Pisces, what are characteristics that you love about your significant other?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by firefis1996 on Sunday, January 8, 2017 and has 9 replies.
physical, mental, spiritual etc. whats the thing that makes you "love" the other person?

For me it will definitely stem from a feeling of that person understanding me and valuing my values.

i love long hair, free spirited people, family orientated, caring
but more importantly, long hair
Why does this seem to be a Piscean trait? I find men with long hair foxes! Big Grin

What makes me "love" the other person? If and when he continues to show me affection/attention. If this dissolves; so does my heart.

Hug cyber hugs!


Physical: I love tall, bearded men who are a little chubby. I think "dad bod" is the most physically attractive

Mental: Open mindedness, willing to learn, admit being wrong and teach me. Patience and caring but hella attentive

Spiritual: grounded. Prefer if he didn't believe or was not married to one religion. Introspective and self analyzing. Quiet and brooding but open to discuss his thoughts and feelings without fear. Compassionate and conscientious

Basically, a unicorn
I have Venus in Aries mars in Cancer and am attracted to adventureous, active, confident, open minded, nurturing men. Someone who will hike with me, dance Argentine Tango (or at least if they don't want to dance will allow me the freedom to go to festivals and social dances), a person who knows himself and what he stands for is soooo attractive. I need alone time and he too should respect this and need alone time himself. I've always thought it'd be the coolest thing to date someone who loved reading like I do, and we both would be home reading in our own little worlds but still enjoying the other's company.

Physically: I prefer slender more petite boned builds, lean muscles, 5'10 or taller. No preference for hair or eye color. Every person is attractive for different qualitiessmile
I will also add, I truly appreciate a mind which thinks about OTHERS not just the self. Someone altruistic who wants to help humanity or the environment.
Edit: Lol just realized it said Pisces Tongue


we chose not to date for emotional reasons but....his willingness to listen. //siiiighh..

and we can stop seeing each other for months, and we still talk like not a day went by ♥ Man, I love that man.

hysical, mental, spiritual etc. whats the thing that makes you "love" the other person?

Physical: Taller than me, eye color doesn't matter, shortish hair (for some reason never got into the long haired types), darker hair (though ironicaly 60 percent of guys I dated were blond Big Grin). Manly with strong arms.

Mental/spiritual: strong willed but with urge to learn things and accept new ideas, goal oriented, practical but but flexible in a sense that they don't see the world as just black and white. Caring and protective maybe sliglty jelous (I don't know why but there is nothing more attractive than your boyfriend who is slightly jelous just enough so you would know but not as much so it would become like actuall issue). Active and kinda spontaneous (but not in a uncomfortable way Big Grin). Someone who would not judgme for talking about topics that are marely theories and so on smile and most importantly playfull and sarcastic Big Grin I damn love when a guy can tease me in a nice irritating but respectfull way Big Grin
Physical: I like men to be relatively attractive (same as me), younger looking, have some distinctive features (for example a nose like that Gem from the Muse, wide set eyes, big eyes, round faces, curly hair, bald, dimples, light coloured eyes, etc)

Mental: stable, intelligent, sociable, articulate

Spiritual: not religious