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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
It's quite obvious from the state of mind you were in last month (however long it's been) from the way you were talking, that you would do anything for him .. you would walk on hot coals, or swim with hungry sharks .. it was also obvious from what you said before that he didn't have to hold down a job, nor house chores, why he didn't even have to remain faithful, nor show you any loyalty .. you were willing to just be a dog for him to kick around, you were willing to do ALL the work, willing to do ALL the sacrificing of body and emotions .. and I'm sure this was quite obvious to him, also.
So, what is he doing now?
Waiting for you to do all the work again, so he doesn't have to be bothered. He'll just wait for you to yield and then you'll take complete care of him again.
Why should he say or do anything to get you, when you will do it?
That's what he's doing ..
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Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
But I don't think he wants me back though... I don't know what he wants...
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Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
But I have moved on to a certain degree, his family has told him how I've been going out with new guys and everything, he knows I'm not just waiting around for him anymore. And in the past I always would try to talk to him and communicate with him but this time I basically just listened while he talked... I'm not just pining over him anymore and I think he can see that.... but maybe he doesn't want me anymore..
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Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
You're right... he hasn't wanted me since he left me.... so what makes things different now right? Nothing's changed... he's just lonely... he doesn't care... I just got my hopes up temporarily thinking that maybe there was hope.. but there isn't..
Well, I'm A Pisces Guy. I Don't Know The Whole Deal Here, But Guessing The Reason He Left You In The First Place Was Lack Of Proper Communication. This Story Sort Of Reminds Me Of A Scorpio And I. As For Being Obessed With Him, Im Sure He Can Sense That No Matter How Hard You Try To Hide It. I'm Even Betting Below His Surface He's Got Some Obession For U. I've Found That Once These Two Signs Make A Connection It's Like Waiting For Hell To Freeze Over To Forget One-Another Or Simply Stop Thinking About Them And What Could Be. For Him To Say He's Sorry And Apologize For Everything Should'nt Be Taken Lightly Cause Pisces Are Damn Stubborn When It Comes To Those Words. I Know I Am, Have Only Said Them Once In My Life-Time And Of Course It Was To A Feamle Scoripo. "He Sat There Just Smoking HIs Cigarette" In His Head I'd Say He's Thinking Well He Knows Theres Some Feelings There In U But As U Stated You " Just Kept Your Trap Shut" Giving Him The Vibe He's Beating A Broken Brush. Sometimes I Find You Scopios Except The Guy To Read You're Mind To Much, Which We Find Fine, For The Most Part. Until We Know What U Wanna Say And U Just Won't Say Anything, Begins To Fell Like You're Pisces Is Talking To A Wall. So What Does All His Behavour Mean..I'd Say It's Obivious He's Feeling The Connection And Would Like To Try And Pursue It, But Would Settle For Friends In The Time Being. Otherwise I Hardly Bet He Woulda Even Bothered Talkin To You At All In The First Place.
U Say You've Moved On To A Certain Degree And His Family Told Him You Been Seeing Guys. Well Him Being A Pisces I Bet He's Thinkig Well That's Fine And Good For Her. Gotta Remeber Pisces Are Not Jealous People And Could Care Less How Many Guys You Got In The Works. As I'm Sure You're Thinking Maybe That's Why He's Interested In Me Now.
I Will Gurantee U He's Not Just Lonely Or looking For An Easy replacemnt, Cause Him Being A Pisece He Would Want Nothing To Do With A Meaningless Realtionship And He Would Rather Simply Be Alone Than Be With Someone He Does'nt Feel Makin His Heart Pump.
As For There Being No Hope, Him Never Wanting U Since He Left. I'd Hardly Doubt It, For He Is Surely A Hopeless Romantic And Probably Even Had Some Intense Day-Dreams, Dreams, Since U Left. The Word No Hope Doesnt Exist In The Pisces Vocabulary, There Is Always Hope. The Question Can U Change Youre Opionion Of No Hope. If Not All Will Die.
All And All Communicate, Be Self-less, Make An Effort, Could Be Worth While!
Signed Up:
Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
Well, I'm really not going out with the guys to make him jealous, I am going out with them so that I can keep my mind off of John for a little while, and while most of them are fun and interesting enough, I just can't seem to find that connection that I had with John to any degree, I consider them all good friends, but nothing more then that, they are simply friends to keep my mind off of John for the time being. I am trying to move on, and you are right, trying to be his friend is just too hard... it's hard to hear from him when he calls... it's hard when I see him when he smiles at me and I can just feel everything come rushing back to me, it was so much easier when I didn't see or hear from him at all, and now seeing him again just makes everything rush back to me in way like never before. I don't know what to do, I just need to cut out all ties possible with him. and let go completely... but I will always love him, I know that...
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Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
Love is so confusing and stupid!! I hate my ex and love him at the same time... I want to strangle him and kiss him!! Someday!! I will have him back someway somehow...and I will rip his heart from his chest and hold it my hand and crush it!! Yes, the true scorpio has finally come out in me... I truly am evil and vindictive... never thought I was this way... but I am... and he will regret everything... I am sure of that
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Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
lalala but it's such a fun feeling!!!! I love a gemini who will never love me back!!
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
"{.. I truly am evil and vindictive... never thought I was this way... but I am... and he will regret everything... I am sure of that"
SEE!...straight from the scorpions mouth....told you so.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
"lalala but it's such a fun feeling!!!! I love a gemini who will never love me back!!"
poor thing...
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Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
The Taurus guy is far too complicated for even me, I mean I never know if he's interested or not (not that gemini is any better about that though!), and the gemini is just more fun, at least I actually get to hang out and see the gemini and always have a really fun time with him and then come home and can't stop smiling because I can't stop thinking about him... sigh... but at least the gem and me are on good terms all the time.. I can always call him up and ask him for advice... even though I'm really calling just because I want to hear his voice... eww I sound so pathetic :/...
"U Say You've Moved On To A Certain Degree And His Family Told Him You Been Seeing Guys. Well Him Being A Pisces I Bet He's Thinkig Well That's Fine And Good For Her. Gotta Remeber Pisces Are Not Jealous People And Could Care Less How Many Guys You Got In The Works. As I'm Sure You're Thinking Maybe That's Why He's Interested In Me Now."
I don't understand this "Pisces are not jealous people." I have always been an intensely jealous and possessive person. I think this is normal for Cancer women. Why aren't Pisces men jealous? That seems weird to me. If they like or love you, but you're dating other people, don't they care?
Signed Up:
May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
They care, but they wont fight for such a dramatic manner, so if thats what your looking for you can just stop now.They usually sulk and accept defeat; well thats what I've seen from the men.
I dont think NOT being jealous is a bad thing at all...maybe b/c im an aqua.