Repairing friendship with Pisces girl (Cap guy)

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by titaniumode on Friday, March 20, 2015 and has 11 replies.
Posted by PVandJellay
Honesty is a good first step. Tell her what you wrote. Tell her that you care about her and you didn't mean to ice her out, you just needed time to process how you felt about the situation.


And don't fuck it up.
So much air and earth. Yeesh.
Posted by titaniumode
I won't go into detail about how much I'm into her, but just know that I am. I'm a Capricorn I went out on a "date" with her, technically 2. Due to some bad advice and poor judgment, I came across as needy and ended up scaring her off. She had a HUGE crush on me, I believe something is still there but I don't know for how long... I basically stopped talking to her after she friend zoned me because I'm a Capricorn and I don't deal with things I've never dealt with before in a healthy way lol. She probably thinks I don't like her or that I have a huge stick up my butt and probably resents me for just dropping her cold. I still like her and I want to repair the damage I have caused even if it means just being friends. Any advice??

Asc Scorpio

awwww, It can be repaired. You just have to manage to go back to where you both started to create that spark.
I am not sure how intense the needyness was that she friend zoned you. But I believe if you give it time and make her curious about you again, it can work.
If I was her and you gave me a little space, Id be curious about you again. smile
make sure not to be forceful because that would possibly make her run away.

Posted by titaniumode
... bad advice and poor judgment ...
... I'm a Capricorn and I don't deal with things I've never dealt with before in a healthy way ...

I'm sure every man who punches his wife in the face, says, he's sorry, and wants to still be together.
How you react to obstacles in your life isn't going to change just because you want down her pants some more.
You've already got an excuse ready: "I'm a Capricorn and blah blah blah"
Sparks don't dwindle quickly, so surely she still likes you .... but, you have reacted/responded to her in a way she won't tolerate, nor should she, if she feels it was wrong.
But, that's not going to change you. Only you are going to change you. And certainly, she realizes that you are going to react the same exact fucking way the next time something comes up that you haven't dealt with before.
If you're an asshole in how you treat her ... then she's not going to entertain you for a second, nor should she.
Posted by titaniumode
how much I'm into her
I came across as needy and ended up scaring her off
she friend zoned me
just dropping her cold.

This translate to: you want her sexually really bad, and you tried to force her into sex, this is why she got scared of you, and then immediately friendzoned you ... so you just dropped her cold for it.
It's right there inbetween the lines .. I have no idea why people are telling you to keep trying to hurt her, and that you have a chance to if you play your cards right.
How disgusting
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by titaniumode
how much I'm into her
I came across as needy and ended up scaring her off
she friend zoned me
just dropping her cold.

It's right there inbetween the lines .. I have no idea why people are telling you to keep trying to hurt her, and that you have a chance to if you play your cards right.
How disgusting
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I have no need to defend myself but I really do not like in this world is when people judge others based nothing but THEIR opinions. You don't know me, you have not the slightest clue of who I am besides that I'm a Capricorn. Bravo you can read me based on an experience I had which I compressed to fit a few paragraphs. Fyi if it were purely sexual I wouldn't go through all this trouble bud
Posted by aka88
Posted by titaniumode
I won't go into detail about how much I'm into her, but just know that I am. I'm a Capricorn I went out on a "date" with her, technically 2. Due to some bad advice and poor judgment, I came across as needy and ended up scaring her off. She had a HUGE crush on me, I believe something is still there but I don't know for how long... I basically stopped talking to her after she friend zoned me because I'm a Capricorn and I don't deal with things I've never dealt with before in a healthy way lol. She probably thinks I don't like her or that I have a huge stick up my butt and probably resents me for just dropping her cold. I still like her and I want to repair the damage I have caused even if it means just being friends. Any advice??

Asc Scorpio

awwww, It can be repaired. You just have to manage to go back to where you both started to create that spark.
I am not sure how intense the needyness was that she friend zoned you. But I believe if you give it time and make her curious about you again, it can work.
If I was her and you gave me a little space, Id be curious about you again. smile
make sure not to be forceful because that would possibly make her run away.

click to expand

honestly at this point I just want be ok with her. Yea my attraction for her there but I'm more interested in getting to really know her as person and if it leads to something more great, if not we'll just be really good friends.
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by titaniumode
how much I'm into her
I came across as needy and ended up scaring her off
she friend zoned me
just dropping her cold.

This translate to: you want her sexually really bad, and you tried to force her into sex, this is why she got scared of you, and then immediately friendzoned you ... so you just dropped her cold for it.
It's right there inbetween the lines .. I have no idea why people are telling you to keep trying to hurt her, and that you have a chance to if you play your cards right.
How disgusting
click to expand

Why would he stick around when she friendzoned him? that's stupid. unless he is ok in being her "gay" friend to listen to all her stuff and about the next guy she meets.
One you like a woman and she friendzones you, its best to pull back. You will look like a loser to me if you stick around to be honest. unless you want to be my friend to listen to all my bs and go shopping for make up and stuff.
I don't see where he is trying to hurt her, if he is then I am sure she won't be that stupid to let it happen, she already showed her strength which is good.

"once ^^^ you like a woman and she friendzones^^
I still want to find out this lady's pluto.
I like 100+ year old people.
I think LadyofRebirth is 112 or something like that. Hope the OP isn't talking about her.
Posted by titaniumode
I won't go into detail about how much I'm into her, but just know that I am. I'm a Capricorn I went out on a "date" with her, technically 2. Due to some bad advice and poor judgment, I came across as needy and ended up scaring her off. She had a HUGE crush on me, I believe something is still there but I don't know for how long... I basically stopped talking to her after she friend zoned me because I'm a Capricorn and I don't deal with things I've never dealt with before in a healthy way lol. She probably thinks I don't like her or that I have a huge stick up my butt and probably resents me for just dropping her cold. I still like her and I want to repair the damage I have caused even if it means just being friends. Any advice??
Her chart:
Sun Pisces
Moon libra
Merc Aquarius
Venus Cap
Mars Leo
Jup Sag
Uran Cap
Nept Cap
Pluto Gemini
Asc Scorpio

Where is the problem? You call her up and talk to her. Being put on ice and ignoring her isn't helping your case. You come across insecure by being lead by others' opinions. Just call her. She will appreciate that, be genuine.