Pisces men and FWB / Casual

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by MondayInsomnia on Sunday, July 28, 2013 and has 29 replies.
So, I'm thinking about asking this Pisces guy to be FWB but I'm not quite sure how he is going to react. He's got Venus in Aqua.
Are Pisces men usually open to this sort of arrangement or no?

I would venture to guess that any dude would take a dip for free when there aren't any strings attached.
However, most of the time the woman is actually lying ... and is only doing it to attempt to gain emotional footage, with intentions of tricking him with her vagina.
fwb is really ... manipulative bitch using her kitty as leverage
I think they would be just fine with it.
Haha. No way. I'm not trying to lure him into a relationship with me. Being FWB would be a terrible idea otherwise. Why get the cow (relationship) when you can get the milk for free then? LOL.
If I had a slight doubt I'd develop feelings for him while in the FWB relationship, I wouldn't ask in the first place. I know it ain't gonna happen.
He's just super hot and I'm single. I don't want to be in a relationship because I'm leaving the country soon. So, I don't wanna be tied down. Plus he's a little immature for my taste.
Posted by djbuck1
Pisces with Venus in Pisces.

@djbuck she said venus was in aqua.properbly he could act detached
but most guys are comfortable with that,especially if they are single.
It's none of my business if he starts seeing other girls, but he just can't sleep with them unless he wants to break the FWB off. Not that I would be jealous, but I'd rather be safe, if he sleeps with other girls, chances of getting an STD are higher.
I just expect sexual monogamy, aside from that, he can do whatever he wants with whoever he wants.
why would u sleep with somebody u trying to make a fwb without protection,if u scared of STDs
Where did I say we aren't gonna be using protection? We are going to use protection.
But you do realize one can get STDs if the condom happens to break, they're not 100% effective.
then u cant have a fwb if u have that in mind.so the best solution is to just stay away from that n keep urself for the person who is gonna have a long-term relationship with u.just saying
So... is this the same guy you got angry about not fighting to stay friends with you, when you told him not to contact you anymore?
No, this one is an actual friend of mine I met a few years ago. I'm done with that other guy. He's already seeing someone else anyway.
I just know a lot of Pisces men oddly enough.
Posted by djbuck1
Posted by BaitedFish
Posted by djbuck1
Pisces with Venus in Pisces.

@djbuck she said venus was in aqua.properbly he could act detached
but most guys are comfortable with that,especially if they are single.

No, I am the one with a Venus in Pisces. smile
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lol its u we talking about now,i guess....
I was involved with a Pisces man who wanted this. Thing was, we were good friends at first then had sex. It wasn't that good for me so I cut him off. That was back in 2006; he still persists today, and I always say noooooooooooooo!
Its always a risk, i think your safe because you both know that your leaving. Go for it.
Posted by MondayInsomnia
No, this one is an actual friend of mine I met a few years ago.

Why risk the friendship?
It sounds interesting in theory, but in practice it would start to appear vulgar and boring to many pisces as soon as the opportunity materializes.
Go for it. Or search the Craiglist.
If the Pisces is not that interested, he will refuse you gently enough not to bruise your ego. If he is unattached and open minded, I don't think he would refuse you, though. The only risk (for your ego) would be if he sleeps with you once and then backs off. If this happens, take it with a pinch of salt. It's NSA, after all.
Why are you giving it away for free? What about love? What about commitment? I really don't get the FWB thing and hate to say this but gotta agree with PAngel that it's a lie as far as the woman is concerned. You're hoping you catch love thru sex and it doesn't work that way for men. They'll usually take the low hanging fruit and is that what you want to be? Or worse yet, do you want the freedom to be as lame ass the some of the boys? Please think more of yourself and say no to this nonsense. Women are supposed to stand for more than that sorry ass game men would like us to play.
Posted by Este8
Why are you giving it away for free? What about love? What about commitment? I really don't get the FWB thing and hate to say this but gotta agree with PAngel that it's a lie as far as the woman is concerned. You're hoping you catch love thru sex and it doesn't work that way for men. They'll usually take the low hanging fruit and is that what you want to be? Or worse yet, do you want the freedom to be as lame ass the some of the boys? Please think more of yourself and say no to this nonsense. Women are supposed to stand for more than that sorry ass game men would like us to play.

May I answer this, since I've been in three FWB relationships so far.
It is mainly a relief from sexual frustration, at times we do not want, or cannot have, a boyfriend. Having sex (and conversation, hugs, massages, etc) with a fellow human being it's much nicer than DIY activity with a rampant rabbit or locking yourself in the toilette at work with an electric toothbrush, pretending to clean your teeth for over 20 min. It is also far better than having one night stands, for obvious reasons.
We aim to receive as much as we give. It is a lie only if you are lying about your needs and expectations, and the OP clearly doesn't.
LOL, JennGem reminded me as something (I'm also Pisces with Aqua Venus). If a man ever asks me to be his FB/FWB, I would laugh in his face as wickedly as I could.
I prefer to shortlist the candidates, interview them and be VERY discreet, but yeah, I'm a woman. Men should be grateful if they get someone, anyone.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Men should be grateful if they get someone, anyone.

Haaaaaaaa, and why would that be? :-?
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There are not too many women taking (occasionally) the FWB route.
Some are too coy, others too busy chasing a doting husband. And I'm very happy with my new boyfriend.
I asked him, he said no.
End of the story.
Thank you all for your help smile
Sorry about that.....
I guess he so it through ur eyes
Posted by Undine
Posted by Este8
Why are you giving it away for free? What about love? What about commitment? I really don't get the FWB thing and hate to say this but gotta agree with PAngel that it's a lie as far as the woman is concerned. You're hoping you catch love thru sex and it doesn't work that way for men. They'll usually take the low hanging fruit and is that what you want to be? Or worse yet, do you want the freedom to be as lame ass the some of the boys? Please think more of yourself and say no to this nonsense. Women are supposed to stand for more than that sorry ass game men would like us to play.

May I answer this, since I've been in three FWB relationships so far.
It is mainly a relief from sexual frustration, at times we do not want, or cannot have, a boyfriend. Having sex (and conversation, hugs, massages, etc) with a fellow human being it's much nicer than DIY activity with a rampant rabbit or locking yourself in the toilette at work with an electric toothbrush, pretending to clean your teeth for over 20 min. It is also far better than having one night stands, for obvious reasons.
We aim to receive as much as we give. It is a lie only if you are lying about your needs and expectations, and the OP clearly doesn't.
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Well I can't argue with this and I respect it even if I don't really understand it. I just can't understand sex w/out love but then again I've been celebate now for 3 years and boy does that suck. Sometimes I wish I thought and felt like you do but I'm holding out for my special tom cat to come romping around my back yard! Sorry if I came off Victorian in my thinking. Some of it is.
Posted by BaitedFish
Sorry about that.....
I guess he so it through ur eyes

It's no biggie. I guess it's for the best.
You never know where you might end up with this kind of scenario.
Posted by MondayInsomnia
Posted by BaitedFish
Sorry about that.....
I guess he so it through ur eyes

It's no biggie. I guess it's for the best.
You never know where you might end up with this kind of scenario.
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Errrr.......in bed?
Never mind, one less distraction before you are leaving the country.
PS: I like your straight-to-the-point approach, whatever your sign is.
I'm pisces.. Of course, im female so that changes the rules, but I cant do fwb. I tried once, fell in love. Realized in hindsight that I cared about him before we ever started sexual intimacy.. Otherwise I never would have gotten naked with him in the first place. I think fwb is very difficult.. It's so hard to keep emotions out of it. Sexually Transmitted Emotions
Posted by MondayInsomnia
Posted by BaitedFish
Sorry about that.....
I guess he so it through ur eyes

It's no biggie. I guess it's for the best.
You never know where you might end up with this kind of scenario.
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Yup,everything happens for a reason....
Posted by PiscesLoves
I'm pisces.. Of course, im female so that changes the rules, but I cant do fwb. I tried once, fell in love. Realized in hindsight that I cared about him before we ever started sexual intimacy.. Otherwise I never would have gotten naked with him in the first place. I think fwb is very difficult.. It's so hard to keep emotions out of it. Sexually Transmitted Emotions

Especially pisces, can't separate sex from love

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