Sag Woman Pisces Guy

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by WWRunner88 on Thursday, March 12, 2015 and has 40 replies.
I??m dating this Pisces and to my surprise I actually like him. I??m a Sag so tend to find that Pisces men are a bit too sensitive for me and that I can run them over. But this guy I met is super nice and sweet and I thoroughly enjoy spending time with him. The weird thing is that normally I??m the hesitant person, but with him I feel very comfortable. I can??t really read the guy though. I know we have fun together, we??ve had physical contact etc.. but now he is all weird like distant. I hadn??t slept with anyone since my ex so thought this was going really well when I decided to take that leap, but now he??s cold. I don??t know if that??s because I have kind of pulled back or what the deal is. I tend to feel very uncomfortable with emotions and talking about how I feel, so instead I act like nothing going on and react to how the other person is acting. I really thought that he would have told me how he felt about things or something of that nature, but nothing, so I am just sitting tight playing coy, but my feelings are kind of hurt. I won??t tell him that though because that??s not what us Sags do. Is this normal behavior for a Pisces or was the guy just a player?
Haha, I seriously have no idea what happened. I thought things were great,we spent a night with eachother woke up next to one another, he kissed me goodbye and left. I text him later that day saying how I had fun etc.. he responded but it was kinda short. I text him the next day because he was traveling said safe travels. I didn't hear from him until today asking how I was. It's totally weird. I don't know if he's feeling me out or what. I mean I'm not one to say oh I like you a whole lot blah blah not until I know exactly where I stand. I don't think I did anything wrong, I'm at a total lost!
I'm a Virgo moon, capricorn ascendent and Sag sun. I'm a pretty earthy fire sun. I'm actually pushing myself to be emotionally available and share how I feel somewhat.
Partiallyimpartial you're completely right I am very uncomfortable with the fact that he's unreadable, I prefer to know where I stand because then I come out of my shell more. Most Sagittarius are very very very sensitive but never show that side because we don't like to be vulnerable. I don't really know anyone who is a pisces and tend to gravitate towards other fire or air signs, so don't know what a pisces typical behavior is or how they relate etc... I do love the fact that he is so nice and sweet its refreshing! I guess I just don't know if he's just being nice or actually really interested in me.
It's funny I am in the same situation with a pisces female and I am a sag!!! It was all good three weeks ago now it's all different!!

So, in other words .... you expect him to give to you what you REFUSE to give to him.

Did I read in the 2nd second sentence, "tend to find that Pisces men are a bit too sensitive for me" ... and then in your hypocrisy, you get butt-hurt because YOU are too sensitive to the fact that he treats you exactly as you treat him.

What a dumbass.
P-Angel, I was not trying to be a hypocrit. I was stating what my stance is normally with Pisces, however I find myself really appreciating how sweet and nice this guy is. It's very different for me. Partiallyimpartial just some advice on Sag women, it works in your favor to be elusive. When we can't figure something out, we do nothing but think about it until we can apply logic to it or "think" we've figured it out. Also we like to be around someone who is kinda like our best friend, where there is no pressure, pressure makes us run in relationships, but at the same time we need to know that you're interested but not in an overly eager way, just a flirty witty way. we also tend to pull back if we are unsure, or we mimic the behavior of whoever we like. We don't like to come off smitten or anything but the reality is that if we are spending time with a person, going out of our way to text you or initiate plans with someone we are most likely totally smitten, but while doing all those things we don't typically physically touch the person we like, it's weird when you're just our friend we don't care, we'll slap you on the knee, grab your hand hug you etc.. but when we like someone we get kinda shy all of a sudden, at least until we are 100% sure that the interest is reciprocated. It sounds like me and this pisces are going to be on a roller-coaster of never knowing where we stand with one another :-/
Haha I didn't say I didn't like it. I'm just confused by it which makes me think about his behavior, which then results to me thinking about him and getting on an online forum to try to figure it out. It's working in his favor because I'm not bored and am intrigued by him, which only makes me what to spend more time with him, we lose interest very fast. And I didn't mean we wouldn't flirt back etc... if you really think about it who initiated the physical contact? We don't normally initiate it,but are very receptive to it, we're afraid of rejection,it's really weird. I mean I'm a Sag, three of my best friends are Sags and my sister is a Sag and we pretty much all act the same, we don't fall in love or like easily but when we do we love whole heartedly.
I've posted on this before but this guy is seriously difficult to read and understand. I took everyone's advise and kinda threw myself out there to let the guy know I thought he was great and his response totally threw me off. i text him while I was out of town visiting a friend and said that I thought he was awesome and his response was that he kinda figured that. I thought that was pretty douchey to say, especially since I don't normally express myself or make myself vulnerable to rejection. I responded with a text that read : I'm not really sure how to respond to that, I wasn't really expecting that as a response. anyhow enjoy your weekend. he text me back some lame response about how he's just been busy blah blah, me being a Sag responded with yeah, I get that you're busy, but so am I, yet I manage to make time for things I'm interested in. He didn't respond and I continued to enjoy my weekend.He then decided to text me a day later about how I'm awesome and he would love to continue to see me when I get back etc... I text him that was cool, maybe our schedules will align soon. I got back in town and he text me asking about my day I told him about this job interview I have in another city and how I was super excited etc... he responded with if I would still be living in the city we both live in, I told him yeah I would just travel a bit more (I should mention he travels a lot for work as well) So fast forward to now the guy is super weird! He rarely texts me, I make most of the contact now. I get things got awkward but I'm trying to make things seem cool, anyhow I was getting the impression the guy wasn't interested, so distanced myself then all of a sudden he decides to text me and asks about my weekend plans, I told him and just as I was about to text him how I think that we are on two different pages and think it maybe best if we just stopped talking because I feel like this is some game of cat and mouse, the guy asks me out to dinner. He is just so weird! Either you like me or ya don't! Is this normal behavior for a Pisces? I mean I'm such a straight shooter and people pretty much know where they stand with me and normally I know where I stand too, so really don't have time to play these dumb 3rd grade games, we are both in our thirties yet I seem to be the only one who acts like it. Any feedback is appreciated! Thanks smile
Yeah I feel like this is the problem with Pisces and Sag pairings...Pisces can be so wishy washy and Sag like to know where we stand with people. That's why we prefer assholes ...because at least you don't have to question how they feel about things.
I don't have advice except good luck lol
Posted by brianafay
Yeah I feel like this is the problem with Pisces and Sag pairings...Pisces can be so wishy washy and Sag like to know where we stand with people. That's why we prefer assholes ...because at least you don't have to question how they feel about things.
I don't have advice except good luck lol

not depends.
no one really likes an asshole.
this is my fave sag/pisces couple. mila Jovovich and paul anderson (he Always has her as his leading lady in his films) what a team.

Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by brianafay
Yeah I feel like this is the problem with Pisces and Sag pairings...Pisces can be so wishy washy and Sag like to know where we stand with people. That's why we prefer assholes ...because at least you don't have to question how they feel about things.
I don't have advice except good luck lol

not depends.
no one really likes an asshole.
this is my fave sag/pisces couple. mila Jovovich and paul anderson (he Always has her as his leading lady in his films) what a team.

click to expand

Not true for you. Exactly.
I was speaking for myself.
And I do like assholes actually because I don't have to guess.
Posted by brianafay
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by brianafay
Yeah I feel like this is the problem with Pisces and Sag pairings...Pisces can be so wishy washy and Sag like to know where we stand with people. That's why we prefer assholes ...because at least you don't have to question how they feel about things.
I don't have advice except good luck lol

not depends.
no one really likes an asshole.
this is my fave sag/pisces couple. mila Jovovich and paul anderson (he Always has her as his leading lady in his films) what a team.

Not true for you. Exactly.
I was speaking for myself.
And I do like assholes actually because I don't have to guess.
click to expand

well i'm not mila Jovovich but you basically just put ALL sag women in there. so i said not true, because according to her, it's not true. but if you had stated that it's not true for YOU then sure.
i do like to know where i stand with people. wishy washyness of the fish folk is not my cup of tea.
i will admit, at least with assholes you do know where you stand. non assholes, are all just trying to keep the peace and shit.
Do not waste your time..The only way to get him to chase you, you have to appear uninterested....Period.I dated Many Pisces, and once they knew how much in to them that I was, that changed the whole dynamic of things..Less calling, flirting with other women, the stand ups...But the moment I stopped caring, that is when I recaptured their full attention..For some reason, Pisces people tend to love you, once you do not want them..They always chase after the one who break their heart..So do it, and watch what happens.
Ugh I hate that stupid cat and mouse game. I should just cancel dinner with him. I think I should stick to the markers!
Posted by DMV
wishy washyness

mutable double standard at play.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by DMV
wishy washyness

mutable double standard at play.

click to expand

Lol touche
Nobody likes the taste of their own medicine I guess
Posted by Easha23000us
Do not waste your time..The only way to get him to chase you, you have to appear uninterested....Period.I dated Many Pisces, and once they knew how much in to them that I was, that changed the whole dynamic of things..Less calling, flirting with other women, the stand ups...But the moment I stopped caring, that is when I recaptured their full attention..For some reason, Pisces people tend to love you, once you do not want them..They always chase after the one who break their heart..So do it, and watch what happens.

Posted by Damnata
Posted by DMV
wishy washyness

mutable double standard at play.

click to expand

fishes have a whole other standard of wishy washymess.
Posted by WWRunner88
Ugh I hate that stupid cat and mouse game. I should just cancel dinner with him. I think I should stick to the markers!

pisces and saggis are always good in the beginning but the square becomes so apparent. i do like their humor.
It wasn't an was my opinion.
Please get it together people.
If you don't agree with my opinion just say you disagree and state your opinion or experience.
Don't come at me with this "not true" "don't generalize" bullshit.
1. The op asked for a generalization when she asked is this typical PISCES behavior
2. Opinions are not true or false...they are opinions!!
Is it like "try me" month ?
Posted by brianafay
If you don't agree with my opinion just say you disagree and state your opinion or experience.
Don't come at me with this "not true" "don't generalize" bullshit.
1. The op asked for a generalization when she asked is this typical PISCES behavior
2. Opinions are not true or false...they are opinions!!

lol i don't think you would ever date a pisces guy, bri. It doesn't seem like you would be attracted by the way you talk about it.
One of the strongest connections I've had with another human being was a Pisces...but he was my best friend...we never dated. His romantic interest in me ruined our friendship sadly.
I did briefly date someone born on the same day as him and it was a fucking disaster.
I like Pisces a lot, it's just obvious to me it's not the best pairing
Posted by brianafay
One of the strongest connections I've had with another human being was a Pisces...but he was my best friend...we never dated. His romantic interest in me ruined our friendship sadly.
I did briefly date someone born on the same day as him and it was a fucking disaster.
I like Pisces a lot, it's just obvious to me it's not the best pairing

see?this is what i mean. for YOU.
not for some women out there born around your month.
this could even happen with even your own sign. disastrous. But you get stuck in this "fixed" thinking and it's also not helping the OP. You just perpetuate more negativity about it, when there's perfectly more people out there who are happy in this pairing.
i dont have to keep looking, but even in my own personal life, i see it alot, pisces men with different signs. and they're HAPPY. very much so.
which makes me thibnk, it's your fixed moon and mars and venus?? you must be prominently fixed.
Or for the OP obviously.
It doesn't sound like she's happy in this pairing.
Posted by brianafay
Or for the OP obviously.
It doesn't sound like she's happy in this pairing.

people who post relationship woe usually are NOT happy.
She says she feels like it's a cat and mouse game with this Pisces because he can't seem to be consistent... and she's a straight shooter and likes to know where she stands with people...
So I simply say I FEEL LIKE this is where Sag and Pisces go wrong...
My opinion...echoing what she has already said...I even say "I don't have any advice. Goodluck"
And everyone jumps on my dick saying "not true" "invalid assumption"
Obviously in this case...true.
It is try Bri month. I'm convinced
Posted by brianafay
She says she feels like it's a cat and mouse game with this Pisces because he can't seem to be consistent... and she's a straight shooter and likes to know where she stands with people...
So I simply say I FEEL LIKE this is where Sag and Pisces go wrong...
My opinion...echoing what she has already said...I even say "I don't have any advice. Goodluck"
And everyone jumps on my dick saying "not true" "invalid assumption"
Obviously in this case...true.
It is try Bri month. I'm convinced

it's ok, Bri. smile

anyway, it's not a pisces or sag thing. lol a guy who does this, just isnt interested.
someone could say the same thing about a sag man you know.
Sometimes I wonder if it's my fixedness too
Like right now my head hurts because I can't make you see things my way lol
Its so obvious to me
Posted by brianafay
Sometimes I wonder if it's my fixedness too
Like right now my head hurts because I can't make you see things my way lol
Its so obvious to me

i guess it's cause i was married to pisces and he was a straight shooter.
*shrug* different experiences.
Yes they could...Damnata already covered that ha

Getting this caught up in words would be enough to send me swimming.
Often, it's hard for Pisces to find the word to describe how they feel ... and here we have Sags arguing over semantics.

That ^^^ is your answer. Though, a Sag might find us flimsy ... you are too rigid, and can't seem to bend even slightly.
That's a pass for the typical Fish.
Posted by WWRunner88
Either you like me or ya don't!
Is this normal behavior for a Pisces?
I mean I'm such a straight shooter and people pretty much know where they stand with me

1. there are gray areas, it's not just up/down, left/right. This rigid and close-minded perception you have is YOURS, not his, not anyone elses.
There is no such thing as: do or don't to Pisces. There are many angles, many feelings, many opportunities, many reasons.
Your close-mindedness is the likely reason he keeps you at arms length.
2. Yes, it's normal behavior. See #1 above. We don't like being put in a box, nor dealing with a person who is living in a box.
Our natural instincts are to poke sticks at you while you reside in your box to try and figure out how you survive with such shallowness
3. to word the third quote the way you did is insinuating that since you shoot a certain way then it's expected of another (him) to shoot the same way. There is no other reason for you to use yourself as an example.
Wake up call ... he's not you. And here we find you in the box you've put yourself in. You have ONE WAY that YOU respond, that YOU want ... and then have expectations that other people are suppose to be exactly like you.
Just because YOU shoot in a certain direction, with certain aim ... doesn't mean any other person is suppose to shoot the same way.
But, here you in the confinement of your own mind - expecting a Pisces to believe your mind is right ~ when in reality your mind isn't even aware of anything outside of your own discriminations.
Whoa Lisabethur8 I am very HAPPY thank you! I posted a general question because I was thrown for a loop and don't have any friends that are a Pisces, so had no idea if the behavior was common. For someone who is giving an other user crap for posting her opinion, you sure are assuming things yourself. The one thing I love about Sags is that we respect other people's opinion and normally don't base our decisions or beliefs on other people's opinions, we seek knowledge (which is why I asked about his behavior) and apply OUR logic and beliefs etc.. with the knowledge found to determine our answer. Thanks for your comment but please don't ASSUME someone is unhappy just because they placed a question.
WOW P-Angel you're rather direct with your close mindedness! I was asking the question regarding his behavior so I could understand it which is totally the opposite of your close minded assumption of me. Sags are logical people, we don't base most of our actions, thoughts etc.. on feelings, but that doesn't mean we don't empathize with people who do. A matter of fact we are great at doing that and understanding someones behavior once we have an idea of how they think, function, and feel, it allows us to communicate better with the person because we are able to put logic behind it. I am very self aware and yes, to me things are black and white, I communicate in a very straight forward way, but at no time does that mean I am close minded. All it means is I have trouble understanding what another person may be wanting to convey if their actions and words are not consistent or do not match, it makes me raise an eyebrow and ask myself if this person is trustworthy, or if they have a hidden agenda etc... Most people who are direct don't have a hidden agenda and are open with what their intentions may be. Sags do not go back and forth if a person can get us to actually like them. We have no problem saying that we like them. We don't jump in and out of love, we don't fall easy and our attention span is limited, so when someone comes along and we do fall and start feeling things we'd just like to know if it's reciprocated because unbeknownst to others we are extremely sensitive. If Pisces people have many angles, feelings and whatever else you stated then that's cool. I however don't have a ton of feelings to go on, so when I feel something I feel it and I go for it, there aren't options etc.. because the feeling I have is normally very strong and my heart always wins over my head when I do feel something. I am not in box closed off from the world as you implies and I'm not close minded if anything I love to learn which is why I ask questions. Sags seek knowledge, perhaps you should seek some knowledge on Sags vs. shoving your foot in your mouth!
haha he totaly dodged the bullet w/you