I work with a pisces woman. And we have been workign together for about 1yr now. we seem to have a connection, and I assumed the role of a friend. As time went on, I found that she started to act a little strangely.
She became very interested in me, and would stare at me...I would laugh thinking that she was just fed up of being stuck in the office. So this continued, I should mention that she is also my senior and I have to clear things with her on the work front.
I need to liaise with ehr from time to time, and generally the task requires a few minutes discussion. However, I find that when I go over, she starts talking about other things and starts showing me funny sites or jokes. And when I make excuse to leave she shows me something else. Generally this lasts for an hour. I don't mind, but I do have work I need to be completing.
This kind of interaction happens regularly, and i even find her becoming moody when I'm talking to other colleagues. Although these conversations are very short she still finds a reason to come over and interupt the conversation and 'make fun of me' is the best way that i can put it - you know like how kids are at school.
She is an attractive woman, and has a great personality. She also has a boyfriend. I have been watching her behaviour towards me for a while and comparing it agianst how she interacts with other people, and I can surely say that she doesnt act that way with anyone else. At first I thought I was tripping, and maybe aming somethign out of nothing.
But one time, she was having an important meeting with a colleague and I had to take a phone call- however the phone call required speaking another language. Later, I found from the colleague that she had stopped this important meeting and told the colleague that wait - lets listen to signal's conversation. You know people sound like a totally different person when they speak another language. I was on the phone for at least 5-7mins, and this whole time she was listening to me.
When the colleague told me this - I felt embaressed, I didnt know what to say. I just laughed it off. However, later I had a meeting with our ceo, and another colleague, we were meeting in our board room - and this pisces woman also was in the board room however on the far end with a colleague directly opposite me.
i was having this meeting with our ceo - and this meeting lasted an hour and half. Throughout this meeting she stared at me and made faces. what should I do?
Signed Up:
May 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
Simple - make your move, jusdt ask her, if she wants to catch a movie, or go to a near by pub, after work, and then it will be all smooth, sailing from there.
Pisces women, only seek out other men, when their in a relationship, if their partner treats them badly.
Signed Up:
Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
...or doesn't satisfy us sexually.
Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 553 · Topics: 17
Most Pisces I know would talk to Jack the Ripper. They can be very social, so just wait for her to make a move. If she doesn't, be happy for a friend.
Signed Up:
Apr 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2425 · Topics: 193
Most Pisces I know would talk to Jack the Ripper
LMAO @ Virguy62 .... ha ha
Signed Up:
May 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
No, fuckery ting - but don't listen to Virguy62 - "They can be very social, so just wait for her to make a move. If she doesn't, be happy for a friend."
He would die, if he held his breathe, waiting on that one.Pisces girls, almost NEVER make the 1st move, they fear rejection, too much.
He has to be the one, to initiate, the midnight tango, session
She has suggested hanging out at lunch and was talking about a theatre production that she had already seen - I kinda said it looked cool I may go down and watch it. she kinda said that oh she would like to see it again. I suggetsed we could go together and she was happy with that idea. However, I wasn't able to go and didnt arrange the bookings.
I was due to go away for a weekend, and stay with some friends I should add. Earliar that week I had mentioned to her several times that I 'm looking forward to having a break I really need it. She decides to invite me out that same weekend - I said to her: i have already told you that I'm away this weekend so I really can't make it. Another time. And she was like: oh forget going away, come and hang with me.
I laughed about it and said sorry I really can't make it. And she was like: whatever, ur crap. I said look you already knew a while back that I was going. and she was like whatever.
So there have been times that we have suggested things to each other however it has never amounted to anything. its weird,I had a date with a girl, and that same evening work colleagues were meeting in the bar after work. So I stopped by for half an hour before leaving to go on my date. She knew about the girl who I was going on a date with - actually me and this girl have a history. Anyway she was at the bar too, and she seemed ok, was chatting to a colleague. I had to leave and said bye to everyone, as I left she rubbed my leg.
The next day, she said to me, oh I wasnt really talking much at the bar yesterday - I was tired...I saw her talking, ok maybe not her normal bubbly self, but was talking. It's really wierd that she mentioned that.
So i'm not sure what to do here, I do like her- but we work together, could cause problems. And She has a boyfriend
Signed Up:
Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
"Pisces girls, almost NEVER make the 1st move, they fear rejection, too much." Unfortunate but true. We reel you with our charm, wit and banter. Oh, and those infamous, bedroom eyes.
Signal, I wouldn't try to detect the reason behind her motives. You'll exhaust yourself. If it's making you uncomfortable then avoid her, she'll eventually get the message.
Signed Up:
Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
"Most Pisces I know would talk to Jack the Ripper." We might talk him but we're not stupid enough to go off with him.