Piscse and Leo can they survive

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Guest on Friday, March 16, 2001 and has 13 replies.
me and him met online and we call each other almost every day and we also laugh , but sometimes he can be so cold and i hate him when he dose this to me but any ways give me ur opinions on this combination..... pisces woman dating leo man
i am pisces and i do not know how can you stand leo... my brother is leo and we also hehe sometimes(i meant getting alone great) but the thing about leo is that he likes to be treated as a king otherwise he could lose his interest in you. Pisces do not like leo's attitude to otheres. If "they" can survive? shure ...why not, they are good actors
I'm a true Picses and my husband of 10 yrs is a Leo.He's the typical Leo,self obsorbed,selfish at times,loves to be the center,and also has the certain"quality" of aloofness(at times on the verge of coldness)But he's also a very devoted husband and father.The passion that Pisces would share with another sign,say,Scorpio,is almost absent but there is a type of "fire" that does light up when this Picses and that Leo connect.Leo may not be our perfect match but I think by no means is it an impossible,dull match.Set him up on the pedal-stool(he believes he deserve it...lol)and in time he'll learn to devote the affection and attention we want(hey,it's only fair play,right...lol )
To sum it up.... when our relationship is bad,it's bad... but, when it's good,it's very,very good smile
Hope the best for you and your Leo...Good Luck smile
yes pisces and leo can survive my girl and i have been together for over ten years its been hard . but i refuse to let her go i love her very much. compromise is the word. let them know whats exceptable and whats not.
Hey i think Piscse and leos can survive im a leo and my boyfriend is Piscses we have been together quite a long time and never ever once have we have a fight ever so i dont know where you people can get off say that they wont survive cuz they can and we have proven it :0)
No, they can't.
Leos are too insensitive for Pices, i went out with one for a year, they are really insecure and need to be centre of attention, but when he was with me i got all the attention and he couldn't stand it, so he cheated and lied to me. they are not compatable for pices, forget about it and move on.
I'm a Pisces female dating a Leo male (after a 19 year marriage has ended). My Leo male is strong, attentive, funny and full of energy. He is a welcome change for me. We are both older though (I'm 45 and he's 53) so we may have some experience in compromising. We've both been married. We are doing much more than "surviving". So far, so good. Leos can be cold and Pisces can be emotionally fragile, but I think Leo's inner strength goes a long way to support Pisces at these times. It's all about the couples compassion for one another. And when we are alone - it's steamy HOT. Time will tell - best of luck to you. Remember these signs are so general - you may each have many nuances to your specific signs that complement each other. Take this stuff with a grain of salt. M.
No Way! Leos are self absorbed, insensitive, indifferent and dismissive!
They also like big oublic displays of affection which at times can verge on 'mauling', and they only seem to be doing it to satisfy their craving for attention. They are childish and can be mean if they feel they are not getting enough attention. They are shallow, and very vain, and they don't 'do' meaningful conversations. They wouldn't know the word intelligent if it kumped up and bit them on the ass!!
And oh yeah....they are very very very patronising, which is the most irritating and condescending thing in the world!
pisces fem
no!leos are tooooo self aborbed!
Well, Well, Well, Finally a question I can relate to in every way! No it does not work only if you are willing to give up many Piscean Values dear to us.
I met a Leo woman in March of 2000, since then I have a newborn child, I am a responsible father by the way. I lost my great jobv because of excessive partying and leisure. Let's just say this relationship has not been a walk in the park and now that there is a tie between us the only way I can get away from her is by keeping out of sight much like an Italian proverb that was stated in the past which states "The best Armor is to keep out of range"
She became Pregnant the first year we used contraceptives the majority of the time, however she lured me to stop on behalf of her pleasure one drunken night. I have since tried to work things out with her and she just loves to argue all the time and is very Jealous , possesive and darn right malicious at times. I was trying to break up with her shortly after our 1st or 2nd time having sex. However, I do not know if GOD just had to teach me a lesson or what. I love my Son and will continue to be a good father, however she has got to go!!! As a matter of fact I broke up with her today!!!Here is some additional information on this relationship I found on the Internet.
A major difference between you is that Pisces lacks Leo's natural egocentricity, personal pride and ambition, and the need to feel important and special. Pisces will not compete with Leo and is perfectly comfortable not being the one in the limelight. In fact, Pisces has a passive streak and tends to recede into the background, avoiding intensely competitive situations where decisiveness and aggressiveness are required. Personal recognition is not that important to Pisces. Leo, on the other hand, loves to be noticed and appreciated, to be the centre of attention, and tends to have an inflated sense of self-importance.
Pisces is gentle, receptive, compassionate, and very sensitive to the emotional tone in any relationship. Pisces is attuned to the subtle signals, unspoken feelings and needs of a partner, while Leo is a big vague when it comes to such things. If you want or need something from Leo, you must clearly say so.
Pisces's changeability, fluidity, elusiveness, sensitivity and awareness of subtlety fascinates or frustrates Leo, who is a much more straightforward, uncomplicated creature.
Also, Leo can easily dominate or trample over Pisces's feelings, and this can be the source of considerable unhappiness.
Leo's basic emotional tone is vibrant, sunny and warm, while Pisces's is dreamy and moody. Leo has an underlying narcissistic streak and cannot bear to be ignored, unappreciated, or considered mediocre. Often Leo will exaggerate feelings, becoming loud, boisterous, and melodramatic in order to get attention. There is a strong domineering or controlling aspect to Leo's character as well, which makes Leo something of a household tyrant at times. Pisces, on the other hand, is very receptive and gentle, not aggressive, not a fighter. Because Pisces is also sympathetic and so readily identifies with other people's feelings, Pisces is inclined to give up personal desires and rights in order to make the other person happy. Thus a pattern may develop between you where Leo is running the show and Pisces constantly obliges or acquiesces to Leo's wishes. Compared to Leo, Pisces may be something of a door mat (especially if other astrological factors do not indicate a strong will or strong sense of self).
Also, Pisces is rather chameleon-like, emotionally speaking, and is strongly influenced by the emotional atmosphere and inner feelings of others in the environment, so when Leo is up, the warmth and optimism raises Pisces's mood considerably. But if Leo is feeling negative, this is very debilitating to Pisces.
There is an obsessive quality to the desire you feel for one another and the emotional i
School of thought 3 on LEO and Pisces relationship. This reading is alot more positive than anything I have read on this relationship so far just FYI, for anyone involved in this type of relationship.

Leo with Pisces

Fire ? Fixed ? Positive
Water? Mutable ? Negative

Ruled by the Sun
Ruled Neptune

Symbol: Lion & Shy Pussycat
Symbol: The Fish

Day Forces ? Masculine
Night Forces ? Feminine

Leos are normally generous to the defeated and benevolent who lack cruel or malicious intent and Pisceans secretly prefer to be dominated, as long as it's done with affection, which it nearly always is with Leo. When someone else tells you what to do, it leaves Pisces lots of time for Neptune daydreams and less time for obligatory decisions of responsibility. The Lion will usually rule the Fish. Appreciation and admiration never fail to enhance the sunny nature of Leo, and no one appreciates or admires more charmingly than Pisces. Conversely, Leo's warm ways never fail to bring life to the Neptune personality of Pisces which needs to be tenderly cared for, and no one can be more warmly protective and affectionate than Leo. This is not an infrequent combination, since Pisces can bring much tenderness and insight into Leo's life ? while Leo can bring a great measure of emotional and other security into the Piscean's life. Still these two are not compatible by nature, and must work at harmony. Leo feels at home in a hot, dry, jungle habitat ? Pisces, in cool, shaded waters, There are considerable basic differences, and one of them must give up familiarity of environment, symbolically, to remain together. The 6-8 Sun Sign Pattern of Leo-Pisces has the potential of becoming a satisfactory relationship. The Piscean has an inner spiritual nature and Leo has an outward noble personality. Leo is the zodiacal sixth house of service to Pisces, which explains the unusual urge in Leo to willingly serve Pisces in some way, Most Pisceans have a tough time deciding what exactly it is they want to do or be. They listen willingly to almost everyone's advice, follow it only for a short while ? or do nothing. Right there is where trouble may start. Leo must be obeyed or be miserable. Since Pisces can't bear to see anyone miserable, and Leo cannot bear to see anyone wandering around without a goal, the impasse could end up with a sulking Leo and a weeping Piscean. A Piscean, in any sort of daily contact with a Leo, should always keep in mind that sincere appreciation (flattery) will soothe the savage beast more quickly than pouting, tears, or silence. Leo should not forget that gentleness is the most reliable way to deal with the sensitive Piscean. Leo will demand (or at least expect) control over money, being a natural organizer. But Leo is also extravagant. Pisces is often surprisingly good at handling the intricacies of finance, but the Fish doesn't really have any basic respect for money. So it might be better if they took turns handling the income and the outgo. The Neptunian attitude toward most everything is intuitive rather than, rational. This will invariably frustrate the Sun-ruled Leo, to whom rationality is the only sensible foundation for all opinion and action. Leo likes a place for everything, and everything in its place. Pisces believes that a lifetime spent neatly organizing every item and every hour into a rigid system is a lifetime wasted. The Fish always feels more relaxed when the surroundings are comfortably chaotic and somewhat disordered, not too neat. It's seldom that a Piscean will fight confrontation with real aggression. Escape will inevitably be the end solution, the final action for Pisces. Neptune, among other things, rules gas, impossible to confine when it seeks release. Leos who wish to live harmoniously and peacefully with Pisces must help them find a way to blend the Neptune duality, tenderly console them, apply soot