Pisces Slogan...

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by LilMermaid on Thursday, April 26, 2007 and has 40 replies.
As a teenager working in an Athletic Shoe Store, I used to come in contact with a lot of different people from all signs lol naturally. Anyway, what I noticed about all of them is that my dreamy personality and total disregard for logic had a lot of them thinking that I was the biggest Space Cadet that had ever hit the planet earth and that I should have been born a blonde and cast in the movie Clueless. And all the while, I am listening to them say this to me and I'm totally amused that this is what they think of me. Then one of those days comes around where we have an intellectual/philosophical and ofcourse controversial conversation, and they suddenly find themselves shocked and amazed by my ability to say something intelligent, when quite obviously i have been intelligent the entire time. They were just too submerged in logic to see outside the box.
And also, in high school males that would meet me... not even meet me, just look at me, swore up and down that I was some kind of stuck up, prissy, materialistic, high maintenance broad. And yet when I open my mouth, they find out that im the goofiest, silliest, dorkiest person you could ever meet and they find theirselves strangely drawn to me despite what they thought originally.
Since I have friends who are pisceans who claim to have experienced the same thing, I have decided that the new slogan for Pisces should be as follows:
PISCES... they are not what they seem...
Can anyone think of a better one based on your own experiences?
Nope, I can't think of a better slogan .. but, I've experienced very similiar things in my life. One time, when I was younger, I got hired for a position as a last resort. The person who really made an impression, didn't have good references for thier abilities and since they company was in dire need and I had the qualifications .. they hired me. At first, I was treated like a bumbling idiot because of this mysterious quality that appears "stupid" .. within 2 months, I was the office manager and running the whole show.
To this day, I run into that old boss (Virgo) and he introduces me as the best employee he ever had.
Very capable .. it's our CHOICE remain obscure, what's in our brains shrouded.
I've had similar experiences as well. Part of it is being completely open to others and they think we're like Forrest Gump or some sort of sweet, stupid savant. When my personality is revealed it seems to surprise most people to discover I'm pretty smart. Years ago in school I wore a lot of leather and eyeliner, smoked cigarettes and remained standoffish seeming to strangers. One day after graduation I saw a guy I only kind of knew from school and we hung out. At the end of the night he kissed me and said, "You are so not the person I thought you were - you're like the sweetest girl I've ever met."
We're often underestimated.
I've noticed that, DC .. you don't use curse words. Very gentlmenly (is that a word?) of you.
Filth flies from my mouth and care not to even worry about filters .. once I did my time in the Military, that was all she wrote .. every other word is "fuck".
"We're often underestimated"
Quite .. thing is, it's our choice to be.
Why is that, do you suppose? Why do we feel comfortable in a mask?
P-Angel...I'm not sure we believe it's a mask - it's just our mess of contradictions from overall objectivity. Many of us can hold opposing points of view at the same time, you know see everything from all angles.
But if it is strictly choice, it is probably our way of guarding our watery hearts since we don't have the Cancer shell or Scorpio sting.
What's more, we're open to people pretty much across the board, not ultra wary or careful, at least on the outside. So maybe we have to keep our real selves hidden from people until we're absolutely secure and sure we can trust them with our hearts.
Just guessing.
Actually, Lil, and all other Pisceans .. I think it's kind of cool that we are this way.
Take other people, there is no mystery, nothing to unravel, the excitment wears off quickly because their completely in the open and exposed .. whereas with us, people stay intrigued forever. A relationship of any kind might end, but, I'll bet you a dollar that that other person never really figured it out and though you aren't with them, they've never forgotten you.
im glad that we are this way too. i kinda think its good that people at first glance think im a bumbling idiot because then i get to see first hand how they really are and how judgmental they can be. then when i decide to show them that there's more to me than meets the eye, they're always like uh... i didnt know... i didnt mean what i said. im like sure you didnt.
Fishy Pisces, there's more than meets the eye. Fishy Pisces, we're mermaids in disguise. LOL
P - person
I - inside
S - stands
C - covering
E - embodied
S - smarts

ok, that was corny, Lil .. don't even know if the word, "embodied" was used properly, but, what do you think?
"have you ever felt that anyone ever took the time to get to know you"

pp, there have been a lot of people who never took the time to get to know me for real, even in here .. most people just look at the outside and blow you off. The ones who have stopped and looked deeper .. are the ones who see my true nature and realize that I'm the complete opposite as I appear. You find that happens a lot, too, pp?
Maybe your just missing your man Winking
for the most part, people dont take the time to get to know me because that means they have to understand me a little... and understanding me is extremely difficult it seems. They may slowly get the picture that im intelligent and often very nice to them because i usually do just about anything anyone asks me to do, if it's within my power to do it (which gets me in so much trouble in all aspects of my life to be honest). thats about all they ever learn about me. and when i do try to open up and show them, they get freaked out. some of my views just are too much it seems
"some of my views just are too much it seems"
Perhaps, because they are much, rather than few .. most people are fixed and to hear an angle beyond the box .. seems a bit much.
Seems normal to me.
ah yes, "normal." Now there's an interesting concept isnt it? What is normal to us is absolutely assinine to other people (hope i spelled that right). and after a lifetime of being called silly, an airhead, and utterly ridiculous, one has to wonder, what in the hell is normal?
yes scorps are intrigued and virgos find us positively entertaining and sometimes philosophical. most cancers i know are judgmental and i love caps because they are fun. im thinking i have to take taurus off my list now... my little bull... or who used to be my little bull doesnt seem so understanding and has joined the "lets take advantage of the little fish" club.
yeah i know, my mum is a cancer. with her little judgmental self.
My dad is an aqua and my mum is a cancer and no, she doesnt get me one bit. i think she used to when i was a child but she finds it hard to do so now. i think it's the aqua in me that she can't understand. im on the cusp you know.
and the bull is cheating on me i think... oh well... can't win them all can ya? sometimes it's just not meant to be
Damn, Lil .. sorry to hear about your little bull .. there's plenty more patiently waiting his turn .. are you ok?
Cancer's dont get me either .. I've heard many people say that they get on real well with Cancer's .. but, I haven't met one yet.
Gemini females and Scorpio males seem to understand me the best.
im just here. i dont really know what to feel.
Maybe he didn't cheat .. maybe it was all a mistake, a mis-understanding.
awwwwwwwwww boo boo. Thank you DC. yeah, he's acting all remorseful now. i dont know what to do with him
Accordint to him thats what it was. According to him the girl is just a friend that he knew from school. but he blew me off one night to go hang with her. which is all good of course, i dont care because i have male friends of my own, the problem is that he lied about it and had me waiting on him to get there til two in the morning. okay, i forgave that one. but yesterday when i was playing a game on his phone, up pops this text message from the girl and she says "I could ask you the same question" so im like hmm... thats strange.
so being nosy, i did some investigating. turns out he asked her how come she is still single. and she was asking him why was he still single. according to him when he got caught lying the first time, he had told her that he had a girlfriend. according to that text message, she knew nothing about it. then he was telling her how he wanted to go on a trip to some far off island and he should take her with him and they could have a good time together and how he wants to see her so badly,...
that to me sounds like some sneaky shit. so im like this, if you want her, go get her. ive got no time to be competing with broads. ive never had to in my life and i refuse to start now. im not going to impose myself on him. so i told him go do what he wants. he got all mad and was like he wanted to be with me. not taking girls on trips to islands and shit you dont' fuck that. i dont play that. sorry for the cursing you all.
maybe it seems like nothing and im overreacting, but it feels big to me. especially when he claims to tell everyone about me but then i find out the girl doesnt even know i exist. and you're planning on going on trips with her? now even if im "misunderstanding" that sounds real suspect to me. what if this girl is really feeling him and takes it the wrong way, if there is even a wrong way to take it?
I told him i found it utterly disrespectful. his response was why did i look at his text messages. which was wrong of me, no doubt, but hey, it's done now. oh well. you win some, you lose some. from the looks of it, i'll be fifty before i win anything
You are in every right to curse ..
Lil, I think people don't understand this in Pisces .. every other sign gets jealous and acts all stupid when something like this arises and so he just can't grasp how you can just swim away and say, "Adios Amigos" so casually.
We won't compete .. and it's likely that this is what he doesn't understand because every woman probably would vie for his attention against each other.
Certainly, you're doing the right thing .. trust your fishy "feelers" .. if he's lying to you and you KNOW it, then that is exactly what it is.
I'm so sorry that you are feeling down .. maybe we need a group hug.
** hugs **
But, you know .. for we all know in here .. that your an awesome woman, full of love and laughter, with a pure heart. I'll send you some Angel love vibes, ok?
its okay guys. i'll bounce back. thanks for the support. i do appreciate it
now he's claiming the i'll never let you go crap. ive just about had it. im ready to grill him up on the barbecue and make steak out of him
To many peoples utter destruction, they will attempt to play for our attention.
I don't know if he is doing this or not .. I don't know him. But, I've seen this happen so many times with the partner of a Pisces .. they'll purposely set a situation up thinking that their Pisces partner will FIGHT for them, compete with another for them ..
.. we swim away .. we won't play.
Do you think maybe he's doing this? Doesn't matter why, I guess .. he loses.
You know how things just have a way of working out? Maybe this was meant to be .. maybe tomorrow you're going to run into the man of your dreams.
well i dont know what im supposed to say. i dont care if he hangs with his female friends cause you can best believe im out with my male friends having a grand ole time, but dont lie to me. i hate lies... even though i sometimes end up telling one without meaning to (but thats another story and i cant tell you how often i get caught up in that) but my lies dont hurt anyone lol... hypocritical huh?
what do i look like fighting some broad for a man. please. give me a break. i'd no sooner dig up a dead body. if he's feeling her, then by all means go be happy with her. dont bother me. i could be doing other things. thats how i feel about it.
Listen .. you know us .. just dip down into the depths and swim around a bit, gain some perspective .. and you surface again, you're gonna be even better and more beautiful than before.
Lil, you didn't loose anything .. he did. He lost what he will later come to realize the most valuable and realest person he's ever met .. because when we love, it's not for attention, for things .. it's with our souls.
One day, you're gonna find the one who knows this and he will cherish you for what you're worth .. everything.
awww you're really sweet P. you're good for my self esteem lol.
so the new pisces slogan is : PISCES, If you're gonna cheat, we won't compete!
it has a ring to it doesnt it?
I mean every word of it, Lil .. we've all witnessed in here, how loving of a person you are .. you never have a cross word to say to anybody and accept people as they come.
Just chalk it up to another experience .. now you know about Little Bulls.
And listen .. if you decide to give it another go with him, that doesn't make you weak in any way .. it just means that you have compassion and will give him the benefit of the doubt. How many people would do that?
Whatever happens .. you have friends in here who will help you in any way we can smile
"PISCES, If you're gonna cheat, we won't compete!"

Perfect .. I might have to print that out and hang on my calendar.
If you're gonna cheat
We don't compete.
Why a frowning hug, DC? We won't forget about you .. you are our DC.
Hey, how was your lunch with your friends? Lovely, I hope.
awww man, im glad i found this site with all the little fishes who are fish just like me lol
HUGS P AND DC!!!!!!!!! thats a grizzly bear hug. the strongest one i can muster with these little arms.
awww pookie bears lol. you guys are sweeter than blackberry molasses.
yes that's my new slogan until i can think of another one. i was going to make the new slogan PISCES: meckaleckahigh mekkahineyho... but somehow i dont think the other signs would quite comprehend the meaning... not that we even comprehend it, thus is the intrigue of the dreamy pisces.
PISCES: Even WE dont know what we mean lol
though, I still like PISCES: MekkaleckaHighMekkaHineyHo
You're going to do just fine, pp .. knock them off their feet, you are.
Good Luck smile