Pisces women and Capricorn men

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by BeoWulf on Monday, February 7, 2011 and has 10 replies.

Do Capricorn men really make Pisces women go breathless?
I dunno. Well sure, it's a good combo but although I feel it's one of the best..if not THE best astro combos, I always felt that Pisces females will have 'take it or leave it' attitude when it comes to Cap men. But lately all I ever hear from my Pisces female friends (much to the annoyance of my Pisces, Scorpio & Cancer MALE friends...and some scorpio female ones too Big Grin )...is how intense Cap men are and how they couldn't get they hearts to stop beating so fast whenever they're near a Capricorn man. Several Pisces women have mentioned to me that they'd just die without them in their lives. Pisces women seem to all over these men. But seriously, how many of you REALLY feel this way? If not which sign makes you feel this way?
Posted by dancer23
I know one Cappy. One of my best friends for 20 years. ANd he has been in love w/ me for ALL TWENTY. But he does nothing for me sadly. Awesome guy tho. Figures the one guy who actually looks good on paper (so to speak) and would actually be good for me, doesnt really turn me on. Aint that a bitch?

Best friends seldom make our hearts flutter...irregardless of their sign. We're just "too comfortable" with them. They're dependable & comforting but just lack that spark. I don't think their (the best friends') sign matters in this case.
hehe...no wonder women...get so weird around me. they do mention how comfortable my presence is...but i doubt anyone would die without me...they could just find another to replace me haha. but the oppisite is me....id die without women. i have a deep love for most...lol
I hear you Lena, and there are a couple others who feel that way about Cancers .. however, I cannot handle them at all .. mainly because they are too complimentary, to the point of losing their own identities. They will change their likes, habits, desires to match their partners and that's too suffocating for me .. I like a person of their own convictions.
I'm usually attracted to CapriMen .. I find the women are bitches of the bad breed, but, the men seem to know their place well. When I think of this combo CapMan/PisGal ... there seems to be genuine need for each other that takes place.
Capricorn men are very driven ... if you want something done, they seem to be the ones to take the reigns. They appear to me as strong-minded/willed men with a tender hand, alot of charisma ... however, they appear to be lacking in their own creation of sensitivities while possessing great powers of those sensitivities .. for this reason, they do very well with sensitive type females, children, animals, etc.

Hopefully, that made sense, it's like ... it is there inside of them in great force, but, it appears to be trapped without an avenue to release it. Pisces women appear to be an excellent fit for this type of man.
Another thing .... CapMen are good at actualizing ideas, and they have awesome vision in the practical sense ... while again, lacking the creativity to plant the seed. Pisces, are likely so creative that they cannot even get it out of their minds that makes any sense and people would likely be blown over if a Pisces could actually get it out.
Capricorn men can actually understand the Pisces female, and can sift through the rubble of our broken/scattered verbalizations to clarify with precision what it is we are trying to convey ... which is usually an image, a creation of some sort = which is what CapMan is looking for anyway, to accomplish something.
cap women are cool in my book...just gotta get to know them haha. maybe some can be bitchy but who isnt? most women i know have that tendancy even the sweethearts i know. but i agree...pisces was meant for capricorn. its a great combo. ive known one before...she was great but married lol. to bad too.
I like this match.
Had a great experience with a Cap male a few years back, didn't work because of circumstance but we're still friends and I have no regrets.
Have always found Cap guys to be extremely handsome also, usually in quite a classical way.
im what a pisces female wants.Laughing
Posted by SirB
There is lots of magic between the two(us).

Agreed ... it goes beyond the chemistry of the surface where desires lay, in which most people grasp, due to no depth ... with the Goat/Fish combo, their souls latch onto each other in perfect harmony.
I remember many moons ago I would go to mass on Saturday and a few pews in front of me sat a man and his girl friend. About two months went by and one Saturday at the end of mass they happened to leave before me and the guy looked me square in my eyes and it startled me and left me with a strange feeling I cant describe with words.

Fast forward about two years and one day I was at my boyfriends mom's house and she said "Oh good, (my boyfriend) brother is stopping by so you'll get to to meet him" The brother stops by about an hour later and he is the guy from mass. I felt completely dissapointed. Never in my life had the promise of something I never knew I wanted been put to death so quickly.
He was a Capricorn
YES!! Cap Man Pisces Woman combo is blissful..I love that they are so solid and unshakable. I don't care what I do or what I say my Cap Man won't move..He says you can try and push me away if you want but I am not going no where..I never knew love like this..I finally feel safe, which is so important to us Pisces women..