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Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
September 7 ushered in the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. Has anyone felt any significant changes in the body or persona? Aside from the fact that my libido has skyrocketed, I feel strangely at peace. Many of us Pisces have experienced many troubles lately, but suddenly I feel as if everything will work to my advantage.
Has anyone else notices any significant changes?
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Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
Sorry to hear it M ldy. I too had to make a necessary break away from someone I care about. I, like you, wasn't getting the sense of respect I deserved, so i realized it's all just a reflection of how I am feeling about myself. Be good to yourself first, and then you WILL find people around change towards you. I have to reinforce positive thoughts daily and trust things will get better the more I work to make it better.
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Oct 25, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 154 · Topics: 27
i feel a lot more positive and happy since the lunar eclipse i was was feeling a bit sad before but now i feel a lot better.
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Jun 26, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 189 · Topics: 13
yes! the morning after the eclipse, I had a brainwave and have felt so much more confident and at peace since. LIke I feel complete. I am a creative person and had been suffering from a creative block, but that has shifted and i feel like a new woman - with a goal and structure to my life. So weird. I was REALLY depressed before the eclipse, like I couldn't see any way out of that. I have also changed my routine and pretty much cut out any drugs and alcohol, which don't help. It's healthy eating and regular exercise from now on! I realised I need routine in my life, otherwise I spiral outta control.
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Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
Listen sister fish, don't lose heart! You may just be in a different cycle. From what you've posted in the past you live an active life - kids, triatholon training, law school, orchids etc. All those things need loads of care and attention. You may need to just rest your body and Spirit for a time. For me and Piscesdreamer, we're both making positive life style changes. I am day 3 on a fast and doing ok. Drinking lots of green tea which is a good appetite suppressent. It ain't easy but necessary.
We're still here to listen so vent away.
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Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
Were you hoping for a commitment? Marriage?