Random thoughts about toughness vs. vulnerability

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Parkourler on Sunday, January 21, 2018 and has 3 replies.


I came across Daniel Cormier. He is a pisces, very emotional and vulnerable yet a straight up killer

and a hardass. I always had this prejudice that UFC fighters are hardasses, never emotional etc.

that might not be a contradiction. Besided that Toughness and vulnerability can vary from Context to Context. Daniel can take a lof of beating in the ring yet is so emotional and vulnerable. I guess he

he shows me that I have prejudices and that the human psyche is more complex than I think.

and my macho world views might be pretty simple minded.

Anyway thats enough rambling for today.

Part of the macho culture is confusing vulnerability as a weakness, when it's quite the opposite. Being openly vulnerable takes real strength, it's so easy to be closed up. And really, recognizing our weaknesses is the first step to turning them into strengths.