did that with him and began insulting him and when he tried hugging me onthe street I pushed him off and walked away. I insulted him later that night a few times. Now he is being very cold, I even had to instigate texts with him he didn't even bother to ask me why I did that. He just seems cold. Should I bother trying to talk to him again?
I texted him after the weekend and said Hey baby. He said How was your weekend? I'm driving to my family's for dinnersmile. He's normally very affectionate in his texts and even that reply was cold for his usual self. I said my weekend was good blah blah blah, how was yours?
And he hasn't answered me. So i left it for a day then texted him good morning earlier this morning and he hasn't replied.
So my question is should I move on and forget forgivness from pisces #1. and Pisces guys aren't submissive, but freaky and aggressive from my experience. Like to hold your neck and give you some pain, etc. Anythoughts on that? The first pisces is moon in libra and gemini rising. and NO I'm not intimate with both of them just one.
This is why anyone who says scorps and Pisces are a match is on drugs. That being said the fix can be easy and that fix is communication. You have to let him know what upsets you. Can't do that usual scorp game playing bullshit. Emotions will be the downfall of this pairing if both stay passive about them. And then he's a Libra moon so see we like drama BUT only to read it or watch it not to live it. So he probably thinks your drama now. :/

How in the world do you expect him to understand anything if you don't explain? He's not a mind reader. Getting upset at him over something he's clueless about is rather immature. EXPLAIN. And continue to explain. Don't just do so after you lash out at him for (from his point of view) no reason. Don't expect people to keep forgiving you over this.
Posted by LittleStar
I had pretty messed up communication patterns from childhood abuse and so I can relate to not being able to speak your mind and learning to be passive aggressive. Still slip back into old habits sometimes, but it's definitely something that you have to work at.. Communication takes effort but it's so worth it!

I think it's great you're trying to do your best with the situation you've been presented with/the outcome. Effort is so important. Some people simply don't want to tackle their flaws or even acknowledge them and there's not a lot of personal growth in doing that.
Posted by eyesinthesky
and began insulting him and when he tried hugging me onthe street I pushed him off and walked away. I insulted him later that night a few times..

Posted by eyesinthesky
Should I bother trying to talk to him again?

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You're asking if YOU should bother to talk to him again? lmao.
Posted by SassyVirgo
Sorry to tell you this but doesn't sound like he is serious, how old is he? Young Pisces men can be very hard to pin down, as they mellow out they will start to look at things long term and be respectful of others time.

Also regardless of star sign, if a men is serious and interested he will like to contact you on a daily basis. Just focus on yourself and let time unfold his intention.

He does contact me on a daily basis and is the one to text me first all the time. But when I got mad he didn't text me. The thing is he doesn't know what I'm mad about I just begin to get mean and then he thinks it has nothing to do with him when it does. I feel like I have too much pride to point out something that hurts me bc that gives the other person power and makes me vulnerable so instead I get even.
Posted by eyesinthesky

So my question is should I move on and forget forgivness from pisces #1.

I don't understand the question.

You apparently want him to apologize for something, but, I can't figure out what it is?

Or did you mean ... you are waiting for him to forgive you for lacking proper stinger aim?

Posted by eyesinthesky

He does contact me on a daily basis and is the one to text me first all the time. But when I got mad he didn't text me. The thing is he doesn't know what I'm mad about I just begin to get mean and then he thinks it has nothing to do with him when it does. I feel like I have too much pride to point out something that hurts me bc that gives the other person power and makes me vulnerable so instead I get even.

Ok, we get it ..... you'd rather be an asshole, than honest and considerate because the truth makes you insecure. You don't need to describe it again.

We get it.

So, what's beef?

What is it you want to know?
Posted by SassyVirgo
Posted by eyesinthesky
Posted by SassyVirgo
Sorry to tell you this but doesn't sound like he is serious, how old is he? Young Pisces men can be very hard to pin down, as they mellow out they will start to look at things long term and be respectful of others time.

Also regardless of star sign, if a men is serious and interested he will like to contact you on a daily basis. Just focus on yourself and let time unfold his intention.

He does contact me on a daily basis and is the one to text me first all the time. But when I got mad he didn't text me. The thing is he doesn't know what I'm mad about I just begin to get mean and then he thinks it has nothing to do with him when it does. I feel like I have too much pride to point out something that hurts me bc that gives the other person power and makes me vulnerable so instead I get even.

Men often have no clue why women are mad at them, but they just notice a shift of energy from you and wonder what is going on. honest communication is the key if you want anything serious to be developed. You don't have to say you feel hurt or anything intense like this. you can tell him when he does such and such it makes you really happy, most men enjoy making his woman happy and it will encourage his good behavior more
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I think the best thing you could do to completely lose a Pisces is to "go nasty and let them figure it out themselves".