pisces women and gemini men

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by yaya08 on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 and has 26 replies.
Is this pair even possible? does anyone have any experience with it or know of any successful unions?
I know alot of Pisces woman and Gemini man couples...Its not the greatest pairing, but they some how make it work in the long run....
hmm. Terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible awfuuuuuuullll match. Been there done that & let me tell you it wasn't pretty.
just asking. thanx
i tend to get into arguments with them. like they bring out another side of me (anger) lol. seriously. like they think they know everything and they're Gods gift to earth. but my best friend is a female gemini and she's awesome so they must be totally different.
Posted by MissFisk
For me, it just doesn't last in the long run.

^^^yup, same here. Maybe as a friendship it can work, but romantically nope, at least not for me.
Everything was great at the beggining but eventually things started cooling off.
Pisces and gemini are just VERY different, the first one is driven by emotion and the other one is driven by logic, and honestly is hard to fulfill and meet each others needs in this astrological pairing.
For me the relationship with the gemini guy was a disaster. My advice is RUN, as fast as you can! haha just kidding
Posted by MissFisk
Good luck. That's all I'm gonna say.

Posted by DonumDei
Posted by MissFisk
If you have a lot of air in your chart, the relationship can be fun..

Air dominant here &... ugh, yeah.... no go for me either... to put it politely.
Friendships indeed might be different but I personally never venture to explore the possibility based on some fundamental moral/ethical difference.
Disclaimer: No Gemini bashing, just personal experience. :/
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it must be the newer generation too. It's getting worse for air sun people because they're so damn flighty (especially air sun with dominant air -- jesus christ!! so flighty and it will grate on the nerves for those who want/desire stability)
but my husband's grandmother (pisces) was married to a gemini man and was happily married to him till old age. Granted...this is another generation. (Pluto Cancer) Guess that Peter pan syndrome is just too horrible.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by DonumDei
Posted by MissFisk
If you have a lot of air in your chart, the relationship can be fun..

Air dominant here &... ugh, yeah.... no go for me either... to put it politely.
Friendships indeed might be different but I personally never venture to explore the possibility based on some fundamental moral/ethical difference.
Disclaimer: No Gemini bashing, just personal experience. :/

it must be the newer generation too. It's getting worse for air sun people because they're so damn flighty (especially air sun with dominant air -- jesus christ!! so flighty and it will grate on the nerves for those who want/desire stability)
but my husband's grandmother (pisces) was married to a gemini man and was happily married to him till old age. Granted...this is another generation. (Pluto Cancer) Guess that Peter pan syndrome is just too horrible.
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The instability and insecurity of today's "Millennial" generation is something out of a doomsday book.
I swear, collectively speaking, these people have the maturity and focus of a goldfish.
Mom and dad waaassssssss one but their marriage ended terribly. Her(Feb28)him(May27)he always beat and cheated on her not just her me. Dude still is a nutcase. I hope he suffers >Sad

I've been dating a Gemini since November last year.
We were supposed to meet for the weekend, as usual. I told him I can't see him, because I have a deadline coming up on Monday and still have plenty of work to do! He was a bit gloomy. Hopefully he's out now, amusing himself.
And what am I doing? Hanging on dxpnet!!!!! I have yet to get home. My home.
Do Pisces and Gemini romantic relationships work?
I have no idea.

Well I know it's not the case , I Have a Pisces Bf and I'm a Gemini Male .
So far I Think the relationship between those both zodiac needs a lot of patience because Pisces will get too much clingy and will try to test the Gems with some emotional Games like testing their jealousy which will boom your Gem away , it's not that we don't get jealous but we will show it whenever we feel it and whenever we feel played , I'm sure Pisces will fall front of Gemini's Mind games .
Gems can be totally fun , witty , talkative which is quite the opposite to pisces : They are pretty calm , Like to be isolated , they delay discussing issues and debates which can be the ultimate '' fu** off for Gemini's cuz they like it like now or never Winking
I don't know maybe Gem women are quite different from Gem men but we mostly share the same traits .
Just be patient and never try to be so clingy or get so offended by Ur Gem short attention Winking
Posted by Undine
I've been dating a Gemini since November last year.
We were supposed to meet for the weekend, as usual. I told him I can't see him, because I have a deadline coming up on Monday and still have plenty of work to do! He was a bit gloomy. Hopefully he's out now, amusing himself.
And what am I doing? Hanging on dxpnet!!!!! I have yet to get home. My home.
Do Pisces and Gemini romantic relationships work?
I have no idea.

Posted by ScorpioFish
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by DonumDei
Posted by MissFisk
If you have a lot of air in your chart, the relationship can be fun..

Air dominant here &... ugh, yeah.... no go for me either... to put it politely.
Friendships indeed might be different but I personally never venture to explore the possibility based on some fundamental moral/ethical difference.
Disclaimer: No Gemini bashing, just personal experience. :/

it must be the newer generation too. It's getting worse for air sun people because they're so damn flighty (especially air sun with dominant air -- jesus christ!! so flighty and it will grate on the nerves for those who want/desire stability)
but my husband's grandmother (pisces) was married to a gemini man and was happily married to him till old age. Granted...this is another generation. (Pluto Cancer) Guess that Peter pan syndrome is just too horrible.

The instability and insecurity of today's "Millennial" generation is something out of a doomsday book.
I swear, collectively speaking, these people have the maturity and focus of a goldfish.
click to expand

It is your duty, ex military man to keep them in line TongueLaughing
I'm a Cancer not a Pisces but was with a Gemini man for 9 years. It wasn't a great relationship but not because of him being a Gemini. He's bipolar and other things that were difficult to deal with. He also had his moon in Cancer and I had Venus in Gemini in my 1st house and my sun's in the 3rd house, the natural ruler of gemini. So aspects in the chart have alot to do here. I kind of think Pisces/Gemini can work better because you're both mutable energy and both quite independent. People talk about Pisces being clingy but my ex who was a Pisces surely wasn't. He liked closeness but we both needed our space and took it. So I think this combo can work but I believe any combo can work with shared love and values. It's all about balancing the energy. Sometimes opposites attract and can stay together. My parents are a perfect example of that. We only think relationships are easier when we have compatible suns. At least when you don't have compatible suns, it emphasizes a deeper truth: relationships are work and can be tricky.
If you feel the absolute need to date someone for it to come to an end, then by all means go ahead. Maybe you're be the exception...
My bff is married to a Pisces man and she was previously married to a Libra, she has never been as happy as she is now. They are expecting their first child together in a few weeks. smile
I also get along with Pisces men and women. I have dated a few Pisces, the ones I dated were NOT clingy, they were fun, funny, creative, and romantic. I think it depends if it's a young Gem/Pisces vs evolved Gem/Pisces.
Posted by camim20
Posted by MissFisk
For me, it just doesn't last in the long run.

^^^yup, same here. Maybe as a friendship it can work, but romantically nope, at least not for me.
Everything was great at the beggining but eventually things started cooling off.
Pisces and gemini are just VERY different, the first one is driven by emotion and the other one is driven by logic, and honestly is hard to fulfill and meet each others needs in this astrological pairing.
For me the relationship with the gemini guy was a disaster. My advice is RUN, as fast as you can! haha just kidding
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I agree with the quick depth of this answer, I dated two Gemini's the first one was fine and we are still on speaking terms after our split, we were young and mostly friendly puppy lovey with each other, but didn't really see a strong romantic passion with each other, just good talk and fun.
The other one... he is the reason I will never date a Gemini again. He was inconsistent, unstable, constantly canceled plans lied to cover up lies, even after I told him I knew he was lying, continued to bold face lie, and this was only in the month duration we dated only to find out he had a girlfriend who was tracking him from his cellphone. Explained the constant lying, ewww. Not a fan of unknowingly being the "other woman" I cut him loose soon as I found that out but the trauma it all caused me was so great I fell into a depression and lost 20lbs,
My advice, is unless you know yourself and what you could be in for despite the "fun" you could have which is all gem's are worth to us, RUN far far away. I have a lot of air and fire in my chart as well and that still didn't help.
Ironically, I noticed that many Pisces have a Gemini somewhere in there dating past. This pairing happens often, which means many Pisces's can tell you a Gemini story. I think the that because we are both mutables we have surface common points, but once you get past the how do you do's and get to know em on a personal level, both sides are often disappointed and dissatisfied.
I had a very nice, very loving three-year relationship with a Gemini man (we were young at the time - and just as a side-note, I've often heard of pisces women having their first relationship with gemini - a kind of ill-fated experiment!). But i did chafe at his insensitivity at times, and it would build up into a huge, silent rage inside me... After it was all over, he told a friend of mine that he thougbt I was 'crazy' (I'm not crazy!), which struck me as very sad, because I think it illustrates the head/heart chasm which can spring up between a fish and a twins! Having said that, I expect the moon and Venus/Mars placements are crucial.
i love seeing these two trying to get along and then ending in disaster... both are bipolar and all they do is p!ss each off.
However they intrigue each other to want to get know one another but it usually doesn't end pretty.
found this blog which shows a pisces woman talking about her Gemini experience
Posted by MissFisk
If you have a jealous streak, Gemini men will (unknowingly) test you. For the most part they don't do it on purpose. They are just naturally flirty and, at times, overly friendly with other women. If you have a lot of air in your chart, the relationship can be fun. For me, it just doesn't last in the long run.

You said that gemini men tend to be flirty with everyone (unknowingly). Does that happen to Gemini girls as well?
my Gemini father also comes off very gay. not just my Gemini dad my cousin too.
But Bruce Willis wife seems ok oh and rob lowe.
drew Barrymore nope not her ex husband lol
Posted by GeminiPixi
Well I know it's not the case , I Have a Pisces Bf and I'm a Gemini Male .
So far I Think the relationship between those both zodiac needs a lot of patience because Pisces will get too much clingy and will try to test the Gems with some emotional Games like testing their jealousy which will boom your Gem away , it's not that we don't get jealous but we will show it whenever we feel it and whenever we feel played , I'm sure Pisces will fall front of Gemini's Mind games .
Gems can be totally fun , witty , talkative which is quite the opposite to pisces : They are pretty calm , Like to be isolated , they delay discussing issues and debates which can be the ultimate '' fu** off for Gemini's cuz they like it like now or never Winking
I don't know maybe Gem women are quite different from Gem men but we mostly share the same traits .
Just be patient and never try to be so clingy or get so offended by Ur Gem short attention Winking

Yes I agree with some parts but Pisces are sensitive not clingy and Pisces don't like mind games witch Gemini are good at. I know lots of Geminis can't be trusted during relationships they all cheated on their partners for-real my father is one he had some real issues.
Posted by icepisces
I've often heard of pisces women having their first relationship with gemini - a kind of ill-fated experiment!).

Haha, my first relationship was indeed, with a Gemini....my beloved grandma, who raised me till I was 5. She even had a Gemini stellium....and was simply amazing. I could not be more grateful for having had her into my life.
Also my latest relationship is with a Gemini. I love the way he talks.....his intelligence, dry humour, passion for his favourite subjects. My Gem has a Cancer Mercury, and it shows when he whispers to me, pretending to be weak, or when he impersonates his little Cancer son or even his lost royal python pet...I laugh till I get tears into my eyes.
That is not true that Pisces are clingy, weak and boring. They excel in one-to-one conversation, could debate till the cows come home and enjoy mind and competitive games. We met on a dating site which apparently matches personalities. I impressed him from the start, by finding out his name and plenty of info about him, based only on his photo and the information he gave me (that he was an Oxford graduate). Clue: he was running a marathon in the photo. Then Linkedin helped a lot, despite his common name.... In return, he found out who I was based on my first name, my town and my job. He had it easier, though.
We are still pleased with each other, six months down the line....
I don't know if it's me but I tend to notice that of all the signs, Pisces especially women seem to have a lot of air in their charts. That could be the reason why most of them have atleast dated air signs

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