So I had a woman pisces best friend, but I developed feelings for her. I ended up telling her after I thought she had feelings for me too, but then she said she wasn't gay. I felt like she lied to me when she told me that (I know that sounds crazy, call it intuition). However, I sent her a letter and art that I made for her graduation. We haven't talked since last May. She texted me for my birthday, but has not made an effort to contact me. Neither have I honestly due to just trying to get over her. I miss my friend right now. Any advice on what I should do? I still have feelings so... idk. Any pisces been in this situation before? Is she avoiding me because she doesn't want to be my friend anymore? Did I scare her off, is there anyway to repair our friendship?
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Mar 30, 2015Comments: 2650 · Posts: 6434 · Topics: 214
I've been romantically interested in a total of 4 pisces women.
What you described has happened to me twice in my life.When I was 14 and this year.
There is nothing you can do unfortunately.
Both pisces women who are no longer in my life had gay /queer tendencies.
Your hunch is probably right.
Some pisces women can't deal with their sexuality when they tilt more towards the queer side of the spectrum , some can but just aren't interested, and gay or not the pisces woman doesn't want to hurt you so she will leave.
The second type of pisces woman will string you along and use you to boost her ego when she is single or unhappy with her significant other. She won't do this intentionally/ maliciously but it will be a byproduct of her mutable fickle nature and the fact she desperately wants to be loved and appreciated ..just like a female protagonist in a fairy tale.
Can I ask why you “intuitively “ feel she is a lesbian?
Because she found women pretty? Because she looked at lesbian porn? Because she kissed a girl once. None of these things make me or you gay and it goes triple for a Pisces woman.
When someone makes an advance on me, and they are my friend and confidant, it’s like breaching my trust. I no longer get to confide in you the same way and when the relationship, inevitably, falls apart, I’ve lost two people.
I find it so bothersome that you just feeeeeel she’s gay. It makes me wonder if you annoyed her by trying to push your agenda on her and crossed her line. If that’s the case, I’d be done dealing with you too.